
  • 网络personal mastery;self-transcendence;Transcendence
  1. 他长期在哥伦比亚商学院教授的MBA课程“创造力以及自我超越”很受欢迎,这门课程是唯一和校友会有关的商务课程。

    His celebrated MBA course ," Creativity and Personal Mastery ," which he long taught at Columbia , has become the only business school course with its own alumni association .

  2. 在该书中,彼得·圣吉提出了学习型组织的五项修炼:自我超越,改善心智模式,建立共同愿景,团体学习,系统思考。

    Five discipline were put forward in this book : Personal Mastery , Improving Mental Models , Building Shared Vision , Team Learning , System Thinking .

  3. 将首辆火星车命名为祝融号,寓意点燃我国行星际探测的火种,指引人类对浩瀚星空、宇宙未知的接续探索和自我超越。

    The naming is intended to represent the rover 's symbolic adventure into the immense universe , and urge mankind to keep pursuing self-transcendence

  4. 多舛的命运和不断追求自我超越的个性使V·伍尔夫形成了一种旷达而又睿智的世界观。

    Woolf , British female writer , her world outlook of sagaciousness and broad-mindedness is formed as a result of her capricious fate and constant pursuit of self transcendence .

  5. 他们知道我已经通过自我超越后得到了再生!

    They know I 've already got my regeneration after self-transcending !

  6. 2008精神/即是对生命自我超越的精神。

    2008 spirit is the one of self-exceeding in life .

  7. 生命体验的自我超越&审美过程论

    The Self - Transcendence of Life Experience : On the Aesthetic Process

  8. 从局外人到反抗者&默尔索在边缘情境中的自我超越

    From the stranger to the resister : Meursaul 's self-transcendence in marginal contextualizations

  9. 不断自我超越,实现共同目标。

    Constantly transcend ourselves and realize the common goal .

  10. 人自身就是实现自我超越的源泉。

    Man is his own source of transcendence .

  11. 谁是真正的宠儿&论塞丝的人格分裂与自我超越

    Who is the real Beloved ? & On Sethe 's Personality Split and Self-surpassing

  12. 其三,自我超越的可能性。

    Thirdly , the possibility to surpass oneself .

  13. 道德信仰:道德人格上的自我超越

    Moral Belief & The Self-Transcendent in Moral Personality

  14. 道德信仰的本质就是人在道德人格上的自我超越。

    The essence of moral belief is the self - transcendent in moral personality .

  15. 儒家力图解决人的本性及其自我超越等主体性问题。

    The Confucian solve the problem of subjectivity of human nature and its self-transcendence .

  16. 个体价值的实现,既需要外在的理性资源调节,又需要个体内在的自我超越。

    Its realization needs the external rational resource regulation and the internal self transcendence .

  17. 摘要信仰的本质是人类基于实践基础的一种自我超越。

    The essence of belief is a kind of Self-Transcendency based on mankind practice .

  18. 可持续发展是人类文明进步历程的又一次自我超越。

    The sustainable development is another transcendence of human self in his civilized progress .

  19. 网络文化就是技术与文化的联姻,并由此达到文化的自我超越。

    Network civilization is united of technique and civilization to achieve the self-exceeding of civilization .

  20. 也就是人类为实现自我超越而进行终极关怀的理性形式。

    It is also a rational form of ultimate care that people go beyond self .

  21. 社会个体社会化的根本途径是在实践理性中不断实现自我超越。

    The primary approach to the socialization of individuals is constant self-exceeding in rational practice .

  22. 自我超越可能会很困难,但最终它是值得的。(追梦的过程很美!!)

    Pushing yourself can be hard , but it 's worth it in the end .

  23. 休闲于自我超越中拥有&论陶渊明对宋词的思想影响

    Possessing Leisure in Self-transcendence & Tao Yuanming 's Influence on the Ideology of Song Poetry

  24. 本文的创新之处在于对自我超越的操作性实施。

    The innovation of this thesis lies in the operation implementation of " self-surmount " .

  25. 编辑的文化理想与自我超越

    Editor 's Culture Idea and Self-surmount

  26. 自我超越:走向人类学的美学

    Beyond Itself : Aesthetics towards Anthropology

  27. 本文中我提到的创新是指学生们的自我超越。

    I mentioned in this article refers to the innovative students to go beyond the self .

  28. 生命是注定要变迁的,不自我超越就下坠。

    Life is bound to change , without self-transcendence it will surely fall into lower level .

  29. 自我超越的可能途径只能是回到马克思的对象性活动。

    And the single way of the transcendence is to return to Marx 's objective action .

  30. 学习的结果:创造有效的学习、自我超越及创新的能力。

    Fourth , study result : Creates the effective study , self-surmounting and the innovation ability .