
zì wǒ ān wèi
  • self-consolation
  1. 在《西厢记》中,寻求自我安慰的失意文人创造出意淫式的爱情,淹没了女性自己的声音和形象建构,苑囿了女性自我意识的发展。

    In The Story Happened in West-wing House , for seeking self-consolation , the play writer , a disappointed literati , creates the imaginary libido satisfaction love , submerges the female 's own sounds and image , limits the progress of the female 's self-awareness .

  2. 文人的自我疗救&从《聊斋志异》情爱故事看蒲松龄的创作心理从另一角度来讲是自我安慰、自我保护,它会促进行为者对下一次事件的取胜信心。

    From other point of view , it is a self-consolation and self-protection that can strengthen confidence of behavior for the next case .

  3. 我想他是回家自我安慰去了。

    Gone off home to lick his wounds , I expect .

  4. 我看没有这种自我安慰的根据。

    I see no grounds for taking comfort in that notion .

  5. 自我安慰一下:她就像你一样。

    Take comfort in knowing that she 's just exactly like you .

  6. 后爱情&中产阶级的自我安慰

    Post - love : self - comfort of me middle - class

  7. 别让我再自我安慰了。

    Don 't let me say comforting things to myself .

  8. 尽管伊拉克领袖自我安慰,许多政治争端仍然存在。

    Despite the self-assurance of Iraqi leaders , many political issues remain .

  9. 所以我需要这样每天自我安慰的活着么?

    So do I have to live each day as I comfort myself ?

  10. 故作镇定,自我安慰。

    Pretending to be calm , self comforting .

  11. 但是意大利却连这样的自我安慰都没有。

    The Italians are without even that comfort .

  12. 像是在自我安慰,又像是逃避现实。

    Is likely is consoling oneself , is also the flight from reality likely .

  13. 这就得考虑战略战术问题,不是简单的自我安慰那么简单。

    This consideration strategy tactic question , is not simple consoles oneself that simply .

  14. 我们的战略没有任何问题,高层管理团队会这样自我安慰。

    There is nothing wrong with our strategy , senior management teams can console themselves .

  15. 这个傻孩子的母亲自我安慰地幻想着,将来这个孩子会有出息的。

    That dull child 's mother is deluding herself with dreams of his future success .

  16. 没错,你从中获得了一些愉悦,或许一些自我安慰

    Sure , you got some pleasure out of it , maybe your ego stroked ,

  17. 有时候他这样自我安慰着。

    Sometimes he consoled himself by that .

  18. 不要自我安慰,自我催眠,否则这个世界永远舍弃你!

    Do not self-comfort and self-hypnosis , or else the world will never abandon you !

  19. 有时他自我安慰说:总有一天会按我的常规付酬的。

    Some day , he consoled himself , they will be submitted at MY usual rate .

  20. 我自我安慰地说,那只是我的想象,我的自卑感而已。

    I comforted myself By saying that it was only my imagination , my inferiority complex .

  21. 所有人都倾向于做一些自我安慰的动作,但是说谎时这些动作会大大增多。

    We all tend to use self-comfort gestures but this will increase dramatically when someone is fibbing .

  22. 有一种爱叫做放手,只不外是自我安慰的借口。

    There is a love called to let go , to be but only comfort myself an excuse .

  23. 西方领导人自我安慰说,普京虽然不好,但他似乎并不疯狂。

    Western leaders comfort themselves that while Mr Putin may be bad , he does not appear to be mad .

  24. 我丝毫不同情骄傲自满的人,因为我认为他们随时可以自我安慰。

    I 've never any pity for conceited people , because I think they carry their comfort about with them .

  25. 那么,在你得到了安慰之后(人们总是会自我安慰的)你就会因为认识了我而感到高兴。

    And when your sorrow is comforted ( time soothes all sorrows ) you will be content that you have known me .

  26. 当新闻报导远方闹洪涝饥荒、违法渎职和百姓营养不良时,他们自我安慰可以偏安另一个世界。

    When news arrived of distant floods and famines , malfeasance and malnutrition , they told themselves that theirs was a world apart .

  27. 妈妈,你不知道,有多少次,你的牛奶和甜饼的自我安慰哲学帮我度过了艰难时期。

    Mom , you 'd be amazed how often your calming philosophy of milk and cookies has carried me through the hard times .

  28. 但是,这种自我安慰随着正义与发展党在今年七月大选中获得巨大胜利后而逐渐变得苍白无力。

    But the excuse of the deep state 's power is wearing thin after AK 's big victory in July 's general election .

  29. “好啦!”我们的工作终于完成了!”小家伙自我安慰地大叫。“现在,让我们一起去钓鱼吧,去游泳吧!”

    " Yahoo ! Our work is finished !" shouted Junior with relief . " Now , let 's go fishing ! Let 's go swimming !"

  30. 这样出门时,他总是自我安慰地想着,他手头有700块钱,还是能够谈成什么有利的买卖的。

    On these ventures he first consoled himself with the thought that with the seven hundred dollars he had he could still make some advantageous arrangement .