
  • 网络Voluntary principle;voluntary basis;the principle of voluntariness;voluntarism
  1. 农业保险实行自愿原则。

    The principle of voluntariness shall be practised in agricultural insurance .

  2. 调解时,应当遵循当事人双方自愿原则,并应当依据本条例的规定计算赔偿数额。

    Such mediation shall be in compliance with the principle of voluntariness of both parties concerned , and the amount of compensation shall be computed according to the provisions of these Regulations .

  3. 欧盟表示,所有27个成员国都通过了“技术测试”,可以“基于自愿原则”开始使用这项新技术。

    The EU said that all 27 Member States have passed " technical tests " and can begin using the new technology on a " voluntary basis . "

  4. 因此,在联合国、许多国家政府以及贸易团体的支持下,一种基于自愿原则的自我监管新体制F浮出了水面。

    As a result , a new regime of self-regulation guided by voluntary principles has emerged with the blessing of the UN and many governments and trade bodies .

  5. 将就诊的扁平疣,寻常疣,及跖疣三种患者按先后顺序和自愿原则分别分为A组(治疗组)和B组(对照组)。

    The treatment of verruca plana , verruca vulgaris , and three kinds of patients with plantar warts , according to the order and voluntary principles are divided into A group ( treatment group ) and B ( control group ) .

  6. 作为一种特殊的诉讼外纠纷解决机制,行政性ADR应注意贯彻以下几项基本原则:自愿原则、及时原则、程序公正原则。

    Being a special non-juridical dispute resolution mechanism , administrative ADR is subject to the following fundamental principles : voluntary application , prompt settlement and due process .

  7. 干涉主义与自由放任主义:G20国家面临一个基本哲学问题&是应该寻求具有法律约束力的新协定,还是应该继续按照自愿原则行事?

    Interventionists vs souverainistes : The G20 nations face a fundamental philosophical issue – should they be looking for legally binding new agreements or should they proceed on a voluntary basis ?

  8. 方法符合入选标准的96例颅内动脉狭窄患者根据其经济承受能力及自愿原则,分为支架成形术(SAA)组30例和内科药物治疗组66例。

    Methods According to economic status and voluntary principle , 96 patient who met selection criterion were divided into SAA group including 33 patients and medication group including 66 patients .

  9. 自愿原则是刑事和解的基础性原则。

    Principles of volunteer is fundamental rule of criminal reconciliation .

  10. 等值原则和自愿原则是交换正义的核心原则。

    Equivalence principle and voluntary principle are key norms of justice of exchange .

  11. 到目前为止,只有少数游说者依自愿原则进行了登记。

    So far , only a handful have signed up to the voluntary system .

  12. 该模式是在自愿原则下,广泛吸纳会员并签订具有法律约束力契约进行强制减排的模式。

    It absorbs members widely under voluntary principle and sign legally-restricted contract to cut emission compulsively .

  13. 我们的业务单位承诺支持符合当地的法律和条件,按照自愿原则。

    Our business units are committed to supporting the Voluntary Principles in accordance with local laws and conditions .

  14. 论合同自愿原则

    Unconstraint Principle of Contracts

  15. 发展农业互助合作运动,要坚持自愿原则。

    The principle of voluntary participation must be adhered to in promoting the mutual-aid and co-operative movement in agriculture .

  16. 在建设亚太自贸区过程中,亚太经合组织应保持非约束性和自愿原则。

    APEC should maintain its non-binding , voluntary cooperation principles in its contributions to the realization of the FTAAP .

  17. 其次,行政诉讼调解的基本原则包括:自愿原则、合法兼合理原则。

    Secondly , the basic principles of the administrative litigation mediation include : voluntary principles , lawful and reasonable principle .

  18. 人民调解委员会依照法律规定,根据自愿原则进行调解。

    The people 's conciliation committee shall conduct conciliation for the parties according to the law and on a voluntary basis .

  19. 农业保险实行自愿原则。任何组织和个人不得强制农业劳动者和农业生产经营组织参加农业保险。

    No organization or individual may force any agricultural labourer or agricultural production and operation organization to take out agricultural insurance .

  20. 因此,可以从这两种作用中引出自愿原则、公平原则、不伤害原则、权利原则和平等原则。

    So the base principles of justice include voluntary principle , fairness principle , harm principle , right principle and equal principle .

  21. 这一制度的基本原则包括:和平原则、自愿原则、参与原则、可理解原则、诚实信用原则等;

    The primary principles of such system include peace principle , voluntary principle , participation principle , understandable principle and good faith principle .

  22. 总之,从朱熹到王阳明,经历了从理性自觉原则向意志自愿原则的理论转换。

    From Zhu Xi to Wang Yangming , the Neo-Confucianism underwent a shift from the principle of rational self-consciousness to the principle of volition free-will .

  23. 我国器官移植的现状与伦理学思考但开展这一技术时务必需要遵循知情自愿原则、生命价值原则、利益和风险并存原则。

    But we must abide by principle of volunteer , principle of vital value , principle of benefit and venture in living related organ transplantation .

  24. 农村集体土地使用权流转应遵循自愿原则、有偿性原则、效率原则、公平公开公正原则、登记原则。

    Use right of rural collective land circulation should follow voluntary principle , profitable principle , efficiency princple , open and fair principle and register principle .

  25. 向企业和个人集资建设公路,必须根据需要与可能,坚持自愿原则,不得强行摊派,并符合国务院的有关规定。

    Incomes from transfer of rights for collection of toll from highways according to the provisions of this law should be used for construction of highways .

  26. 默克尔总理接受私营部门应该实施自愿原则意味着希腊经济引发金融灾难的危险性稍微减少了一点。

    Chancellor Merkel 's acceptance that any private sector contribution should be voluntary means there 's slightly less danger of that drama turning to financial tragedy .

  27. 所有捐款和捐物必须遵从自愿原则。该商人为医院募捐,他捐了一大笔钱。

    Any gift of money and / or material must be given voluntarily . The businessman subscribed a large amount to the collection for the hospital .

  28. 这当然是最简单的方法,但这种要求商业保险对带因者与不带因者一致对待的作法,只会扭曲商业保险的自愿原则。

    This , of course , is the most straight forward approach . But with such a request , commercial insurance will distort the principle of voluntarism .

  29. 儿童自愿原则、儿童为本原则以及儿童最佳利益原则是确定流浪儿童监护权的三大基本原则。

    The Will of Children Principle , the Children-Oriented Principle and the Best Interests of Children Principle are the three basic principles of the determination of the custody .

  30. 而行政诉讼协调的适用应当遵循有限协调原则、适度协调原则、合法性原则、自愿原则。

    And coordination of administrative litigation shall follow these principles : limited coordination principle , appropriate coordination principle , the principle of legality , the principle of voluntarily .