
  • 网络Homemade;home made
  1. 毕竟,自家制的东西既便宜又实惠。

    After all , homemade projects can be made cheaply and easily .

  2. 如果是吃自家制食物,你就不会那么稀里糊涂地填饱肚子。

    You 're much less likely to stuff yourself silly if you eat home-cooked food .

  3. 鸡大肠杆菌自家苗制备过程中细菌计数方法研究

    A study on bacterial counts in preparing an own vaccine against fowl Escherichia coli

  4. 事实上,在纽约市,有几十家餐馆供应自家所制的罗宋汤。

    In fact , in New York City , there are dozens of diners that serve homemade borscht .

  5. 宾克徒步上路了,他背着一个装得满满当当的背包,身上挎一把锋利的猎刀,手执一根自家削制的木棒。

    Bink set off on foot , wearing a stuffed knapsack and bearing a good hunting knife and a home-cut staff .