
  • 网络Self massage;self-massage
  1. 找出克服冲动的小窍门&深呼吸、自我按摩、吃冰葡萄、散步、锻炼或者给一个支持你的朋友打电话。

    Find strategies for getting through the urges & deep breathing , self massage , eating frozen grapes , walking around , exercising , calling a friend who will support you .

  2. 认知训练和自我按摩对老年人认知功能的影响

    The Effectiveness of Cognitive Training and Self-massage on Cognitive Functions of the Elderly

  3. 按摩踏板是一种用ABS硬质塑料制成的自我按摩工具。

    Massage footplate is a kind of ego that controls with ABS rigid plastics massages a tool .

  4. 这种自我按摩腰部都将刺激点。

    This self-massage will stimulate both lower back points .

  5. 他洗过澡后自我按摩。

    He rubbed himself down after his bath .

  6. 自我按摩:我喜欢按摩自己的双肩、脖子、头和后背。

    Self-massage : It is necessary to massage your shoulders , neck , head , lower back .

  7. 此期的自我按摩与膏摩疗法亦得到更广泛地应用和进一步地提高。

    At that time , self-massage and gamma therapy were more extensively used and raised to a high level .

  8. 适时并适度用此种方法进行自我按摩,不仅可以去病强身、强体质,还有调节情绪、脑提神的效用。

    Practicing self-massage at a regular interval and intensity by using this means can serve the effects of dispelling diseases , building up a good physique and constitution , as well as adjusting mood and refreshing oneself .

  9. 介绍自我保健按摩八法

    Introduction of Eight Methods of Hygiene and self - Massage