
  • 网络Free Market;liberty city;Freedom;Libreville;Stadt Fiume
  1. 西方领导人认为,“自由市”的建议是无法接受的。

    The Western leaders for their part found the " free city " proposal unacceptable .

  2. 施罗尔的冷淡态度可能源于他作为一名汽车测试及开发车手已经26年了,或者是由于他本身的业余爱好就是赛车。他一直在俄亥俄州东自由市的交通研究中心工作。

    Schroer 's nonchalant attitude might come from his26-year career as a test and development driver at the in East Liberty , Ohio , or his hobby of racing cars .

  3. 本文即选取但泽自由市为案例探讨魏玛政府时期领土修约主义政策形成、发展及破产的全过程。

    This thesis , taking the Free city of Danzig for example , discusses the whole process of formation , development and bankruptcy of territorial revisionism during the Weimar government period .

  4. 事实证明,这两道平行的边界围栏都起到了预想的作用,但同时它们也使得两个自由市与摩洛哥的关系更加紧张,尤其是2005年,15人因企图穿越边界围栏而丧生。

    Both have so far proven to be effective barriers , but they 've increased tensions with Morocco , especially after 15 people died in a failed attempt to cross in 2005 .

  5. 格拉斯1927年10月16日生于但泽自由市。但泽是波罗的海一个国际化港口城市,以讲德语的人居多,波兰对该市拥有一些有限的权利。

    Grass was born on October 16 1927 , in the free city of Danzig , a cosmopolitan Baltic port with a German-speaking majority and over which the Polish state had some limited rights .

  6. 尽管摩洛哥从未承认过梅利利亚和休达的主权独立,甚至还发表官方声明声称这两个自由市是属于摩洛哥的领土,但它们确实是非洲大陆上仅剩的隶属欧盟管辖的领土。

    It 's the only land in Africa fully governed by a European nation , although Morocco has never recognized the independence of these two cities and has formally stated that both belong to them .