- 网络fort sumter

Pray for a peaceable settlement with the Yankees after we 've fired on the rascals at Fort sumter ?
How could PA talk on and on about Fort Sumter and the Yankees when he knew her heart was breaking ?
Charleston next week to visit your Aunt Eulalie and , what with all the hullabaloo they are having over there about Fort Sumter , you 'll be forgetting about Ashley in a week .
Pa talks war morning , noon and night , and all the gentlemen who come to see him shout about Fort Sumter and States'Rights and Abe Lincoln till I get so bored I could scream !
It was as though when writing melanie , Ashley tried to ignore the war altogether , and sought to draw about the two of them a magic circle of timelessness , shutting out everything that had happened since Fort Sumter was the news of the day .