
  • 网络samuel;Walter Samuel
  1. 坎比亚索和萨穆埃尔由于在与尤文图斯的比赛中都领到了黄牌,他们将因累计四张黄牌而停赛一轮。因此,他们将错过本周六对利沃诺的客场之旅。

    Esteban Cambiasso and Walter samuel , who were already on cautions before the Juventus match , will miss saturday 's trip to Livorno after receiving their fourth yellow card against the bianconeri .

  2. 萨穆埃尔表示,这条鱼在水母体内控制着水母的游动方向。

    Samuel says the fish was actually controlling some of the jellyfish 's movements from within .

  3. 萨穆埃尔接受CNN采访时表示,他做了一个很艰难的决定,那就是不要干扰这对组合,让自然法则顺其自然吧。换句话说,那就是:一直游下去吧,小鲹鱼,大胆的向前游吧。

    Samuels told CNN that while it was a difficult decision , he decided to not interfere and " let nature run its course . " In other words , just keep swimming , little trevally , just keep swimming .

  4. 在第二回合,一共51612名球迷涌进了海布里来等待这充满奇迹的夜晚,来自凯利,拉福德和萨穆埃尔的进球完成了一次伟大的逆转。

    A crowd of51,612 crammed into Highbury for a night of high drama as goals from Kelly , Radford and Sammels completed a remarkable comeback .

  5. 此项研究的作者来自于麻省理工学院的萨穆埃尔博文称他们仍不能将之前灭绝事件发生的速度与人类现今的活动导致的物种灭亡速度相比较。

    Study author Samuel Bowring from M.I.T. says they can 't yet compare the speed of the previous extinction to the extinction rates caused by human activities today .

  6. 如果转会到国际米兰,意味着这名阿根廷球员下赛季可以参加冠军联赛,而蓝黑军团将用萨穆埃尔作为交换筹码。

    A move to inter would , however , allow the Argentine to play the Champions League next year and the Nerazzurri are willing to offer Samuel as a makeweight .