
zì xué zhě
  • autodidact
  1. 下面笔者根据自己近两年的实践,与英语自学者谈谈在提高听力方面的点滴体会。

    The following author acts according to oneself near two year practices , chats with English autodidact is enhancing the hearing aspect the intravenous drip experience .

  2. 也适用于水平不一的英语自学者。

    It is also suitable for English learners with various level .

  3. 本书是学生、英语教师和自学者必备的语法指南。

    This book is students , teachers and self-learners of English grammar essential guide .

  4. 外语自学者为何往往难以把学习“冲劲”保持到底?

    Why is it difficult for a self-teaching language learner to keep his zeal through to the end ?

  5. 通过刚才的这个小片啊,我们看到麻省理工学院提供给人们的是一个免费、开放的教育资源,供世界各地的机构、学生和自学者使用。

    From this program we have learned that MIT provides free and open educational resources for institutions , students , and self-learners in the world .

  6. 高等教育自学考试是对社会自学者进行以学历考试为主的高等教育国家考试。

    Self-taught higher education examination , or STE , is a national examination organized to test the self-learners and issue certificates to the qualified candidates .

  7. 通过这样的方式,全世界不同种族、国籍的教师、学生与自学者不必因为无法亲自来到麻省理工学院而丧失宝贵的学习机会。

    In this way teachers and students and self-learners from different races and nationalities do not lose the opportunity that they cannot come to MIT for studies .

  8. 自学者告诉我们,他们渴望每天经常浏览,以便查询他们领域的最新思想。

    Self learners have also told us that they are OCW eager to come to OCW often in order to keep current and the latest thinking in their field .

  9. 为适应自学者需要,在全书的最后还附有生词索引和全部练习的答案。

    There are list of new words at the end of each lesson and index of new words and key to the exercises at the end of the book .

  10. 在不同的情况下,互动课堂的教师可能扮演控制者、组织者等不同的角色,学生的角色则可能为参与者、挑战者、自学者。

    Under different circumstances , a teacher can be a controller , an organizer and plays some other roles , and students can be participants and risk-takers and independent learners .

  11. 这才是大学学习的真正意义——这将是你从被动学习转向自主学习的阶段,之后你会变成一个很好的自学者。

    That is really what learning in college is about - this will be the period where you go from teacher-taught to master-inspired , after which you must become self-learner .

  12. 这才是大学学习的真正意义&这将是你从被动学习转向自主学习的阶段,之后你会变成一个很好的自学者。

    That is really what learning in college is about – this will be the period where you go from teacher-taught to master-inspired , after which you must become self-learner .

  13. 调查工具借鉴使用了文秋芳博士(2000)关于学习者因素的调查问卷,并对参加过问卷调查的8位自学者进行了访谈,访谈的工具则借鉴使用了文秋芳博士(2002)的访谈提纲。

    LLS use was assessed through the Language Learner Factors Questionnaire modified from Dr. Wen ( 2000 ), and interviews with 8 volunteers from the 57 subjects following an interview syllabus also adapted from Dr.

  14. 女性自学者与男性自学者在功能操练策略和使用母语策略的使用上有显著性差异,但对于管理策略和形式操练策略的使用则没有显著性差异。

    The study also indicated that learners from high schools and learners from colleges has significant differences in employing management strategies , function-focused strategies and using-mother-tongue strategies , but no significant difference in employing form-focused strategies .

  15. 自美国学者普拉哈拉德与哈默尔提出核心竞争力的概念以来,日益引起了理论界与实践界的广泛关注。

    Since the American scholar draws the concepts of the Core Competencies , which are concerned in theory and practice day by day .

  16. 特别自丹麦学者比昂·隆伯格出版《可疑的环保主义者》一书以来,国际学术界对环境问题的评价形成了泾渭分明的两派。

    Especially , since Bjorn Lomborg , Denmark scholars , published The Skeptical Environmentalist , international academics on the evaluation of environmental problems have been entirely different .

  17. 这个涉及他长达475页的博士论文丑闻是在德国一家报纸报导说论文中的大段文字抄自其他学者而没有提及他们的名字后爆发的。

    The scandal involving his475-page doctoral thesis erupted after a German newspaper reported that chunks of the work were copied from other scholars without properly crediting them .

  18. 自Gardner等学者将动机研究引入二语/外语习得以来,许多学者开始了对学习动机的研究。

    Ever since Gardner and his associates ' initial work of introducing motivation into second / foreign language acquisition , many researchers have begun to investigate the learning motivation .

  19. 中国文化和西方文化更是自五四以来学者关注的焦点。

    Scholars focus attention on Chinese culture and Western culture since Wu-si activity .

  20. 自1976年荷兰学者VanEck首次报道以来,世界各地都分离到减蛋综合征病毒毒株。

    Since the first reported of Van Eck in 1976 , many virus strain of EDSV was isolated around the world .

  21. 自1999年韩国学者J.I.Park等人提出缺陷接地结构(简称DGS)以来,DGS结构已逐渐成为微波毫米波电路设计领域的一个研究热点。

    Since defected ground structure ( DGS ) was proposed by J. I. Park et al . in 1999 , there has been an increasing interest in microwave and millimeter-wave applications of DGS .

  22. 自1935年美国学者Hoppock的经典研究:JobSatisfaction以来,工作满意度调查研究得到了人们的普遍关注,并成为组织诊断和管理激励的重要指标。

    Since the classic research of " Job Satisfaction " in 1935 by the American scholar Hoppock , the job satisfaction research has been gaining much attention , and has become an important index for organization diagnosis and administrative stimulation .

  23. 自1995年美国学者提出基于性能的抗震设计(英文简称PBSD)的概念以来,这种思想已被世界各国地震工程界所接受和发展。

    Since performance-based seismic design ( PBSD ) methodology was put forward by Northern American researchers in 1995 , such methodology has been widely accepted and developed in the field of earthquake engineering .

  24. 自1970年美国学者Cline首次提出遥感可作为流行病学研究工具以来,现已被广泛应用于自然疫源性疾病、某些寄生虫病和地方病研究。

    Because remote sensing could provide plenty message for the epidemiology research , it got widely application in the research of natural focus disease , parasitic disease , and endemic disease after Cline suggested the first time that the remote sensing could be useful in epidemiology study .

  25. 自清末以来,学者对该书的评价重在思想内容和艺术成就上,而对其讽刺艺术则鲜有人论及。

    Since the late Qing Dynasty a lot of scholars have focused on its thoughts and artistic achievements , they have never mentioned the satirical arts .

  26. 科学心理学自诞生以来,学者们对其学科性质、科学类别一直存在争议,至今尚未形成共论。

    Since the birth of psychology many scholars and scientists have discussed the nature of psychology , however , there have been controversies in its disciplinary nature and scientific category .

  27. 随着这一趋势的日渐明朗,自王力以后的学者逐渐将研究重心转移至欧化的汉语本身,着重从语言学的角度分析这一现象。

    With the trend becoming increasingly clearer , experts after Wang Li gradually focus on the Europeanized language itself , that is , they tend to analyze this phenomenon from the linguistic angle .

  28. 自他们之后很多学者从不同的角度研究了薪酬差距公司业绩的影响,发现薪酬差距不仅有正向的锦标赛激励作用,还存在着降低高管团队内的合作意愿的负向行为理论作用。

    Following scholars studied the above mention impact via various angles , and discovered that the payment difference not only possessed positive tournament incentive function , but also had negative behavior theory function to reduce the cooperative willingness inside senior management teams .