
téng téng
  • steaming;dazed;soar;seething;drowsy;sleepy
腾腾 [téng téng]
  • (1) [steaming;seething]∶比喻盛、旺盛。如:热气腾腾;怒火腾腾;怨气腾腾;杀气腾腾

  • (2) [drowsy;sleepy;dazed]∶蒙胧;迷糊貌

  • 枯肠发发浇成浪,醉眼腾腾看作岚。--清. 钱谦益《谢藐姑太仆送酒》

  • (3) [soar]∶升腾

  • (4) 表示鼓声、心跳声、脚步声的象声词

腾腾[téng téng]
  1. 他进屋给我端上一大碗热腾腾的肉汤。

    He entered and served me with a big bowl of steaming broth .

  2. 我妈妈很了不起,詹姆斯在工作室里端着一杯热腾腾的奶茶说道,窗外有绵羊在吃草。

    Mum was great , Ms. James said over a steaming cup of milky tea in the atelier , as sheep grazed outside .

  3. 我们每走什么地方她都慢慢腾腾吃力地跟在后面。

    She always drags behind when we walk anywhere .

  4. 我需要在热腾腾的澡盆里好好地泡一泡。

    What I need is to soak in a hot tub .

  5. 蓝幽幽的烟使房间雾气腾腾。

    The room became cloudy with a blue haze of smoke .

  6. 你这么慢腾腾的,什么时候能做完哪?

    At this rate , when will you ever finish ?

  7. 水面上雾腾腾的。

    There 's cloud of mist over the water .

  8. 厨房里烟雾腾腾。

    The kitchen is filled with steam and smoke .

  9. 你爸爸睡着了,你们这些孩子谁也不许在楼上踢踢腾腾。

    I don 't want any of you children crashing about upstairs while your father 's asleep .

  10. 比如:“denysomething”或者“denysomebodysomething(不给某人某事物)”。(有一些贫困儿童没有吃上热腾腾的饭和饮用干净的水的机会。)

    Some children in poverty are denied warm food and clean water .

  11. 他慢腾腾地登上一个小丘,看了看周围的地形。

    He crawled up a small hummock and surveyed the prospect .

  12. 她精心选择着她将来的颜色,慢慢腾腾地妆饰着,一片片地搭配着她的花瓣,她不愿象虞美人那样一出世就满脸皱纹。

    She chose her colours with the greatest care . She adjusted her petals one by one . She did not wish to go out into the world all rumpled8 , like the field poppies .

  13. 不过,慢腾腾的网络常常崩溃,举个例子,用它上YouTube网站观看视频会让人苦不堪言。

    However , watching a YouTube video , for instance , can be painful with a slow Internet connection that crashes regularly .

  14. 等到用户回到家里,Foodini已经为你做好了热腾腾的饺子——或是任何能够挑逗用户味蕾的美食。

    By the time the user arrives home , there will be hot , fresh ravioli - or whatever else strikes a user 's fancy - waiting .

  15. 最后他们终于听到了脚步慢腾腾地向门口走来。

    At last they heard feet coming slowly towards the door .

  16. 我喜欢一边民腾腾地吃早饭,一边读报纸。

    I like to linger over breakfast and read the newspapers .

  17. 我们进了一家烟雾腾腾的低级酒吧去吃顿便宜的午餐。

    We went into a smoky dive for a cheap lunch .

  18. 罗布的做事方式非常与众不同,慢腾腾,悠哉悠哉的。

    Rob has a very different style , relaxed and slow .

  19. 孩子们慢腾腾跟在妈妈后面在商店里伤心地走着。

    The children trailed miserably around the stores with their mother .

  20. 柯比慢腾腾地装上烟斗。“罗达好吗?”

    Kirbr deliberately packed his pipe . " how is rhoda ?"

  21. 他慢慢腾腾地踱出邮政居,向右转去。

    He strolled out of the postoffice and turned to the right .

  22. 我不过就是心里乱腾腾的,烦躁得很。

    I just get all worked up , and I stew around .

  23. 你爸爸每天都把屋子弄得烟雾腾腾。

    Your dad has smoked the room up every day .

  24. 然后,才慢腾腾的添加治理这把保护伞。

    Then , belatedly , an umbrella of governance would be added .

  25. “他老是慢慢腾腾的,”老太太说了一句。

    He is always slow , remarked the old lady .

  26. 他说话慢腾腾的,有点像机器人。

    He spoke slowly and he sounded a bit like a robot .

  27. 热腾腾的鸡肉汤配上蒸米,或者印度烤饼。

    Serve hot with freshly cooked basmati rice , or naan bread.Enjoy !

  28. 我这位新朋友慢慢腾腾地离开,回家睡觉去了。

    My new friend walked off slowly to his bed .

  29. 我看见他就讨厌,这混蛋说话慢腾腾的,老是挖苦人。

    I hate him . he 's a drawling , sneering beast .

  30. 思嘉跟在他后面,慢腾腾地爬上台阶,两只脚沉重得像铅一般。

    Scarlett slowly climbed the steps after him , her feet leaden .