
  • 网络Ascendas China
  1. 巨龙腾飞&中国航空工业发展回顾

    Reviewing History of China Aviation Industry

  2. 随着中国经济的腾飞,中国石油进口大幅增加。

    With the speed development of China economy , China has increased the petroleum importation in a big scale .

  3. 随着中国国民经济的腾飞,中国已经成为全球最大的翡翠玉石消费市场。

    With the development of Chinese economy , China has been one of the biggest Jadeite consume market in the world .

  4. 经济不断腾飞的中国也正面临着从注重资源投入数量到强调资源配置效率的经济转型。

    China is also facing the problems of the economic transformation with the quick development of economy , which shows the form of transformation from emphasizing on the investment of resources to focusing on the efficiency of resource use .

  5. 这两位亿万富翁当时在北京邀请了50位中国富豪赴宴,以推动中国慈善事业的发展。尽管伴随着经济的腾飞,中国的财富迅速增长,但中国缺少西方式的慈善传统。

    The US billionaires invited 50 wealthy Chinese to dinner in Beijing to spur charity in the country , which lacks a western-style tradition of philanthropy despite the rapid rise in wealth that has come with its economic rise .

  6. 今天的钢铁行业正被经济腾飞中的中国主宰着。

    Steel today is dominated by the economic explosion that is China .

  7. 腾飞的新中国轮胎工业60年(下)

    60 years rapid development of China 's tire industry ( 2 )

  8. 全球一体化使中国经济迅猛腾飞,为中国企业创造了广泛的发展空间,并造就了一大批出色的企业和企业家;

    On the one hand , the global economy has helped the significant development of China , has presented unique opportunities to Chinese companies , and has brought about many outstanding business leaders ;

  9. 清华大学副教授腾飞指出,中国每生产一吨煤,就会产生286元人民币的环境和健康成本。

    Every ton of coal produced in China adds more than 286 yuan ( $ 46 ) in environmental damage and health costs , reported Teng Fei , an associate professor at Tsinghua University .

  10. 科学计算巨龙腾飞&一个中国人的梦

    Science Computing and Dragon Prancing & the Dream of a Chinese