
  • 网络energy conversion;Energiewende
  1. 非铂(Pt)催化材料在能源转换、能源存储以及有机合成等领域有望代替贵金属铂,近年来受到广泛关注。

    In recent years , platinum ( Pt ) - free catalytic materials have attracted considerable attentions , because they are expected to replace the noble metal ( Pt ) in the fields of energy conversion , energy storage , and organic synthesis .

  2. 能源转换与储能装置的若干关键电极材料(2)

    Some important electrode materials for energy conversion and storage devices (ⅱ)

  3. 政治家们喜欢承诺快速实现能源转换。

    Politicians are fond of promising rapid energy transitions .

  4. 化石能源转换中实现H2/CO2分离的技术&膜反应器

    Technology of h_2 / co_2 separation realized in fossil energy conversion & membrane reactor

  5. 并对燃料电池各种类型进行对比分析,得出SOFC作为一种高效、低污染的能源转换装置所具有的独特优势。

    It also makes a contrastive analysis of various kinds of fuel cell . Then , it concludes that SOFC which is an energy transformation instrument with high efficiency and low pollution has a unique advantage .

  6. 能源转换系统评价指标的研究

    Study on ECC Index of Energy Conversion System

  7. 工业锅炉是我国工业生产和集中供热的重要能源转换设备。

    Industrial boilers in Chinese industrial production and central heating important energy conversion device .

  8. 生物质潜力及其能源转换

    The potentiality and transformation technology of biomass energy

  9. 系统、高效的能源转换技术;

    Technology for energy conversion systematically and efficiently ;

  10. 生物质能源转换新技术及其应用

    New Biomass Conversion Technologies and their Applications

  11. 电能可以从煤炭、风能、水能、太阳能等各种能源转换。

    Electricity can be generated from coal , wind , hydro , solar and other energy sources .

  12. 能源转换功能;

    Function of energy conversion ;

  13. 由于其能源转换效率高,对环境无污染,作为一个典型的并且切合实际的电力系统供电解决方案已经被广泛接受。

    It is wide accepted as typical and practical solution because of its environment-friendless and high energy-convert efficiency .

  14. 而将沼气能源转换成电能则是实现能源再利用的最佳方式。

    The most optimum approach to implement energy reuse is to transform power from methane into electricity energy .

  15. 发电侧在完成能源转换的同时,也是自身消耗能源较大的行业,需求侧管理的开展对发电侧能效的提高也有积极的影响。

    So the development of power demand side management has a positive affect on increasing efficiency in power generation side .

  16. 汽轮机基础是火力发电厂的心脏,是实现能源转换的要害部位。

    Steam turbine foundation is the heart of coal-fired power plants , and is the key part of energy conversion .

  17. 发电行业在完成能源转换的同时,也是自身消耗能源较大的重点行业。

    Power generation industry is the key profession of greater energy consumption in its energy conversion at the same time .

  18. 降低炼焦煤消耗、提高化产品收率,减少了能源转换过程中的损失;

    Decreasing the loss of energy sources conversion by reducing coking coal consumption and increasing the recovery of chemical industry product ;

  19. 它是由企业内部能源转换、输送、使用等环节的效率相乘而得。

    The product of the efficiencies of internal energy conversion , energy transmission and etc has been used in this method .

  20. 能量利用效率是转换效率、传输效率和终端使用效率相乘得到的,终端使用效率的提高,可以减少整个能源转换和传输链的消耗。

    The energy utilization efficiency is obtained by the multiplication of conversion efficiency , transmission efficiency and use efficiency of terminal energy .

  21. 汽轮机是实现热能向机械能和电能转化的主要机械,是能源转换的重要装置。

    As the main machine of transforming heat into mechanical energy and electrical energy , steam turbine is an important energy conversion device .

  22. 建议以扩大资源总量、提升能源转换的加工技术水平和能源利用效率等为重点。

    Suggestions on the bioenergy research , such as increasing biomass resources , improving biomass processing techniques and energy transfer efficiency , are recommended .

  23. 锅炉是工业生产中一次能源转换为二次能源的重要动力设备,也是主要的能源消耗设备。

    The boiler is important power equipment in the industrial production of primary energy converted to secondary energy , but also the major energy consuming equipment .

  24. 逆变器作为交流电机变频调速系统中的一个重要组成部分,在能源转换与能量传递过程中起着举足轻重的作用。

    Inverter , as an important part of the adjustable speed drive system , plays a key role in the course of energy conversion and transmission .

  25. 光催化技术具有反应条件温和、无污染、低能耗等特点,因而在环境保护、能源转换、新物质合成等多个方面具有广阔的应用前景。

    Photocatalysis is an attractive approach for environmental protection , energy transformation and functional group transformation because of its advantage such as low-temperature , non-energy intensity and non-pollution .

  26. 应用热电联产方式的电站形式,整体能源转换效率更高,热能得到更充分应用。

    As for the power station applying cogeneration , the overall efficiency of energy conversion is much higher , and the heat energy can be more fully applied .

  27. 电机启动、工作状态切换可能产生震动,它会导致系统稳定性和可靠性降低,其能源转换效率也会降低。

    The motor starting and switching work mode may generate vibration , it will lead to reduce system stability and reliability , and the energy conversion efficiency will be lower .

  28. 拓展钢铁企业功能,特别是能源转换功能和废弃物处理、消纳功能是实现循环经济的有效途径。

    Extending the functions of steel plants is the effective way for realizing circular economy , especially developing the function of energy conversion and function of waste treatment and recycling .

  29. 这本书提供了一个切合时宜的检讨现况和前景不同的方案,在能源转换和存储技术,可以看出由一个小组的世界领先的专家。

    This book provides an up-to-date review of the status and prospects of different options in energy conversion and storage technologies , as seen by a panel of world leading experts .

  30. 风力发电机其实就是“风能转换器”,是把风中存在的能源转换成另一种形式的能源。所以说风力发电机是一个比较合适的名字。

    The proper name of a wind generator is actually " Wind Energy Converter " that being a device that converts the potential energy in the wind to another form of energy .