
  • 网络energy quality
  1. 在此基础上,从资源的稀缺性、能源质量的不可逆性和污染的外部不经济性三方面来对清洁生产进行经济学分析。

    On this foundation , 'based on the economy theory of ' resource is rare ' ' energy quality is not reversibility ' and ' pollution is not economy ' , go on economy analysis for cleaner production .

  2. 文章介绍了能源投资收益率(EROI指数)的概念&能源生产过程中能源产出和能源消耗的比值,引入了能源质量因子的概念,并以此为理论依据介绍了能源投资收益率的计算方法。

    In this paper , the author introduced the concept of energy return on investment ( EROI ) and method of calculating EROI by energy quality .

  3. 由于科技水平限制,对资源能源低质量开发和高质量消耗成为经济发展的制约因素;由于经济的高速发展引发了严重的环境污染。

    Because of the restriction on scientific and technological level , the low quality exploitation and high quality consume on natural resources and energy resources are the restrictive factors of economic development , The economic development at a high speed may lead to serious environmental contamination .

  4. 基于结构方程模型的中国能源行业收益质量测量研究

    Based on Structural Equation Model of Earnings Quality Evaluation Study of Chinese Energy Industry

  5. 电能作为各行各业的基本动力能源,其质量问题受到广泛的重视。

    Electric energy is a kind of basic power in the world . Power quality problems are widely attentive by customs .

  6. 本实用新型可连续电熔生产、节约原料、节约能源、产品质量均衡。

    The utility model has capability of continuous electric melting production , saved raw materials , energy conservation , and balanced product quality .

  7. 电能作为一种重要的能源,其质量的好坏不仅与人民生活息息相关,而且关系到国民经济的总体利益。

    Power is a kind of important energy , the quality of which not only relates with people ' life , but also relates to the whole interests of natinal economy .

  8. 文章主要介绍了济南钢铁公司计量和质量信息管理系统实施前的状况,从物资计量、能源计量和质量检验等方面阐述了该管理系统的功能。

    This article introduced mostly status of measure and quality information management system in Jinan Steel & Iron Corporation before implement . It described the function for management system from material measure , energy sources measure and quality checkout .

  9. 与传统热风对流干燥相比,热泵除湿应用于食品干燥有明显的优点,主要表现为节约能源、产品质量高、不受天气条件的影响等;

    Comparing to the traditional hot air-flow drying , when the function of expelling humidity of the heat pump is used in the food drying , it has obvious virtues of saving energy , high product quality , and not influence by the whether , and so on ;

  10. 如何快速准确的确定动态背光亮度,以节约更多能源并保证画面质量,是LED动态背光控制过程的核心步骤,是决定显示器性能的关键。

    How to determine the brightness of the backlight quickly and accurately is the key step of the dynamic backlight control system .

  11. 随着社会对能源和电能质量的要求越来越高,分布式电源(DistributedGeneration,DG)在配电网中的应用也越来越为广泛。

    Because of more social demand for energy and power quality , distributed generation has been more and more used in distribution network .

  12. 对HVAC系统来说,既要保持安全舒适的环境,又要节省能源,那么高质量的控制方法就很重要。

    To maintain a safe and comfortable environment without wasting energy , it is important to have good control of the HVAC systems .

  13. 能源使用与环境质量关系模型研究

    Research on the model of relation between energy use and environment quality

  14. 资源生产率视角的能源使用与环境质量关系模型研究

    Research on the Model of Relation between Energy Use and Environment Quality in the View of Resource Productivity

  15. 基于灰色关联的我国工业行业能源消费对环境质量影响的实证分析

    Positive Analysis on the Impact of Energy Consumption in Chinese Industry on the Environmental Quality Based on Grey Relevancy Theory

  16. 但甘肃省为了发展经济,不得不依赖于大量消耗能源,导致环境质量不断恶化。

    However , Gansu province has so far been heavily depending on overuse of energy , resulting in degradation of ecological environment .

  17. 由于该项目能采用当地的能源来提高生活质量,所以它于2006年在印度获的了阿什登奖。

    The program in India won an Ashden Award in two thousand six for using local sources of energy to improve quality of life .

  18. 涂层紫外光固化技术由于在能源节省、产品质量以及环保方面的优势,正在不断的迅速发展。

    The UV / EB curing technology is developing fast due to the energy saving and improved product 's properties as well as the environmental aspect .

  19. 焦炭是钢铁冶炼的主要能源,提高焦炭质量和产量对钢铁冶金具有重大的意义。

    Coke is the major source of energy in steel smelting , and improving the quality and yield of coke has great significance for steel metallurgy .

  20. 军用电力系统是火力与指挥控制系统最重要的能源,其供电质量直接影响火力与指挥控制系统的作战效能。

    Military power system plays an important role in fire control command control system , its power quality has great effects on fire control command control system .

  21. 如需二次定型,则有四种工作模式可供选择,从而更好地利用能源,提高产品质量。

    There are four types for your choices if it needs the second operation , but it makes better use of the energy to improve the products'quality .

  22. 这种工艺与塑压法相比,可节约能源,提高产品质量和利用低质原料。

    This technology can economize on energy resources , improve the quality of products , make use of low quality raw materials , compared with plastic pressing method .

  23. 本文的主要工作是基于蔗糖结晶机理模型的基础上研究蔗糖结晶过程控制的有效方法,以提高蔗糖结晶的速度、缩短煮糖时间、节约能源和提高产品质量。

    This work demonstrates the efficient method of process control based on the batch raw sugar crystalliser model to improve the crystal rate and shorten the crystal time .

  24. 介绍了干熄焦技术在节约能源、提高焦炭质量和改善环境等方面的自身经济效益和延伸效益。

    The economic benefit and extension benefit of coke dry quenching technology itself in energy - saving , improvements of coke quality , environment and so on are described .

  25. 薄板坯连铸连轧工艺应根据不同的资源、能源条件以及产品质量的要求分别选择与电炉或高炉转炉流程衔接、匹配,组成合理的生产系统。

    Depending on a variety of resources , energy supplies and product quality requirements , a rational production system should be established according to the BF-BOF or EAF route , matched rolling system .

  26. 实现工业自动化可以提高系统性能、改善劳动条件、减轻劳动强度、大幅提高生产率、节约能源、提高产品质量和经济效益。

    The realization of industrial automation can promote the system performance and the working conditions , reduce labor intensity , dramatically increase productivity , save energy , and improve the quality of products and economic benefits .

  27. 他在提高香港能源效率和空气质量方面止步不前,给公众健康造成了可怕的后果,而且导致越来越多的金融家离开香港,到新加坡去呼吸更清洁的空气。

    And he has stalled on improving energy efficiency and air quality in Hong Kong , despite the dire consequences of inaction for public health and the departure of growing numbers of expatriate financiers for the cleaner air of Singapore .

  28. 现在,很多国外和国内的钢铁企业都已经在设备和过程自动化的基础上,建设了集成化的计算机软件管理系统,对生产过程的原料、能源、成本、质量等进行综合管理。

    Now , many foreign and domestic steel companies have the equipment and process automation , based on the construction of the integrated computer software management system for the production of raw materials , energy , cost , quality , integrated management .

  29. 电力变换技术融合了电力电子学和控制理论,通过有效控制电能转换过程,改变电能形式,为利用新能源和提高供电质量奠定基础。

    Power conversion technology , which combines power electronics and control theory , can change electric power from one form to another by controlling power conversion processes , and therefore power conversion technology is the foundation of utilizing new energy sources and improving the quality of power supply .

  30. 同时,行业监管条例的变革与完善,对节能减排、清洁能源、可靠能源和高质量的服务提出更高的要求。

    Meanwhile , the reform and development of Industry regulation , put forward higher requirements for Energy saving and emission reduction , clean energy , reliable energy and high quality services .