
jiāo tiáo
  • block glue;adhesive tape;EPDM;IPG;tape
  1. 用薄膜或胶条密封进气口。

    Seal intake openings with film or adhesive tape .

  2. 对此,本文主要从欧式铝木复合门窗等压原理及防尘胶条、排水孔的应用及改进等方面进行分析与探讨。

    This paper will mainly discuss the application and improvement of equal pressure principle , dustproof adhesive tape , and drain hole of European aluminum composite wood doors and windows .

  3. 窄范围pH梯度干胶条可提高胃癌细胞蛋白质组表达谱分辩率

    The Cutting Short of pH Gradient Has Higher Resolution on Proteomic Expression Patterns in Gastric Adenocarcinoma Cells

  4. 特殊设计的防撞胶条,起到防震、冲作用。基于RFID的防冲突算法的设计与实现

    Special-designing dash-proof adhesive stripes able to have shock-proof function . Design on Anti-collision Algorithm in RFID

  5. F2型可编程控制器在全钢丝子午胎三复合挤出机胎侧胶条敷贴器中的应用

    Application of F_2 PLC in Full Steel Wire Meridian Tire Tape Pasting Equipment of Three Complex Extruder Side of Tire

  6. 基于此,可以方便地建立相对较准确的胶条有限元分析模型,与CAD相结合指导密封胶条的结构优化。

    Based on this method , the designer can easily establish relatively accurate finite elements analysis models , combined with the CAD to guide the structure optimization of sealing .

  7. 2DE中IPG胶条转移到SDS-PAGE中的技术改进

    Improvement of the Process of IPG Transfer to SDS_PAGE in 2DE

  8. 箱盖与箱体之间夹有耐油橡胶胶条,可保证防护等级达到“IP65”。

    There are oil-proof grommets between cover and body , that can reach protective class IP65 .

  9. 采用了非线性pH3-10及重叠窄范围的固相pH梯度胶条,提高了2-DE图谱的分辨率;初步选择11个差异表达蛋白点。

    The resolution of 2-DE was increased after using the nonlinear pH3-10 or overlapping narrow immobilized pH gradient strips , and 11 differentially expressed protein spots were identified after analysis using the software .

  10. 研究表明,采用TCA-丙酮提取方法、pH4-7范围胶条以及改进的IEF聚焦程序,可以得到较好的蛋白质双向电泳结果。

    The results showed that using TCA / acetone protein extraction method , pH 4-7 IPG strip and improved IEF procedure can get good results of 2-DE gels .

  11. 我们首先通过软件分析确定了293细胞全蛋白大致的分布范围,最终确定采用pH4-7的胶条进行实验。

    We confirmed the protein distribution of HEK-293 cells by software at first , and decided to use pH4-7 IPG strip in experiment .

  12. 将经蛋白裂解液提取得到的菌体总蛋白纯化,选择pH4~7的IPG胶条和合适的等电聚焦程序进行等电聚焦,可以很好的实现蛋白点的分离。

    Total cellular protein extracted by lysis buffer was purified and protein spots could be well isolated in linear pH 4 ~ 7 IPG gel strips with suitable isoelectric focusing procedure .

  13. 通过不同pH范围的IPG胶条对血浆蛋白2-DE分离效果的比较,确定以窄pH胶条(pH4-7)分离血浆蛋白组分的效果明显优于宽pH胶条(pH3-10);

    4 ) through comparing the separation effect of different IPG strips with different pH , established that the separation effect of narrow pH ( 4-7 ) IPG strips is obviously better than that of wide pH ( 3-10 ) IPG strips ;

  14. 结论非线性及重叠窄范围的固相pH梯度胶条可改善2-DE中蛋白分离的效果,初步分离的差异蛋白点为进一步鉴定大肠癌转移相关蛋白及建立大肠癌转移性细胞株的2-DE数据库奠定了基础。

    Conclusions Nonlinear pH3-10 and overlapping narrow immobilized pH gradient strips have higher separation efficiency for protein in 2-DE. The differentially expressed proteins separated will be useful for identifying metastasis-associated proteins of colorectal carcinoma and for establishing 2-DE database of the metastatic colorectal carcinoma cell lines .

  15. 一个春天的早上,Hogan给她的学生每人分发一个工具箱,里面包括一个塑料泡沫餐盘,一个气球,一个塑料搅拌吸管,一个削尖的铅笔和一个胶条。

    On a spring morning , Hogan had given each of her students a tool kit containing a plastic foam dinner plate , a balloon , a small plastic stirrer straw , a sharp pencil and masking tape .

  16. 用胶条将墙上的电子开关粘上。

    He put tape over the electric switch on the wall .

  17. 胶管(胶条)定长切断机的研制

    Development of Constant Length Cutter for Rubber Hose and Strip

  18. O型胶条常见事故与防止对策积和式的性质

    Permanent Faults and Preventing Measures for O-Type Rubber Belts Property of Permanent

  19. 通过导向槽将两根隔热胶条准确穿入铝材槽内;

    Through guide path to put two pieces insulated strip into slot .

  20. 成型胶条在客车车身密封中的应用

    Application of the Modular Rubber-strips to the Bus-body Sealing

  21. 浅谈胶条接头与模具设计

    Simply Discuss Rubber Strip Joints and Mold Design

  22. 该机是生产复合胶条式中空玻璃的专用设备。

    This is a special purpose installation manufacturing combined rubber strip type insulating glass .

  23. 所述胶条模边是实心、空心或者夹心的耐高温塑胶胶条。

    The strip mold edge is a solid , hollow or filled high-temperature plastic strip .

  24. 该胶条具有良好的粘结性、气密性,适于中空玻璃的密封。

    The tape was of fine adhesion and airtightness , suitable for use in sealing cavity-glass .

  25. 箱门中间设有观察窗、便于观察;封口为磁性胶条、启闭方便、密封良好;

    A glass observation window is provided in the middle of the door for convenient observation .

  26. 公司所供应的所有有机香蕉包装上同时贴有显示价格的胶条标签。

    All bananas from Organics Unlimited continue to be available with Price-Look Up ( PLU ) stickers .

  27. 采用德国软硬共挤胶条技术,是典型的欧式高档窗、门用型材。

    With the German hard-soft co-extrusion , the profile is the typical European top-grade profile for window and door .

  28. 双道三元乙丙胶条,利用压力平衡原理实现干式密封。

    Dry sealing is achieved by means of pressure balancing principle as it adopts double EPDM rubber sealing strip .

  29. 产品:内、外胎冷补胶片;冷补胶条;补胎工具;车轮平衡块等产品。

    Product : Tyre cold patch ; cold bar glue ; Tire repair tools ; Wheel balance weight etc. product .

  30. 所述下定型板与上定型板配合定型的模边装一条胶条模边。

    A strip mold edge is arranged on the matched mold edge of the upper molding plate and the upper molding plate .