- 熟语be sure to win

As things stand at present , he seems certain to win .
Judging by the opinion polls , he seems to be succeeding
His troops will only engage in a ground battle when all the odds are in their favour .
At the start of the last over , bowled by Chris Lewis , the Welsh county were favourites .
Gravity 's director Alfonso Cuaron is a shoo-in for Best Director .
Characterization and Features of the Language in " The Catbird Seat "
Yoga helps put your health in your hands .
He finally had the game in his hands .
It shocked the Japanese establishment , which had been certain of success .
Step 4 : The Odds Are In Your Favour
Is there one fool-proof strategy that will guarantee the victory of the team ?
French estimates were that the Viet Minh had minimal artillery support , and France was bound to win .
You can even set the time limit to three minutes ; the odds will still be in your favour .
Karl thought his team would win , but he didn 't want to crow before they were out of the woods .
One reporter wrote that Dewey was acting like a man who had already been elected and was only passing time , waiting to take office .
It 's best to avoid any question that sounds like you assume you already have the position-unless , of course , your interviewer brings it up first .
But Obama cautioned a crowd in Ohio not to take the election for granted , and to get out and work hard in the closing days of the campaign .
If you get to the end of the interview and know that you 've aced it , smile up at the interviewer and ask when you can start working .
Inspired by Chinese divination , the cards describe the world 's changing fortune and help to understand and to attain success , in order to be happy and victorious in life .
Something in the woman 's cool , cynical , upper-handish manner , as if she were already master , caused him to feel for the moment as if he could strangle her .
Rothenberg notes that many of the states where trade is contentious issue - like Ohio , Michigan and Pennsylvania - are so-called " swing states " in the presidential race , where neither party can automatically assume victory .
I 'd never felt so in command , so lucky It felt intoxicating . I didn 't dare look up to the roof . Didn 't dare take my eyes off the sky . I had to concentrate , play it smart .
In horse racing , a jockey who 's winning by a wide margin doesn 't need to whip his horse to go faster , and can win with his " hands down . " The phrase soon caught on outside the sporting world .
George bush , with $ 17 million raised and his name well known , has it in the bag , they say .