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bèi xuè guǎn
  • dorsal blood vessel
背血管[bèi xuè guǎn]
  1. 指背血管的应用解剖

    Applied anatomy of the vessels in the dorsum of the finger

  2. 介绍一种新的肩关节融合术&以胸背血管蒂肩胛骨瓣移位植骨

    A New Method of the Arthrodesis of Shoulder Joint

  3. 距骨巨大骨软骨瘤致足背血管危象1例

    A case of huge osteochondroma of talus complicated with dorsum pedis blood vessel crisis

  4. 吻合足背血管组织瓣移植的临床应用研究

    Clinical Application Research in Transplantation of Free Tissue Flap of Dorsal Vascular Anastomosis of Foot

  5. 以胸背血管分叉平面作为乳腺癌腋窝淋巴结清扫术下界的研究

    Study of taking the plane of furcation of thoracodorsal artery as lower bound of axillary lymph node dissection for breast cancer

  6. 方法在30侧成人下肢标本解剖观测第二跖骨底形态、结构和血供来源,设计以足背血管为蒂的第二跖骨底骨瓣移位修复外踝骨缺损的术式。

    Methods Thirty lower limb specimens were anatomized to observe the morphology , structure and blood supply of the second metatarsal bone .

  7. 结论:以指背血管为蒂的岛状皮瓣,血管走行恒定,血运丰富,是修复手指邻近创面的理想皮瓣。

    Conclusions : The vessels in the dorsum of the finger exist stable and the island flap pediceled with them has abundant blood supply .

  8. 后胸辅搏动器很小,与背血管无直接通道,具有一个没有肌肉的搏动膜。

    The metathoracic accessory pulsatory organ is very small and has no direct channels connecting the dorsal vessel , but there is a pulsating membrane without muscle .

  9. 与健康对照组比较,DF患者足背动脉血管内径变小,峰值流速加快,血流量减少,谱宽度增加;

    In comparison with healthy control group , DF patients had smaller inner diameter of ADP , quicker peak flow rate , lower blood flow , and wider spectral width .

  10. 腕部背侧血管蒂骨(膜)瓣的解剖学基础及临床意义

    Anatomical Study and Clinic Significance of Vascularized Bone and Periosteal Flat in Dorsal Wrist

  11. 手背示中指背筋膜血管神经蒂皮瓣的应用解剖

    Applied Anatomy of Neurovascular Fascia Pedicled Dorsal Flap of Index and Middle Fingers and Hand

  12. 4中国黄牛前脚掌部背侧血管来自腕背动脉网、掌心深内侧和外侧动脉、近穿支和远穿支;

    The metacarpal dorsal artery of the cranial feet of the chinese ox is dorsal carpal rete .

  13. 延髓背侧血管母细胞瘤的显微外科治疗(10例报告)

    Microsurgical technique in hemangioblastoma in dorsal surface of the medulla oblongata : A report on 10 cases .

  14. 方法切除腕舟骨骨折不愈合之硬化骨,以克氏针贯穿固定骨折端,用带骨间掌侧动脉背侧支血管蒂桡骨瓣翻转移植治疗腕舟骨骨折不愈合15例。

    Methods Fifteen cases were removed the unhealed wrist bone and fixed the fracture with Kirschner 's pins , and then were planted by rotating radius bone flap with antebrachii arteria dorsales interossea anterior .

  15. 解剖胸背动脉穿支血管(口径大于0.5mm)。

    The thoracodorsal artery perforators greater than 0.5 mm in diameter were dissected .

  16. 结果12例硬脊膜动静脉瘘中,MRI显示脊髓内弥漫性长T2信号影11例,脊髓斑片状强化2例,脊髓背侧异常血管影6例。

    Results Among 12 cases with SDAVF , 11 cases showed diffuse long T_2 signal , 2 cases demonstrated inhomogeneous maculate enhancement in the spinal cord and 6 cases revealed abnormal vessels in the dorsal spaces of spinal cord on MRI .

  17. 足背皮瓣的血管和神经

    The blood vessels and nerves of dorsalis pedis flap

  18. 指背神经营养血管皮瓣修复指端皮肤缺损

    Fascia island flap with dorsal digital nerves for repairing of skin defect of finger

  19. 尺神经腕背支营养血管逆行皮瓣的临床应用

    Clinical application of reverse flap of wrist dorsal branch of ulnar nerve nutriment blood vessel

  20. 目的:为腕部背侧带血管蒂骨(膜)瓣的设计提供解剖学基础。

    Objective : To provide anatomic basis for designs of vascularized bone or periosteal flaps in dorsal wrist .

  21. 胫前、后动脉、足背动脉远端血管异常者23例,占38.3%。结论糖尿病患者动脉粥样硬化发病率高,起病早,进展快,病情严重且病变较早累及肢体远端血管,特别是膝盖以下血管。

    Twenty-three patients with distal abnormal vascular of anterior tibial artery , posterior tibial artery and dorsal pedis artery , the percent was 38 % .

  22. 方法:在33侧乳胶灌注下肢标本上解剖并观测了足背外侧区血管的走行、分支、分布及吻合情况。

    Methods : The course , branch , distribution and anastomosis of the vessels in lateral dorsum of foot were observed on 33 adult cadaver specimens perfused with red emulsion .

  23. 目的探讨应用尺神经腕背支营养血管逆行皮瓣修复小指皮肤缺损的临床效果及手术操作要点。

    Objective To summarize the clinic result and surgical essence of repairing the skin defect of little finger by reverse flap of wrist dorsal branch of ulnar nerve nutriment blood vessele .

  24. 大鼠背侧丘脑微血管构筑的定量分析及衰老变化

    Quantitative study on microvascular architecture and senescent changes of dorsal thalamus in rats

  25. 远端蒂指背皮神经营养血管皮瓣修复指腹创伤缺损

    Distally based dorsal digital neurocutaneous flap for finger-pulp reconstruction

  26. 逆行足背皮神经营养血管蒂皮瓣修复前足软组织缺损

    Repair of soft tissues defect in forefoot with the retrograde dorsal neurocutaneous flap on foot

  27. 背阔肌内血管神经分布与剪裁

    Distribution of blood Vessels and Nerves in Latissimus Dorsi and the Ways of Dividing This Muscle during Operation

  28. 方法对30例侧成人下肢标本和60例侧足趾移植病例的跖背、跖底血管进行解剖,对趾底动脉进行分型。

    Methods The 30 specimen of adult lower extremities and 60 cases of dorsal or base metatarsal arteries were typed .

  29. 掌背皮神经营养血管蒂岛状皮瓣修复手指深度烧伤

    Repair of finger deep burn with the island skin flap nourished by the cutaneous nerve nutrient vessel of the dorsum of hand

  30. 目的介绍指背皮神经营养血管皮瓣修复手指末节皮肤缺损的临床效果。

    Aims : To introduce the clinical effect of the dorsal cutaneous nerve of fingers nutrient vessel skin flap repairing the paratelum of finger cutaneous deficiency .