
qián chì
  • fore wing;proala;primaries
前翅[qián chì]
  1. 浅绿色的美洲大蛾子,后翅有长尾,前翅有新月形斑点。

    Large pale-green American moth with long-tailed hind wings and a yellow crescent-shaped mark on each fore wing .

  2. 形态学研究表明,两个品系的雌成虫在体色、触角结构、前翅毛列等26个重要形态学特征上没有明显差异。

    Morphological study inferred , two strains are identical in twenty-four important morphological characteristics on body color , antenna structure , setae on fore wing , etc.

  3. 结果表明:1、意大利蜜蜂四品系成年工蜂吻长及右翅前翅面积上均存在显著差异(P<0.05),其中澳意工蜂吻最长((?)

    The results showed as follows : 1 There existed significant differences ( P0.05 ) among adult workers of 4 lines in tongue length and right forewing area .

  4. 3种蟋蟀的音锉和前翅微毛

    Files and Piluses on the Proalas of Three Species of Crickets

  5. 五种迁飞蛾类及非迁飞近似种前翅形状的数值分析

    Numerical analysis on wing-form of five migratory moths and non-migratory similar species

  6. 跳跃而行的昆虫;雄性摩擦前翅时发出唧唧声。

    Leaping insect ; male makes chirping noises by rubbing the forewings together .

  7. 前翅色深而后翅带红色斑点的蛾子。

    Moth having dull forewings and red-marked hind wings .

  8. 有膜状的前翅和后翅的昆虫。

    Insects having membranous forewings and hind wings .

  9. 该目昆虫的前翅发展成坚硬的鞘翅或壳。

    In this order the the forewings are modified to form hard elytra or cases .

  10. 各种有坚韧的前翅、膜状的后翅和善于咀嚼的嘴巴的昆虫。

    Any of various insects having leathery forewings and membranous hind wings and chewing mouthparts .

  11. 有象线一样长角的蝗虫,雄性的前翅鸣叫器官。

    Grasshoppers with long threadlike antennae and well-developed stridulating organs on the forewings of the male .

  12. 有能够吮吸的嘴、变厚的前翅和类似皮革的腹底的昆虫;通常表现为不完全的蜕变。

    Insects with sucking mouthparts and forewings thickened and leathery at the base ; usually show incomplete metamorphosis .

  13. 各种前翅长而窄、飞行能力强并能在花朵的上方盘旋取食的蛾子。

    Any of various moths with long narrow forewings capable of powerful flight and hovering over flowers to feed .

  14. 北美洲有长角的大型绿色蝗虫;雄螽的前翅上有独特的器官,摩擦时产生尖锐的声音。

    Large green long-horned grasshopper of North America ; males produce shrill sounds by rubbing together special organs on the forewings .

  15. 前翅翅脉角分析有可能成为一种更有效、准确的种群形态分析方法。

    Morphometric analysis of angles of forewing veins might be a useful tool for biodiversity studies of honeybees and other bees .

  16. 通常有一对实用翅膀(前翅)的昆虫,后翅退化为小圆块,嘴分裂适于吮吸或舔食或刺穿。

    Insects having usually a single pair of functional wings ( anterior pair ) with the posterior pair reduced to small knobbed structures and mouth parts adapted for sucking or lapping or piercing .

  17. 象黄蜂的膜翅类昆虫,其幼虫寄生在毛虫和其它昆虫的幼体内。一种昆虫,尖嘴,前翅进化为覆盖于后翅的角质膜。

    Hymenopterous insect that resembles a wasp and whose larvae are parasitic on caterpillars and other insect larvae . insect having biting mouthparts and front wings modified to form horny covers overlying the membranous rear wings .

  18. 两性前翅较短,其顶端到达后足股节膝部(雄性)或后足2/3处(雌性);

    2 ) elytra in both sexes shorter . only extending to the knee ( in male ) or to the 3 / 4 of hind femur ( in female ) . The new species differs from E.