
  • 网络luehdorfia;tiger swallowtail
  1. 本文从分类地位、生物学特性、取食和保护等几方面,对中华虎凤蝶研究进展作了综述。

    This paper summarized the research of Luehdorfia chinensis Leech , including Systematic Position , Biological Characteristics , Feeding and Protection .

  2. 为有效保护虎凤蝶,本论文对陕西秦岭地区虎凤蝶的分布、生物学和生态学特征及部分分布区的数量进行了调查。

    This paper is a research on the distribution , biology and ecology of Luehdorfia butterflies in Qinling Mountains , Shaanxi province .

  3. 论述了珍稀濒危昆虫中华虎凤蝶的饲养技术和它的寄主植物杜衡的生物学特性和栽培技术。

    This paper deals with rearing technique of the precious and threatened butterfly : Luehdorfia chinensis Leech , and biology and culture technique of its host , Asarum forbesii Maxim .

  4. 我看见一只虎斑燕尾凤蝶。

    I saw a tiger swallowtail butterfly .