
  • 网络anterior crossbite
  1. 结论分期非拔牙矫治恒牙早期前牙反牙合伴牙列拥挤,方法可行,且疗效稳定。

    Conclusions Non-extraction treatment by stages can treat successfully anterior crossbite as well as crowding in early permanent .

  2. 结论:前牙反牙合使得上颌牙齿的错位及发育异常明显增加。

    Conclusion : The possibility of ill-position and heteroplasia of teeth in maxilla increases in the patients with anterior crossbite .

  3. FrankelⅢ矫正器对替牙期骨性前牙反牙合硬软组织侧貌的影响

    Effect of Frankel ⅲ Appliance on Hard and Soft Tissue Profile with Skeletal Anterion Cross-Bite During Mixed Dentition

  4. 方法:矫治骨性前牙反牙合15例,对治疗前后临床表现及X线软组织测量进行分析,并与单纯反式TBA组进行比较。

    Methods The appliance was used on 15 growing subjects with early Angle ⅲ skeletal malocclusion , compared with the modified fixed reverse TBA in clinical character and X-ray cephalometry before and after treatment .

  5. 混合式直丝弓矫治器矫治前牙反牙合的初步应用

    Preliminary Application of Compound Straight Wire Appliance for Correcting Anterior Cross-bite

  6. 结果:固定矫治组可以通过牙槽骨改变解除前牙反牙合;

    Result : There were only dental changes in fixed appliance group .

  7. 改良前方牵引器治疗前牙反牙合的牙颌面形态变化

    Dentofacial changes of anterior crossbite after modified maxillary protraction therapy

  8. 复合矫治弓丝作用下牙颌组织的生物力学研究混合式直丝弓矫治器矫治前牙反牙合的初步应用

    The Biomechanical Research of Dental Tissue with Composite Archwire ( CoAW ); Preliminary Application of Compound Straight Wire Appliance for Correcting Anterior Cross-bite

  9. 方法20例患者均用固定矫治的方法解除前牙反牙合后再行固定义齿或种植义齿修复缺失的前牙。

    Methods 20 cases of indicative patients were included in the present study . After relief of cross bite , the lost anterior teeth were repaired with fixed or implant supported denture .

  10. 方法:采用前方牵引治疗15例8~14岁安氏Ⅲ类骨性前牙反牙合病例,通过头颅侧位片进行测量分析。

    Method : The appliance was used on 15 growing subjects with early Angle ⅲ anterior crossbite aged from 8 to 14 years treated patients through X-ray cephalometry before and after treatment .

  11. 结论早期采用2×4技术合并Ⅲ类牵引可以有效矫治替牙期前牙反牙合,改善下颌相对于上颌的矢状位置关系及凹面形。

    Conclusion Early treatment in mixed dentition with 2 × 4 appliance can not only effectively correct anterior crossbite , but also improve the sagittal position relationship of mandible to maxilla and concave profile .

  12. 替牙期重度骨性前牙反牙合患者前方牵引后,骨性变化(26%)明显小于轻中度组骨性变化(42%)。

    After the maxillary protraction treatment on severe skeletal anterior cross-bite patients in mixed dentition , the skeletal changes ( 26 % ) were obviously less than that of mild-to-moderate anterior cross-bite patients ( 42 % ) . 4 .

  13. 目的:探寻临床对前牙骨性反牙合的有效治疗方法。

    Objective : To study the treatment method of the skeletal anterior cross bite .

  14. 前牙反(牙合)对牙齿位置的影响及与牙齿形态的相关联系研究

    The Influence of Anterior Crossbite on the Positions of Teeth and the Relationship between Anterior Crossbite and Tooth Morphology

  15. 结论方丝弓矫治器根据成人前牙反(牙合)畸形特点设计合理,可以达到矫治目的。

    Conclusion Corrective appliance of edgewise arch is perfectly designed according to the characteristics of cross-bite malformation of anterior teeth in adults .

  16. 目的探讨方丝弓矫治器在成人前牙反(牙合)矫治中的应用价值。

    Objective To investigate the applied value of corrective appliance of edgewise arch in correction of cross-bite malformation of anterior teeth in adults .

  17. 乳牙期前牙反(牙合)与正常(牙合)儿童腭生长对比研究那孩子的门牙刚长出来。

    Three-dimensional Analysis of Palatal Growth in Deciduous Anterior Crossbite Malocclusion Comparing with Normal Occlusion The baby 's first front teeth are just coming through .

  18. 昌江县1186例儿童龋齿调查情况分析乳牙期前牙反(牙合)与正常(牙合)儿童腭生长对比研究

    Survey of prevalence of decayed teeth in 1186 children in Changjiang County Three-dimensional Analysis of Palatal Growth in Deciduous Anterior Crossbite Malocclusion Comparing with Normal Occlusion

  19. 方法样本分为正畸治疗组和矫形治疗组,分别为15例替牙期前牙反(牙合)患者。

    Methods The sample included orthodontic treatment and orthopedic treatment groups , which consisted of 15 patients , respectively , with Class ⅲ malocclusion due to undeveloped maxilla .

  20. 结论:对于恒前牙反(牙合)患者,可以用固定矫治器联合下颌(牙合)垫、颏兜矫治,缩短疗程,达到理想治疗效果。

    Conclusion : For permanent anterior cross bite cases , we can use fixed appliance , mandibular caps and chin cap appliance , decreasing the treatment duration and leading to ideal treatment effect .

  21. 方法22例成人前牙反(牙合)患者应用方丝弓矫治器矫治10~20个月,分析矫治病例的选择、设计、方法。

    Mehtods The corrective appliance of edgewise arch was used in correction of 22 cases with cross-bite malformation of anterior teeth for 10 - 20 months and then the choice , design and method of the cases were analyzed .

  22. 目的:探讨成年人个别前牙缺失伴前牙反牙合患者修复前正畸的相关问题和疗效。

    Objective : To study curative effect of the orthodontic treatment of adults ' single anterior-teeth-loss accompanied with anterior-crossbite before restoration .

  23. 方法:对11例成年人个别前牙缺失伴前牙反牙合的患者,采用方丝弓矫治技术进行修复前正畸治疗。

    Methods : 11 cases of adults suffering from single anterior-teeth-loss accompanied with anterior-crossbite , were treated with the edgewise appliance techniques before restoration .

  24. 改良颏兜长拉钩前牵引矫治器治疗骨性前牙反(牙合)&附11例X线头影测量分析

    Skeletal Crossbite of Anterior Teeth Treated by Improved Chincap With Lengthwise and Protraction Appliances-Attached Roentgenographic Cephalometric Analysis of 11 Cases

  25. 根据前颅底长度评价上下颌骨发育状况,前牙反牙合可分为上颌正常、下颌过长,上颌不足、下颌正常,以及上颌不足、下颌过长3种骨性结构,其中下颌过长为主要因素。

    Based on evaluation of SN length , the crossbite can be divided into three types of skeletal structures including normal maxilla and longer mandible , short maxilla and normal mandible , short maxilla and longer mandible , the longer mandible is a main factor .