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qián xiōng
  • chest;prothorax;forebreast;protothorax;corselet;pereion
前胸 [qián xiōng]
  • (1) [forebreast]∶胸的前部,尤其是四足动物的

  • (2) [prothorax]∶昆虫胸部第一节或者前节,具有第一对足

  • (3) [pereion]∶构成十足类的胸部的胸节或第七体节

前胸[qián xiōng]
  1. 邦伯里手伸进前胸口袋里摸索钱包。

    Bunbury groped in his breast pocket for his wallet .

  2. 她的前胸戴了一个水晶饰品。

    She wears a crystal ornament on her chest .

  3. 这款系统包含了一个椅子下面延伸出来的背包,乘客可以把脸和前胸靠在上面休息。

    The system involves a backpack that extends from under the seat , which passengers can rest their face and chest on .

  4. 28岁的萨迪·卡德莱茨(SadieKadlec)是时装品牌保罗·史密斯(PaulSmith)的助理职员。她很喜欢该品牌的挂脖系带式条纹泳衣,前胸开叉至肚脐。

    Sadie Kadlec , 28 , an assistant for the fashion brand Paul Smith , is favoring the company 's striped , belted halter maillot that plunges to the navel ;

  5. 心电图示:肢体导联低电压6例,其中5例合并前胸导联R波进展不良和ST-T改变;陈旧性心肌梗死样改变6例。

    ECG showed that 6 patients were low voltage in the limb leads , combining with poor R wave progression in the precordial leads and ST-T changes in 5 patients ; 6 patients had pseudoinfarction .

  6. 经前胸壁途径内镜甲状腺切除术的初步探索B1组16例,放疗后(从前胸照射);

    Endoscopic thyroidectomy through anterior chest wall The patients were divided into three groups ( 40,16 and 24 patients in groups A , B1 , B2 respectively ), group A : before the radiation treatment ;

  7. 结论SD大鼠的胸廓外观和肋骨环形态与人体相应结构有较大差别,幼鼠胸壁肌肉较薄弱而膈肌相对发达,心脏与前胸壁和胸骨大面积接触。

    Conclusions There are remarkable difference of thoracic contour and the rib ring shape between SD rat and human being . The diaphragmatic muscle is more developed than that of chest wall in younger rat and the heart is in contact with anterior chest wall in a large area .

  8. 在外侧颈下横纹内和前胸横纹处切开3mm分别置入3mm弯钳和电刀尖。

    Another two 3 mm incisions were made along the cleavage lines at lower lateral part of the neck and the anterior chest wall for the introduction of curved forceps and electric knife , respectively .

  9. 方法8例直径22mm~38mm甲状腺良性肿瘤经前胸壁途径行内镜甲状腺肿瘤切除。

    Methods Benign thyroid tumors , with diameter between 22 mm and 38 mm , were successfully removed in 8 patients by endoscopic thyroidectomy through anterior chest wall .

  10. 方法采用前胸壁途径,主要依靠双极电凝和剪刀,对21例直径07~55cm甲状腺肿瘤进行甲状腺部分切除术。

    Methods Endoscopic partial thyroidectomy via precordial approach , mainly by using bipolar electrocoagulation and scissors , was accomplished in 21 patients with thyroid tumors with a diameter of 0.7 ~ 5.5 cm .

  11. 方法80例结节性甲状腺肿患者行经前胸壁途径的内镜甲状腺切除术,结节直径10~45mm。

    [ Methods ] Endoscopic thyroidectomy via anterior chest wall approach was performed in 80 patients of nodular goiter with diameter between 10 mm and 45 mm .

  12. 结论左侧气胸时,心脏和前胸壁之间的空气阻碍了左侧胸导联(V3~V6)的心电活动向体表的传导,其振幅减小程度与气胸量无关。

    Conclusion The conductance of ECG of the left chest leads ( V_3 ~ V_6 ) to body surface is impeded by the air between the heart and the front thoracic wall in the left pneumothorax , but there is no relationship between the change of ECG and air volume .

  13. 扩张的锁骨前胸轴型皮瓣跨区修复面颌部大面积软组织缺损

    Repair of large facial defect with an expanded clavicular-pectoral skin flap

  14. 神农蜣螂前胸背板表面形态分形及润湿性

    Fractal and Wettability of Pronotum Surface Morphology of Catharsius molossus Linnaeus

  15. 前胸瘢痕疙瘩手术切除结合浅层X线放疗的疗效观察

    Observation on effects of surgery combined with superficial radiotherapy for sternal keloids

  16. 它的毛皮呈黄褐色,前胸后背与颈项的颜色要深一些。

    Its fur is yellow-brown , with a darker vest and collar .

  17. 2例前胸壁及前上纵隔同时受累,其中1例病灶大部位于纵隔内。

    Two cases involved both chest wall and mediastinum .

  18. 我对着你同事的前胸打了一下。

    I struck your associate here in the chest .

  19. 术前胸腰段后凸畸形平均为22.7°。

    The average preoperational kyphosis angle was 22.7 degrees .

  20. 鸟的前胸有红斑点。

    The bird 's breast is flecked with red .

  21. 侧面观前胸背板上缘波状;

    Upper margin of pronotum is wave-like in profile ;

  22. 他的前胸和后背都是汗津津的。

    His chest and back were filmed with perspiration .

  23. 目的探讨前胸壁多发性慢性窦道的治疗方法与效果。

    Objective : To explore the treatment of multiple chronic sinus in prothorax wall .

  24. 这件衣服的前胸装饰有一排带宝石的钮扣。

    The front of the dress is decorated with a row of jewelled buttons .

  25. 单一或复合肌瓣移植治疗前胸壁多发性慢性窦道

    Single or Compound Muscular Flap Grafting For Treatment of Multiple Chronic Sinus in Prothorax Wall

  26. 56例前胸壁骨折及合并伤的治疗分析

    Therapeutic Analysis of the Fracture of Anterior Chest Wall and United Injuries of 56 Cases

  27. 行左前胸壁肿瘤切除术。

    A successful tumor excision was performed .

  28. 他默默地面对着黄河站着,风拂着他裸着的前胸。

    He stood silently facing the Yellow River , the wind caressing his bare chest .

  29. 衬衫假前胸可拆的男式衬衣前胸胸部超声对术前评价胸膜粘连的意义

    A man 's detachable shirt front . Preoperative Detection of Pleural Adhesions by Chest Ultrasonography

  30. 如果那时我的剑是从疯王的前胸刺入,

    if I 'd stabbed the Mad King in the belly instead of the back ,