
  • 网络gastrostomy
  1. 裂口修补加胃造瘘3例;

    Repair and gastrostomy in 3 ;

  2. 以组织工程食管置入替换部分犬颈段食管,胃造瘘给予营养,不同时间点处死取材进行检测。

    The cervical esophagus of canis familiaris was partly replaced with TEE and gastrostomy feeding was conducted after operation .

  3. 经皮穿刺胃造瘘术7例,均在术后2d经饲管注入胃肠营养液及流质食物。

    Of 7 cases of percutaneous gastrostomy , liquid diet was given 2 days after operation .

  4. 目的:介绍胃镜下经皮胃造瘘术(PEG)维持重症颅脑外伤患者肠内营养的临床应用。

    Objective : To elucidate the value of percutaneous endoscopy gastrostomy ( PEG ) under endoscopy in patients with severe head injury .

  5. 目的评估内镜下食管覆膜自膨式金属支架植入术与经皮内镜下胃造瘘术(PEG)在气管食管瘘治疗中的应用价值。

    Objective To assess the effects of self-expandable metallic stents ( covered-SEMS ) and percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy ( PEG ) in the treatment of tracheoesophageal fistulas .

  6. 方法30只胃造瘘术后的Wistar大鼠随机分为饲料组(A组)、肠内营养组(B组)和谷氨酰胺强化的肠内营养组(C组),每组10只。

    Methods Thirty Wistar rats that had undergone gastrostomy were assigned randomly to chow ( group A ), enteral nutrition ( group B ), and glutamine enriched enteral nutrition ( group C ) groups , 10 in each group .

  7. 结论简易胃造瘘法配合ZQ液可以建立简便和稳定的酒精性肝损伤模型。

    ConclusionsSimple gastric fistula with ZQ fluid transfusion can establish the flexible and stable model of alcoholic liver injury .

  8. 方法采用胰管逆行注射3.5%牛黄胆酸钠法建立大鼠重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)模型,假手术组用0.9%氯化钠注射液替代牛黄胆酸钠,所有大鼠均经胃造瘘口空肠置管。

    Methods SAP model of rats was induced by injecting adversely the 3.5 % sodium taurocholate into the biliopancreatic duct , and saline was used in the rats of sham operation group instead of sodium taurocholate , and catheters were placed into the jejunum via gastrostomy for all rats .

  9. 假性球麻痹患者胃造瘘的家庭护理指导

    Family Nursing Guidance of Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy for Patients with Pseudobulbar Paralysis

  10. 经皮内镜下胃造瘘术与外科胃造瘘术的对比研究

    The Comparative Study between Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy and Surgical Gastrostomy

  11. 重症颅脑损伤患者的肠内营养和胃镜下经皮胃造瘘术

    Enteral Nutrition and Percutaneous Endoscopy Gastrostomy in Patients with Severe Head Injury

  12. 经皮内镜下胃造瘘术36例护理体会

    Nursing experiences of 36 cases of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy

  13. 经皮穿刺胃造瘘7例随访1~18个月,5例死亡。

    Follow-up in 7 cases for 1 ~ 18 months showed 5 fatal cases .

  14. 影像引导下对食道闭锁新生儿进行经皮胃造瘘术

    Image-guided percutaneous gastrostomy in neonates with esophageal atresia

  15. 方法胃造瘘术后,食管内置入丝线,从鼻腔和胃造瘘口拉出连结。

    METHODS A thread was put in the patient ′ s esophagus after gastrostomy .

  16. 胃造瘘术与食管支架植入术对危重症气管食管瘘患者的疗效评估

    Effects of self-expandable metallic stents and percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy in the treatment of tracheoesophageal fistulas

  17. 方法:对6例食管化学性烧伤后瘢痕狭窄患者,以胃造瘘硅胶探与金属探联用进行扩张治疗。

    Method : Sixcases with esophageal cicatricial stenosis were treated by mental and silica gel dilator .

  18. 经皮内镜下胃造瘘术及其临床应用探讨

    Clinical Application of Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy

  19. 长期昏迷患者胃造瘘与常规鼻饲肠内营养效果比较

    Comparison of effectiveness of enteral nutrition between PEG and routine nasogastric feeding in patients with long-term unconsciousness

  20. 经皮内镜胃造瘘和小肠造瘘术的临床应用(附24例报告)胃造瘘手术提供神经外科病人肠内营养的效果观察


  21. 6例胃管鼻饲饮食,1例行胃造瘘术,1例行胃造瘘+空肠造瘘术;

    Gastrogavage were performed in 6 cases , gastrostomy in 1 case and jejunostomy + gastrostomy in 1 case ;

  22. 支架置入或经皮穿刺胃造瘘术治疗颈段高位食管狭窄20例

    Application of metallic stent implantation or percutaneous gastrostomy for high level cervical esophageal strictures : Report of 20 cases

  23. 对症治疗和放弃拒绝治疗者无长期生存。结论食管癌穿孔治疗首选胃造瘘为宜,它优于附膜编织网支架及鼻饲营养治疗。

    Conclusions Gastrostomy is better than nasal feeding and metal mesh stent with special plastic film in perforated esophageal carcinoma .

  24. 方法:对17例重症颅脑损伤患者,无法经口进食而需要肠道内营养者,行胃镜下经皮胃造瘘术。

    Methods : Seventeen patients with severe head injury who need to be supported with enteral nutrition had undergone PEG .

  25. 对照组为我院收治的27例晚期食管癌吞咽困难患者,行胃造瘘和静脉营养姑息治疗。

    Control group was 27 cases of late - stage esophageal carcinoma who suffered from dysphagia and were treated by gastrostomy and intravenous nutrition .

  26. 肌萎缩侧索硬化/运动神经元病患者胃造瘘置管术的频率、时机选择和结局:一项关于苏格兰运动神经元病记录的档案连锁研究

    Frequency , timing and outcome of gastros-tomy tubes for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis / motor neurone disease : A record linkage study from the Scottish Motor Neurone Disease Register

  27. 方法回顾性分析35例胃镜下胃造瘘病人管饲情况,观察各种原因引起的并发症。

    Methods Analyzing the situation of gavage for the 35 gastrotomy patients in retrospect and observing the causes of complications , which are mainly gastro intestinal symptoms , mechanical complications , fistulous complications .

  28. 行手术治疗7例:行端端吻合1例,端侧吻合5例,胃造瘘待二期手术1例。

    End to end anastomosis , was performed in 1 case and end to side anastomosis was done in 5 cases , one case with gastral fistulization was waiting for the second operation .

  29. 结果治愈117例,死亡7例,治愈率为94.3%并就中药的辩证应用及抗毒血清、镇痉药物、鼻饲、胃造瘘等西医辅助疗法的应用作了讨论。

    As a result , 117 patients in this series were cured and 7 died , the cure rate being 94.3 % . The indications for prescribing Chinese medicines and those for the auxiliary use of antiserum , antispasmodics , nasal feeding and gastrostomy are discussed .

  30. 方法严密监测呼吸和循环功能.加强呼吸道管理、营养支持,预防控制感染,加强脓胸患者的护理,严格食管外置和胃造瘘术患者的管理。

    METHODS Strict observation of the respiratory and circulatory functions , careful management of the respiratory tract , nutritional replenishment , prevention and control of infection , meticulous nursing care of pyothorax patients and strict management of patients with esophageal exteriorization and gastrostomy were the measures adopted .