
  • 网络Capital structure;Share Capital Structure;Equity structures;share structure
  1. 股本结构、上市时间、是否存在H、B股等因素对于股票价格都有影响。

    Other factors , such as capital structure and the time from IPO can influence prices .

  2. 2001年末上市公司股本结构一览。

    Capital structure of listed companies at the end of2001 .

  3. 股本结构对EVA影响的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Impact of Structure of Shareholder on EVA

  4. 股本结构与法人治理机制

    Stock Structure and Management Mechanism of Legal Person

  5. 国有企业改制与股本结构优化研究

    Reformation and Stock Ownership Optimization of Stateowned Enterprises

  6. 深沪两市公司股本结构与净资产收益率及市净率的回归分析

    Regression analysis of stock structures of Shen-Hu listing corporations and net return of equity & market price-net assets ratio

  7. 产生差距的原因被归结为是由于股本结构、会计调整、市场有效程度、报表信息质量等方面存在差异。

    The reason was due to structure of shareholder , accountant adjustments , market validity and information quality of report forms .

  8. 本文针对企业的发展做了深入探讨:公司上市策略及其达到的目标股本结构和目标资本结构;

    The paper deeply discusses its development : its policy of entering stockmarket ; its target capital stock structure and target capital structure ;

  9. 尽管全省综合实力表现较好,但上市公司产业结构、股本结构、地域分布等方面存在不足。

    Despite the good performance of the overall strength of the Guangdong province , the industries structure , share capital structure and geographical distribution are still insufficient .

  10. 上市公司未来的可持续增长主要还是取决于通过增发新股筹资的投资项目资产净利率(RO^A,其中^表示期初总资产)的高低以及公司的股利政策和股本结构。

    Sustainable development of the corporation mostly lies in the ratio of investment case through supplemented issuance of new equity , corporations ' dividend policy and capital structure .

  11. 但同时我国的股票市场仍然处于初级阶段,在股票发行、股本结构、股市运行机制等方面都存在缺陷。

    However , as our stock market still in initial stage , shortages still remain in stock issuing , capital structure and the practice system of the stock market etc.

  12. 以16家公路上市公司的股本结构为例说明了国家投入公路经营企业的交通基本建设资金是公路经营企业资本金的主要组成部分;

    Based on the share capital structure of the 16 road listed companies , it is pointed out that the share capital of road companies mainly invested by the government .

  13. 最后从股本结构的优化、内部法人治理结构的完善、外部治理机制的健全三方面提出民营上市公司治理的相关对策和政策建议。

    At last , the study gave some suggestion about countermeasure and policy from optimizing the capitalization structure 、 perfecting the interior governance structure and consummating the exterior governance mechanism .

  14. 资本结构中股本结构与债权结构之间的适当平衡,将形成最优资本结构,此时公司的财务绩效水平最高。

    The adequacy equation between equity structure and debit structure in capital structure will form the best capital structure . In this time the level of financial performance is the best .

  15. 股份回购是指上市公司购回其自身发行在外的股份,以达到减少资本和调整股本结构等目的的一种资本市场行为。

    Stock repurchase means that a listed company to repurchase its issued shares , which is a capital market behavior in order to achieve the reduction of capital and adjustment of capital structure .

  16. 从股本结构来看,银行业绩会随着法人股比例的上升而上升;

    In view of structure of the capital stock , the banks ' performance will be better along with the rise of corporate shares ' proportion and the decline of negotiable shares ' proportion .

  17. 股份回购是西方成熟的资本市场上普遍的一种资本运作方式,是指上市公司购回其本身发行在外的股份,以达到减资和调整股本结构等目的的一种公司理财行为。

    Share repurchase is a common capital operating method in the western capital market , which is a way to reduce capital and adjust the equity structure of listed corporations through buying back its own stock .

  18. 最后本文在结论的基础上,联系实际分析原因提出优化我国酒业上市公司股本结构的建议。

    Finally on the basis of the conclusion , linking the practice and analyzing reason this article propose some advice of optimizing Our country Wine business To be listed capital stock structure of listed companies of wine business in our country .

  19. 最后,这些差异在较大程度上可以被不同行业在无形资产密集度、交易对信息的依赖程度、盈利能力、平均公司规模及股本结构方面的差异所解释。

    Finally , much of these differences can be explained by the differences in the intangible intensity , the dependence of trade on information , the level and persistence of earnings , the average firm size and the average percentage of circulation shares across industries .

  20. 自金融危机爆发以来,我们重点对资本、股本和结构方面的漏洞进行了补救。

    Since the financial crisis erupted , remedies have focused on capital , equity and structure .

  21. 治本的关键在于改良、改善上市公司的股本和治理结构,强化会计师事务所的民事赔偿责任。

    To change status quo , we should improve the capital stock structure and the civil law responsibility of the audit firms .

  22. 研究发现,我国上市公司股票股利主要受总股本、股权结构及每股收益的影响。

    Many researchers discovered that our country 's Corporations ? stock dividendget the influence of total capital stock , equity structure and each share profit .

  23. 影响股票市盈率的因素除了股价和公司的经营业绩外,还包括市场利率、公司的成长性、公司所处的行业、公司股本规模的大小和股本结构等。

    Factors such as stock price , company performance , market interest rate , development of the company , trade of the company , stock size and stock structure will all affect profit rate .

  24. ph.1.(20-50%的股份由别的公司所有的)联合股份公司股份有限公司能增加股本或通过合股或分股改变股本的结构。

    A company limited by shares can increase its share capital or alter the structure of share capital by combining or dividing shares .