
  1. CITC公司是由五家股东出资于2000年在成都成立的一家高科技制造公司,现在主要从事汽车覆盖件模具的设计和制造及航空零件的数控加工业务。

    CITC Company is a Hi-Tech manufacturing company established in Chengdu in 2000 at the cost of five shareholders . The company is mainly engaged in design , manufacture of car covering mould and numerical control process of aviation part now .

  2. 第一部分考察股东出资义务的性质。

    First part studies the nature of shareholder 's investment obligation .

  3. 股东出资与资本之间的法律联系是重点。

    Shareholders and capital investment is the key link between the law .

  4. 股东出资瑕疵的损害及其防范

    Blemish and its guarding mechanism of shareholder 's capital subscription

  5. 谈有限责任公司股东出资的转让&兼评我国《公司法》的有关规定

    On the alienation of the shareholder s ' investment in limited liability companies

  6. 股东出资瑕疵民事责任的比较研究

    A comparative study on the civil liability of the shareholder 's share fault

  7. 股东出资形式多元化趋势下的劳务出资

    Labor Services Contribution in the Trend of Multiple Forms of Shareholders ' Contribution

  8. 在公司制度中,股东出资是一个重要的问题,对于股东、公司、债权人均具有重要意义。

    The capital contribution of shareholders is an important issue in the corporation law .

  9. 证券公司不得直接或间接为股东出资提供融资或担保。

    Securities companies shall not directly or indirectly provide financing or guarantee for shareholders'capital contribution .

  10. 股东出资是公司成立的前提和存在的物质基础。

    The shareholder investment is the premise which and the existence material base the company is founded .

  11. 就公司债权人而言,股东出资是公司对其债权人承担责任的信用基础。

    For the creditors of company , capital contribution is the basis of credit for company to take responsibility .

  12. 公司股东出资瑕疵问题严重影响交易安全,破坏整个市场经济信用体系。

    Shareholders of the Company invested serious flaw affecting transaction security , undermining the market economy as a whole credit system .

  13. 首先分析股东出资义务的特征及股东履行出资义务的意义,以突出对违反出资义务股东加以规制的必要性。

    First , analyze the characteristic and significance of the Capital contribution in order to highlight the necessity to regulate the violation .

  14. 股东出资瑕疵违反出资义务,需要承担民事责任。这一问题具有重大理论与实践意义。

    That the investment defect of shareholders breach its obligations must bear the legal responsibility is of great theoretical and practical significance .

  15. 在公司信用观念从资本信用向资产信用转变的前提下,股东出资形式呈现出多元化的趋势,股权出资具备法律上的适格性,具有理论和现实的重大意义。

    On the basic of the corporation credit transform from capital credit to assets credit , Equity contribution presents a trend of diversification .

  16. 并且分析了我国现行股东出资分期缴纳在实践中各种弊端并提出了完善建议。

    And analysis of our existing shareholders ' capital contribution is paid in installments in practice all the disadvantages of a perfect proposal .

  17. 第一部分从股东出资问题入手介绍了虚假出资的概念、特点及产生原因;

    Starting with shareholders ' investment , the first section of the dissertation introduces the definition , characteristics and causes of inveracious investment .

  18. 新公司法颁布之后,理论界对股东出资制度已经进行了许多改变,但是其中仍然存在些许不足。

    The new company law enacted later , theoretical circles on the shareholder invested system has many changes , but there still exist some shortage .

  19. 以此体系研究股东出资瑕疵在不同出资标的下的表现及对不同对象的民事责任。

    Defects in this system of funding research in different shareholders , funded under the subject of performance and the civil liability of different objects .

  20. 公司股东出资方式是各国公司法都无法回避的一个问题。

    Since the capital is the foundation of the corporation , every country scopes out the types of the capital contributions in their corporation laws .

  21. 在公司制度中,股东出资有着重要的意义,关系到股东、公司以及公司债权人的利益能否得到实现。

    The capital contribution of shareholders is an important issue in the corporation law , and is significant to all shareholders , the corporation and creditors .

  22. 其次,就我国法律从秉持资本三原则的角度对股东出资的规制进行了简要的介绍。

    Second , to uphold our laws from the perspective of the three principles of capital investment in the regulation of shareholders with a brief introduction .

  23. 有限责任公司由股东出资设立,股东资格则是表明一个人是否为公司股东。

    The Limited liability company is set up by the investment of shareholders , while the shareholder qualification indicates whether a person is the company shareholder .

  24. 现行公司法在股东出资违约责任体系方面存在着明显的欠缺与失衡,应着力建立和完善相应的制度。在违约责任部分,首先提出审计业务约定书实质是委托合同。

    Because there is obvious deficiency and imbalance on shareholders ' liabilities to the breach of agreement on investment , relevant systems should be constructed and consummated .

  25. 两人公司中,股东出资无论转让给另一股东还是非股东,在适用法律上都要遇到冲突。

    In the two-person company , no matter whether the stockholder 's fund transfers to another stockholder or non-stockholder , dispute will arise in applying the law .

  26. 对我国有限责任公司最低资本额制度的研究股东出资达到法定资本最低限额

    Research on the Lowest Capital System of the Limited Company of China ; The investment contributed By shareholders meets the minimum amount of capital required by law

  27. 已达到主管机关规定的最低年龄;股东出资达到法定资本最低限额

    He has reached a minimum age to be prescribed by the competentauthority ; The investment contributed By shareholders meets the minimum amount of capital required by law

  28. 企业与银行之间的往来关系对于企业是非常重要的,由于企业体为法人组织,其资金需求一般有两种来源:股东出资或向债权人举债,而银行举债是企业的一项重要资金融通管道。

    The banking relationships are very important for enterprises . The enterprise is a corporation ; they use fund from shareholders ' capital or liabilities of loaners .

  29. 公司是一种高级企业组织形式,是依照法律规定,由股东出资设立的以营利为目的的社团法人。

    Corporation is higher organization form of enterprise . A corporation is a nonhuman entity which is established by the shareholders according to the laws to make profit .

  30. 在交易过程中,各方主体对股东出资瑕疵的行为没有准确的认识,诚信意识还很淡薄。

    In the process of transaction , the interest subjects are often not aware correctly defective capital contribution of the shareholders . Their realization of integrity is still weak .