
  • 网络dividend relevance theory;Dividend relevance
  1. 综合评述了股利无关论和股利相关论,指出了二者最重要的区别在于应用前提不同;

    In this chapter , the author comprehensively comments on correlative dividend theory and irrespective dividend theory , and points out that the major difference between the two theories is applying different preconditions .

  2. 理论界关于股利政策的观点有两大流派:股利无关论和股利相关论。

    In theoretical circles there are two schools about dividend policy : relevant dividend view and irrelevant dividend view .

  3. 上市公司的股利政策对公司股票二级市场的价格有较强的影响,符合股利相关论。

    The result shows : ( 1 ) The dividend policy of our list companies affects the price of stock market strongly . Accord with dividend relevant theory .