
  • 网络Return on Equity;Roe
  1. 再一次地,较低的股本回报率目标应该有助于改善银行行为(不过我并没有屏息以待)。

    Here again the lower roe targets should improve behaviour ( but I am not holding my breath ) .

  2. aig想在2015年底以前达到10%的股本回报率。

    AIG wants to reach a 10 per cent roe by the end of 2015 .

  3. 这使得提高利润率成为银行业提高股本回报率(ROE)的主要机会。

    That leaves better margins as banks ' main chance of raising return on equity .

  4. 过去十年,高盛(GoldmanSachs)的股本回报率曾达到过40%的峰值,去年这一回报率却只有11%。

    Last decade , Goldman Sachs ' return on equity peaked at 40 per cent . Last year it was just 11 per cent .

  5. 他还表示,中国企业的股本回报率(ROE)和经营利润率也高得惊人。

    Chinese companies ' returns on equity and operating margins are also surprisingly high , according to Foster .

  6. 麦格理分析师rachelli表示,中国内地最大券商中信证券(citicsecurities)今年上半年的股本回报率仅为5.3%。

    CITIC Securities , the largest mainland broker , reported first-half return on equity of only 5.3 per cent , according to Rachel Li , a Macquarie analyst .

  7. 有人认为,股市正重返繁荣时期,他们或许应该考虑一下股本回报率(ROE)。

    Those who think equity markets are heading back to the glory days might want to ponder returns on equity .

  8. 金融部门负债的增长甚至更快,因为各银行寻求通过提高杠杆率来提高股本回报率(ROE)。

    The financial sector 's debts grew even faster as banks sought to bolster their returns on equity by levering up .

  9. 如今,甚至连根据最近表现堪称华尔街最赚钱银行的摩根大通(JPMorganChase),也仅仅取得了12%的股本回报率。

    Today , even JPMorgan Chase , the most profitable Wall Street bank on recent performance , generates a return on equity of just 12 per cent .

  10. 坏策略的起点通常是目标,譬如,在欧洲微件(widget)市场占据20%的份额,同时实现15%的股本回报率。

    The starting point of bad strategy is often a goal a 20 per cent share of the European widget market , with a 15 per cent return on equity .

  11. 英国央行金融政策委员会委员罗伯特詹金斯(RobertJenkins)一针见血地指出:股本回报率是错误的目标。

    Robert Jenkins , a member of the financial policy committee of the Bank of England , puts it well : Return on equity is the wrong target .

  12. 花旗(Citigroup)分析师表示,2003年至2007年间,欧洲银行的股本回报率为18%至23%,而上世纪90年代中期时仅为12%至15%。

    According to analysts at Citigroup , European banks earned a return on equity of 18-23 per cent between 2003 and 2007 compared with 12-15 per cent in the mid-1990s .

  13. 你必须寻觅满足以下条件的公司:(a)它正以低价被抛售,但是(b)它致力于创造价值,以超额现金开展某些活动,构建每股账面价值,并且取得良好的股本回报率。

    You have to look for companies that ( a ) are selling cheap but ( b ) are committed to value creation , to doing something with their excess cash , to building book value per share , and to getting a good return on equity .

  14. 另一家较竞争对手表现较佳的银行高盛(GoldmanSachs)第三季度净利润下滑近40%,股本回报率目前仅为7%。

    Goldman Sachs , another of the banks that has prospered relative to rivals , suffered a near 40 per cent slump in third-quarter net income . Goldman 's ROE is now just 7 per cent .

  15. 这应有助于使该行的股本回报率(roe)提高到12%至17%之间的水平这与危机前的目标水平相去甚远,但在当前严峻的交易和监管环境下仍属不俗。

    That should help boost its return on equity to between 12 per cent and 17 per cent well down on pre-crisis goals but still ambitious in the current tough trading and regulatory conditions .

  16. 这家全球市值最大的金融机构,今年应当实现约120亿美元的净利润,又是摩根大通(JPMorgan)的一半左右;预计股本回报率将达到19%,强于高盛(GoldmanSachs)的16%。

    Net income at the world 's biggest financial institution by market capitalisation should be about $ 12bn this year , half as much again as JPMorgan ; return on equity is expected at 19 per cent , better than Goldman Sachs ' 16 .

  17. 在标普500指数成分股公司,首席执行官的在位时间一般只有六年,他们的薪酬往往与公司股价、股本回报率(roe)密切挂钩。

    The average chief executive of an S & P 500 company is in the job for only five or six years and their pay is often closely linked to the share price of their corporation or to its returns on equity .

  18. 两位美国法学教授威廉??布拉顿(WilliamBratton)和迈克尔??沃特尔(MichaelWachter)辩称,股东要求提高短期股本回报率的压力,是银行在2008年金融危机爆发以前过度扩张资产负债表、最后崩溃的一个原因。

    William Bratton and Michael Wachter , two US law professors , have argued that the shareholder pressure to raise short-term return on equity was one reason why banks over-leveraged their balance sheets in the run-up to the 2008 crisis - and then collapsed .

  19. 但一旦它们终于明白了它的重要性,老天,股本回报率就开始飙升。

    But once they did , boy returns on equity have skyrocketed .

  20. 银行会予以抵制,因为股本回报率将随之下降。

    Banks will resist as returns on equity should fall as a result .

  21. 最终,利润率和股本回报率也随着时间推移而不断提高。

    The results are improving profit margins and higher return on capital over time .

  22. 他要找的是那些提供高回报和(或)股本回报率逐渐增加的股票。

    He looks for stocks that offer high and / or rising return on equity .

  23. 他还认为,令人瞩目的收入增长并不一定意味着良好的股本回报率。

    He also believes impressive revenue growth does not necessarily mean good returns on equity .

  24. 对于负债累累的企业界而言,这会对股本回报率产生重大影响。

    For a highly indebted corporate sector , this makes a huge difference to returns on equity .

  25. 股本回报率为6%,剔除会计调整后为15%。

    Return on equity was 6 per cent , or 15 per cent excluding those accounting charges .

  26. 资本金减少,意味着股本回报率上升,但同时也减少了针对贷款违约和投资损失的缓冲。

    Lower capital means higher returnson equity but a smaller buffer against loan defaults and investment losses .

  27. 去年前9个月,巴克莱的股本回报率达到8.8%。

    In the first nine months of the year , Barclays generated an roe of 8.8 per cent .

  28. 蜂拥而上的结果是,上市券商的股本回报率目前已达到多年来的低点。

    As a result , the return on equity for publicly listed securities houses is at multiyear lows .

  29. 国际清算银行建议各银行降低股本回报率目标,以减少金融体系内的风险。

    The BIS suggests banks target lower returns on equity to reduce the risk in the financial system .

  30. 平均股本回报率达到20%,而美国只有8%。

    Return on equity averages 20 per cent in Russia compared with just 8 per cent in the US .