
  1. 把股息派发到境外也需经监管部门批准。

    Sending them offshore requires regulatory approval .

  2. 在投资、股息派发、股票回购和收购之后,AT&T近来运行着规模可观的赤字。

    After investments , dividends , buybacks and acquisitions , AT & T has run a fair-sized deficit recently .

  3. 三星电子拒绝谈论任何具体的股息派发、股票回购或收购计划。

    The company declined to comment on any specific dividend payout , share buyback or acquisition plans in the future .

  4. 除此以外,研究人员还看好利润增长高于平均速度、相当大一部分利润当作股息派发出去的股票。

    In addition , the researchers looked for stocks whose profits are growing at an above-average pace and that pay out a significant portion of their earnings as dividends .

  5. 假如银行账目中存在基本面不佳的资产,金融稳定论坛的建议是:强迫他们提高资本金;限制股息和奖金的派发;由政府出面购买银行的股本;鼓励困境中的银行与健康银行合并。

    If banks have fundamentally bad assets on their books , the FSF discusses forcing them to raise capital ; restricting dividend and bonus payments ; the authorities buying equity in banks ; and encouraging mergers between troubled and healthy banks .