
  • 网络Dividend distribution decision;Dividend Policy
  1. 从股利分配决策的角度,系统阐述施工企业的股利分配应遵守的基本原则、应考虑的重点因素及决策的主要内容。

    Considering the dividend distribution decision , this paper discusses the following aspects , the basic principles , the considered emphasis factors and the main decision content of divide distribution in construction enterprises .

  2. 论施工企业的股利分配决策

    Discussion on Decision of Dividend Distribution in Construction Enterprises

  3. 上市公司的股利分配决策是现代公司理财活动的三大核心问题之一。

    Dividend distribution policy of the listed company is one of the three core problems in modern company 's financial activities .

  4. 完善公司治理结构,促进股利分配政策的理性决策;

    To perfect company 's governance structure is to prompt to make rationally decision of dividend distribution policy .

  5. 现金股利分配是公司经营决策的重要方面,也是资源配置的一种方式。

    Dividend policy is not only an important part of corporate management , but also a kind of resource re-allocation method .

  6. 应当从减持国有股、完善上市公司的股权结构等措施入手,促进股利分配政策的理性决策。

    We should put hand to reducing the state-owned stocks and perfecting the stock ownership structure and other measures , promote to make the rational dividend policy .