
  • 网络lenovo;lenovo group;Lenovo Group Ltd;legend;Legend Group
  1. 国际奥委会热烈的欢迎联想集团加入奥林匹克大家庭,我们感受到了来自你们的支持和承诺。

    The International Olympic Committee welcomes Lenovo to the Olympic family and acknowledges your support and commitment .

  2. 1994年联想集团的股票在香港证券交易所挂牌上市,融资近3000万美元。

    Lenovo financed its assault by listing on the Hong Kong stock market in 1994 , raising nearly $ 30 million .

  3. 中国企业跨国并购中文化整合模式的选择及其启示&以联想集团并购IBM个人电脑事业部为例

    Selection and Enlightenment of Cultural Synergy Patters of Chinese Enterprises in Cross & national Merger and Amalgamation

  4. 来自中国的PC巨头联想集团在这款笔记本上煞费苦心。

    The Chinese PC giant , for one , has made a big deal out of this particular laptop .

  5. 联想集团并购IBM个人电脑事业部是其国际化战略的一个重要举措。

    It is an important internationalization strategy that Lenovo Group merged with the personal computer department of IBM .

  6. 而微软公司则与中国电脑巨人联想集团签署了10亿美元的软件采购协议,为联想全线产品预装WINDOWS正版系统。

    Microsoft has its own billion-dollar deal with Chinese computer giant Lenovo to install the Windows operating system in its computers .

  7. 中国个人电脑生产巨头联想集团(LenovoGroupLtd.)表示,该公司目前尚未盈利的智能手机业务将成为其增长引擎。

    Chinese personal-computer giant Lenovo Group Ltd. says its unprofitable smartphone business will become an engine for its growth .

  8. 联想集团奋斗20年更是将个人电脑鼻祖IBM的资产收入囊中。

    Lenovo has struggled for twenty years before they purchase IBM 's assets which is the originator of personal computer .

  9. 最近,美国计算机巨头IBM的个人电脑业务被中国联想集团接管。

    Some time ago he worked for the US computer giant IBM , whose PC business was recently taken over by china Lenovo , in Asia .

  10. 谷歌、索尼公司(SonyCorp.)以及包括华硕(AsustekComputerInc.)和联想集团(LenovoGroupLtd.)在内的亚洲生产商都在力推自己的平板电脑产品。

    Google , Sony Corp. and Asian manufacturers including Asustek Computer Inc. and Lenovo Group Ltd. are pushing tablets of their own .

  11. 12月8号,联想集团吞吃IBM个人电脑全球业务,晋升为世界第三大PC厂商,跨入世界500强。

    December 8th , Lenovo Group annexed the global Personal Computer business of IBM , so it becomes the third producer of PC and enters Global 500 Companies .

  12. 过去两个季度里,惠普的份额一直被亚洲竞争对手联想集团(LenovoGroup)和宏(Acer)所挤占&宏赢得份额的速度则更快。

    And in the last two quarters , H-P has been losing share to Asian rivals Lenovo Group , and Acer at a faster clip .

  13. 这笔交易将使宏碁将取代中国的联想集团(LenovoGroup)成为全球第三大电脑公司,仅次于惠普(Hewlett-Packard)及戴尔(Dell)。

    That deal will let Acer displace Lenovo Group of China as the world 's third-largest computer company , behind Hewlett-Packard and Dell .

  14. 智能手机市场的这种特性也说明了像联想集团有限公司(LenovoGroupLtd.,简称:联想集团)和华硕(Asus)这种后来者为什么仍然能嗅到机会。

    The dynamics of the smartphone market are also why new entrants including Lenovo and Asus still smell opportunity despite their late start .

  15. 度将业务重点转向中国本土市场的联想集团(lenovogroupltd.)周三表示,将用低价电脑开发中国广大农村地区的消费能力,并准备新开700家零售门店。

    Lenovo Group Ltd. , refocusing on the Chinese domestic market , said Wednesday it will tap the spending power of the rural population with low-cost computers and 700 new retail stores .

  16. 中国联想集团(LenovoGroup)表示,将在3到5个季度内让亏损的摩托罗拉(Motorola)手机业务扭亏为盈。此前该集团同意以29亿美元向谷歌(Google)收购这块业务。

    China 's Lenovo Group said it would take between three and five quarters to turn around the lossmaking Motorola handset business that it agreed to purchase from Google for $ 2.9bn .

  17. 本文以所研究的理论为依据,运用SWOT方法具体分析联想集团的品牌国际化战略,并对其未来发展提出了建议。

    This article studied the theory is based on a concrete analysis of the use of SWOT method Lenovo brand internationalization strategy , and its future development were proposed .

  18. YogaTablet10HD+是联想集团在巴塞罗那举行的世界移动通信大会(MobileWorldCongress)上发布的一款平板电脑,据联想集团说,这款产品内置的应用程序能够帮助用户分享、保护和管理自己的数据。

    The Yoga Tablet 10 HD + , which the Chinese personal-computer maker just unveiled at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona , comes with apps that Lenovo says help users share , protect and manage their data .

  19. 同年3月26日,联想集团(Lenovo)在北京与国际奥委会签署合作协议,宣布正式成为第六期国际奥委会全球合作伙伴(简称TOP),这是奥运历史上中国企业首次获此资格。

    On Mar 26 , 2004 Lenovo group signed the agreement with for cooperation and announced to be the international partner with the sixth TOP . This is the first time that Chinese company got the qualification .

  20. 在全球最大的智能手机市场中国,华为不仅面临来自三星和苹果的激烈竞争,还面临来自联想集团(LenovoGroup)和小米(XiaomiInc.)等中国手机销售商的竞争。

    In China , the world 's largest smartphone market , Huawei faces tough competition not only from Samsung and Apple but from other Chinese handset vendors such as Lenovo Group Ltd. and Xiaomi Inc.

  21. 第五部分则是以联想集团和戴尔公司为例,检验本文所提出的提升我国PC制造企业竞争优势对策,从而使论文更贴近实际,更具有借鉴意义。

    Part 5 will regard the Lenovo Group and Dell as examples , for example , inspect the measures that the thesis proposed to enhance the PC manufacturers competitive advantages , so that the paper can be more close to reality , more referent .

  22. 联想集团最近收购了巴西的CCE公司,这是联想集团在中国以外新兴市场扩大业务规模的最新尝试。

    Its recent acquisition of Brazil 's CCE was the latest effort to increase its presence in emerging markets outside China .

  23. 尽管智能手机市场正在繁荣发展,苹果的市场份额却持续流向包括三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo.)和联想集团有限公司(LenovoGroupLtd.,简称:联想集团)等竞争对手,这两家公司都已发布了众多吸引大量消费者的产品。

    Thoughthe smartphone industry is booming , Apple has continued to lose market share torivals such as Samsung Electronics Co. 005930.SE + 1.16 % and Lenovo Group Ltd. , 0992.HK + 3.88 % each of which have released myriad products to attract an arrayof customers .

  24. 联想集团去年超过惠普(Hewlett-Packard)成为全球最大的PC生产商,该集团正在努力提高智能手机和平板电脑销量,希望移动设备成为未来几年的新增长引擎。

    Lenovo , which overtook Hewlett-Packard as the world 's largest PC maker last year , is trying to sell more smartphones and tablets , hoping that mobile devices will become its new engine for growth over the next several years .

  25. 国际数据公司(IDC)的数据显示,去年第四季度,联想集团的平板电脑发货量占到全球市场的4.4%,高于去年的1.3%,在业界排名第五。

    In the fourth quarter , Lenovo was the world 's fifth-largest tablet maker with a 4.4 % share by shipment volume , up from 1.3 % a year earlier , according to research firm IDC .

  26. 研究公司Canalys的数据显示,截至今年第一季度,小米手机在中国智能手机市场的占有率已经达到11%,与联想集团(LenovoGroup)不相上下,仅仅落后于三星电子(SamsungEelctronics),后者在中国市场的占有率大约为18%。

    As of this year 's first quarter , Xiaomi had 11 % of China 's smartphone market share , on par with Lenovo Group and trailing only Samsung Eelctronics , which commands some 18 % of the market , according to data from research firm Canalys .

  27. 联想集团董事长兼首席执行官杨元庆表示,随着互联网带来的新改变,我们正在经历从过去的PC互联网、移动互联网向智能互联网转换的过程。

    Yang Yuanqing , chairman and CEO of Lenovo Group , noted that as artificial intelligence ( AI ) has brought new changes in internet , we are facing a new leap from the mobile internet to the smart internet , just like what we achieved from the PC internet to the mobile internet .

  28. 面对包括联想集团(LenovoGroupLtd.)、华为技术公司(HuaweiTechnologiesCo.)和小米公司(XiaomiInc.)在内的中国硬件制造商的竞争,开创性地开发出一款自有的“必备”软件应用还可以提高三星的地位。

    Breaking through with a proprietary ' must-have ' software application could also bolster Samsung 's position at a time when the company is vulnerable to competition from Chinese hardware makers , including Lenovo Group Ltd. , Huawei Technologies Co. and Xiaomi Inc. In the most recent quarter ,

  29. 摩托罗拉移动的总裁RickOsterloh将继续担任原职,而这家总共拥有3500名员工的公司将成为联想集团的全资子公司,但摩托罗拉的总部仍位于芝加哥。联想在莫里斯维尔、新喀里多尼亚、北京和新加坡都设有运营中心。

    Rick Osterloh , President of Motorola Mobility , will remain in his role . And the company , with its total of 3500 employers , will become a fully-owned subsidiary of Lenovo , but will continue to be headquartered in Chicago.Lenovo has headquarters in Morrisville , NC , Beijing , and Singapore .

  30. 联想集团北京研发基地工程清水饰面混凝土面积达23000m2,结构形式复杂,墙体厚度不等,技术难度很大。

    In Beijing Research and Development Base Project of Lenovo Group , the area of fair-faced concrete is 23 000 square meters . With complicated structure and different wall thickness , it is hard to construct .