
  • 网络United Daily News;UDN
  1. 台湾的有些人则不那么乐观,《联合报》(UnitedDailyNews)周二在一篇评论文章中说,如今,许多人不再在乎立法院通过或否决了什么法案,因为他们已经对立委的专业性失去了信心。

    Some in Taiwan were less optimistic , including the United Daily News , which said in an editorial Tuesday , " Today , many people no longer care what legislation the Legislative Yuan passes or does not pass , because they have lost faith in the professionalism of legislators . "

  2. 2001年,莫言的作品《檀香刑》获台湾联合报读书人年度文学类最佳书奖。

    In 2001 , Sandalwood Penalty was awarded with the prize of the Best Literary Book for Readers , granted by Taiwan United Daily News .

  3. 大陆旅游业台湾客源市场开发建议&从台湾《联合报》大陆游广告谈起

    Research on the Development of Tourist Market of Taiwan in Mainland

  4. 《联合报》副刊不仅折射出台湾社会变迁的历史轨迹,也为世人留下了文学与传媒互动关系的经典个案。

    Not only she echoes the history of Taiwan society , but also leaves us a classical case of interactive action between literature and media .

  5. 《联合报》周日报道称,以寺庙和安静的小巷著称的台湾旅游业,因为疫情的爆发受到影响,游客人数同比减少了大约50%。

    The tourism industry in Tainan , known for its temples and quiet lanes , has suffered because of the outbreak , with visitors down by about 50 percent over the same period last year , the United Daily News reported on Sunday .

  6. 《天津学生联合会报》面向信息的天津市网上高等职业教育发展的研究报告

    The Tientsin Student Studying report for development of online high vocational education in Tianjin to the information society