
lián hé shēnɡ mínɡ
  • joint declaration;joint statement
  1. 本联合声明及其附件具有同等约束力。

    This joint declaration and its annexes shall be equally binding .

  2. 2008年,多国政府和央行在纽约二十国集团(G20)峰会上发表的联合声明,稳定了全球市场。

    Governments and central banks stabilised global markets through their joint declaration at the G20 meeting in New York in 2008 .

  3. 他们发表联合声明否认指控。

    They issued a joint statement denying the charges .

  4. 随着和平联合声明的发表,这个意义深远的条约也确保冷战成为了历史。

    The far-reaching pact has also made sure the Cold War is consigned to history with a joint peace declaration .

  5. 4月15-16日,中美两国代表在上海举行会谈,并就应对气候危机发布联合声明。

    Envoys statement addressing the climate crisis after talks from Thursday to Friday in Shanghai .

  6. 国际奥委会鼓励各国代表团设男女旗手国际奥委会、国际残奥委会与东京奥组委、日本政府以及东京都政府发表联合声明,鼓励206个国家的奥委会以及难民代表团在奥运会开幕式上派出男、女各一名运动员作为旗手。

    The International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) said in a joint Government ( TMG ) that all 206 National Olympic Committees ( NOCs ) and the IOC Refugee Olympic Team will be encouraged to have their flag carried by one female and one male athlete at the opening ceremony .

  7. 联合声明中说,这笔交易将使Google能够牢牢掌控自己的安卓(Android)开放系统。

    The deal would allow Google to " supercharge " its Android operating system , the joint statement said .

  8. 双方在该联合声明中说,他们将“启动必要的内部程序,以便就‘跨大西洋贸易和投资伙伴关系’(transatlantictradeandinvestmentpartnership)展开谈判”。

    The two sides said in a joint statement they would " initiate the internal procedures necessary to launch negotiations on a transatlantic trade and investment partnership " .

  9. 中国外交官在本周的东盟(Asean)外长会议上成功说服各国在联合声明中只字不提南海仲裁案。

    Chinese diplomats successfully persuaded a meeting of Asean foreign ministers this week not to refer to the ruling in a joint statement .

  10. 这两个组织共同发布的一个联合声明提供了计划的细节,可在ISO网站上查看。

    The details of the plan are given in a joint communiqu é by the two organizations which is available on the ISO Web site .

  11. 中国、印度、巴西和俄罗斯在5月份曾发表联合声明,表示IMF应当放弃一贯挑选欧洲人担任总裁的不成文惯例。

    China , India , Brazil and Russia in May issued a joint statement saying the IMF should abandon the unwritten practice of always picking a European as its head .

  12. 桑托勒姆和妻子卡伦(karen)在自己的网站上发布了联合声明,解释道,继续募集资金是为了维护个人自由。

    In a joint statement with his wife , Karen , Mr Santorum explained on his website that his ongoing fundraising efforts represented a bid for personal freedom .

  13. 金砖国家的联合声明福塔莱萨宣言(FortalezaDeclaration)还表示,在设立总部的同时,还将在南非设立一个区域中心。

    A statement from the group , titled the Fortaleza Declaration , also said a regional centre would be established in South Africa concurrently with the headquarters .

  14. 本周早些时候,巴西、俄罗斯、印度、南非和中国签署联合声明,呼吁终结IMF总裁应由欧洲人担任的过时的不成文惯例。

    Earlier this week , Brazil , Russia , India , South Africa and China signed a joint declaration calling for an end to the unwritten and obsolete convention that says the managing director of the IMF should be a European .

  15. 两家交易所在一份联合声明中表示,它们将逐步扩大在债券和黄金ETF产品开发、以及交叉上市等领域的合作。

    In a joint statement , the two exchanges said they would would gradually extend their co-operation to the development of ETFs on bonds and gold , as well as cross listings .

  16. 金砖国家的联合声明“福塔莱萨宣言”(FortalezaDeclaration)还表示,在设立总部的同时,还将在南非设立一个“区域中心”。

    A statement from the group , titled the " Fortaleza Declaration , " also said a " regional centre " would be established in South Africa concurrently with the headquarters .

  17. 据两家公司的联合声明称,MRAM是一种非易失性存储技术,它具备速度极快和耗电量低的优点。

    MRAM is non-volatile memory , it is also power efficient and operates at ultra-high speed , the companies said in a joint statement .

  18. 这些所谓的“金砖国家”在一份联合声明中表示,迫切需要“更好地体现经济权重”,“提高新兴市场和发展中国家在imf的发言权和代表性”。

    In a joint statement , the so-called BRICs Nations said that there was an urgent need to " better reflect economic weights " and to " enhance the voice and representation of emerging market and developing countries " at the IMF .

  19. 这份几乎无人注意的协议,只是在中美两国就美中战略经济对话(SED)成果发表的联合声明里简单地提了一句,但分析师表示,它消除了外资进入中国车险市场的关键障碍。

    The little-noticed deal was announced in a curt sentence in the joint statement of outcomes under the US-China Strategic Economic Dialogue , but analysts said it removed a key barrier to market entry .

  20. 三为1998年从AGB颁布的《治理宣言》,对1966年AAUP等协会的《联合声明》进行了部分调整,提出七原则对大学治理模式进行重建。

    Statement on institution governance established by AAUP that made some adjustments to the1966 Statement , and seven principles for restructuring the governing mode of universities .

  21. 卡里是在一份联合声明上签署了自己名字的几个比特币企业家之一。该声明谴责MtGox悲剧性地背弃了人们的信任,并承诺将共同努力,恢复人们的信心。

    Mr Cary was one of several Bitcoin entrepreneurs to append his name to a joint statement condemning the tragic violation of trust at Mt Gox , and promising to work together to restore confidence .

  22. 另外,在秘鲁出席亚太经合组织(apec)会议的政府首脑们发表了联合声明,要求各国部长到日内瓦碰面,重启多哈回合谈判,并表示他们期待谈判能获得“平衡且具有雄心”的结果。

    Separately , heads of government at the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation meeting in Peru issued a statement directing ministers to meet in Geneva to revive the Doha round , saying they expected an " ambitious and balanced " result .

  23. 在出现围绕谁将埋单的争议之际,特朗普政府的能源部长里克?佩里(RickPerry)本周在七国集团(G7)罗马能源会议上让关于气候变化的联合声明流产。

    Disputes over who will foot the bill comes as the Trump administration 's energy secretary , Rick Perry , scuppered a joint statement about climate change at a G7 energy meeting in Rome this week .

  24. 两名前总理在一份联合声明中表示,他们希望为现任总理李显龙(LeeHsienLoong)提供一个全新阵容,李显龙已承诺对选民的各项关切作出积极回应。

    In a joint statement , the two former prime ministers said they wanted to provide a fresh clean slate for Lee Hsien Loong , the current prime minister , who has promised to respond positively to voters ' concerns .

  25. 财政部长PranabMukherjee在此之间一直是外交部长。他告诉议会,Balochistan是在联合声明中巴基斯坦单方面提到的事件。

    The finance minister , Pranab Mukherjee , who until recently was foreign minister , told Parliament Balochistan was a " unilateral " reference made by Pakistan in the joint statement .

  26. 科赫(Koch)兄弟或许买下了今秋的4.4万个付费广告,帮助他们青睐的、代表煤炭和石油业利益的候选人赢得了选举,但两兄弟没有买下美国人的良心,今天听到美中在北京发表的联合声明,大多数美国人会感到高兴。

    The Koch brothers may have bought some 44000 paid ads this fall to help put favoured coal and oil candidates over the top , but they did not buy the souls of the American people , who by a large majority will be gratified today by the announcements from Beijing .

  27. 联合声明称,中国娱乐传媒集团DMG将投资制作《钢铁侠3》,管理其在中国拍摄的过程,并与迪士尼中国公司一起在中国发行该片。

    In a joint agreement , DMG a Chinese entertainment and marketing group will invest in Iron Man 3 and manage the co-production process on the Chinese side . Along with Disney 's China unit , DMG will also distribute the film in the country .

  28. 这一联合声明由于后来苏联侵入捷克斯洛伐克而宣告流产。

    This announcement was aborted by the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia .

  29. 合作利用里海联合声明

    Joint Statement on Cooperation in the Use of the Caspian Sea

  30. 我们会像你说的,发布联合声明

    We 'll make a joint statement , as you proposed .