
  1. 联合国预算与其他组织的预算相比如何?

    How does the UN budget compare with those of other organizations ?

  2. 按方案编制联合国预算

    Presentation of the United Nations budget by programme

  3. 联合国预算的编制方式和预算周期

    Form of presentation of the United Nations budget and duration of the budget cycle

  4. 2002年联合国经常预算摊款最多的10个会员国

    Top 10 Member States in assessment for the UN regular budget , 2002

  5. 联合国系统预算编制方法

    Budget Presentation in the United Nations System

  6. 联合国方案和预算机构工作组

    Working Group on United Nations Programme and Budget Machinery

  7. 纽约市教育局的预算超过整个联合国系统的预算

    The budget for the New York City Board of Education exceeds that of the entire UN system

  8. 联合国1978&1979两年期预算和方案的执行情况

    Budget and programme performance of the United Nations for the biennium 1978-1979

  9. 联合国经常技术援助预算

    United Nations Regular Technical Assistance Budget

  10. 你得考虑这样一个事实,美国给联合国提供的经费占了联合国总预算的1/4。

    Consider this fact : The United States provides an average quarter of the UN budget .