
  • 网络United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification;unccd;UN Convention to Combat Desertification
  1. 根据联合国防治荒漠化公约的有关规定,运用Thornthwaite计算可能蒸散量的方法作出了第一张中国荒漠化气候类型分布图,首次确定了中国荒漠化的潜在发生范围。

    The first climatic type distribution map of desertification in China has been drawn out making use of Thornthwaite method which was recommended in International Convention to Combat Desertification .

  2. “像每一个人一样,对于我们从索马里乃至整个非洲之角看到的图片和新闻,我们都非常难过。”联合国防治荒漠化公约(UNCCD)秘书处负责人MansourN'Diaye说。

    Regrets " Like everyone , we are very much moved by the image and news that we are seeing from not only Somalia , but also the whole Horn of Africa , " said Mansour N'Diaye , chief of cabinet at the Secretariat of the UNCCD - the United Nations Convention to Combat .

  3. 联合国防治荒漠化公约亚洲防治荒漠化的战斗(2006)

    United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification Combating desertification in Asia ( 2006 )