
  • 网络function manager;functional manager
  1. 相关岗位的管理人员(职能经理或HR经理)可根据需要进行相应处理,如编制变更,申请招聘,编制冻结等情况。

    Managerial personnel of related posts ( functional manager or HR manager ) can implement appropriate treatment as needed , such as staffing changes , recruitment application , staffing freeze and so on .

  2. 除非项目经理或适当的项目职能经理授权替代方案,仅最新发布文件的批准者可同意修订。

    Only the approver of the last issue of a document may approve revisions unless the project manager or applicable project functional manager authorizes an alternative .

  3. 这个起源于将实际的PortfolioManager数据与资源职能经理和项目经理的默认知识联合起来的挑战。

    This stems from the challenge of joining factual Portfolio Manager data with the tacit knowledge of the resource functional managers and project managers .

  4. 我们和程序员、项目经理和职能经理面谈,确定出我们的软件开发项目和体验中哪些是关键努力点。

    We interviewed program , project , and functional managers to identify what key pain points our software development projects are experiencing .

  5. 例如,项目经理负责与职能经理一起识别并解决项目组合与项目的问题。

    For example , the project manager is accountable for working with the managers to identify and resolve portfolio and program issues .

  6. 项目经理应该跟职能经理一起,重新分配人力到新的项目中,并告诉团队成员未来工作分配的计划。

    The project manager should work with functional managers to reassign personnel to new projects and present team members ' plans for future assignments .

  7. 这些有着足够描述的可交付产物为资源职能经理提供了对于工作属性的理解和长期合作的需要。

    These deliverables , with adequate description , provide the resource functional managers with an understanding of the nature of the work and the need for persistent collaboration .

  8. 实施以定单信息流为核心的业务流程再造,使定单成为追踪型号经理与主流程、支持流程职能经理之间市场支持关系的工具。

    Do business process reconstruction by setting order information flow as a core , make sales order work as tracking tool for evaluating the performance of Model Manager , and other functional manager ;

  9. 在职能型组织中,项目经理基本都是名义上的,或者根本不设项目经理,实际工作中依赖多个职能经理共同确保项目的顺利实施。

    In this structure , the project manager is commonly in name , or no project manager is set . In practical work , the smooth implementation of projects relies on several functional managers .

  10. 多数人力资源经理都曾担任过职能部门经理或者人力资源管理专家。

    Most human resource managers have been worked as the functional manager or human resource management experts .

  11. 合资企业内所有职能部门经理全由母公司委派。

    All of the functional managers in the joint venture will come from or be selected by the dominant parent .

  12. 因此职能部门经理当然要密切注意母公司的动态和由母公司传来的指示。

    As a result functional managers may pay more attention to events taking place in their parent and to signals come from that parent .

  13. 人力资源管理●解释如何人力资源与企业战略规划●讨论重视人力资源职能,和经理。

    Human Resources Management ● Explain how human resource staffing is connected to corporate strategic planning ● Discuss the importance of the HR function , and managers .

  14. 管理层任命你为一个跨越职能部门的项目经理,项目将按照六西格玛水平执行。

    Management assigns you to be the project manager of a project that crosses functional lines and is designed to operate at6-sigma levels .

  15. 西安建筑科技大学博士学位论文论文还详细讨论了项目办公室概念,提出中小建筑企业项目办公室的三大职能,即项目经理管理、专家与技术支持以及管理与括喘四项目。

    We also discuss the concept of the project office , bring forward the three functions of the project office : project manager management , support of expert and technology , project control .

  16. 倘若董事会能够充分有效地发挥其监督控制职能,就能减少经理层违背股东目标而进行的会计盈余操纵行为,增加经理层提供不稳健会计信息的成本,改善公司治理效果,从而提高会计稳健性。

    If the board of directors can take advantage of their supervision and control function , accounting earnings operating behaviors against shareholders ' objectives would decrease , and increase the cost of managers providing unconservative accounting information , and improve corporate governance effect , so the accounting conservatism is improved .