
zhǔ shù jù
  • master data;master record
主数据[zhǔ shù jù]
  1. IBM用我们的InformationManagement产品组合中的一些产品来帮助管理主数据。

    IBM helps manage master data with several products from our Information Management portfolio .

  2. 可以基于WebSpherePortalServer开发主数据管理UI。

    A master data management UI can be developed based on WebSphere Portal Server .

  3. 这个客户机应用程序使用MDMServer作为主数据源。

    The client application in time uses MDM Server as the master data source .

  4. MDMServer为企业提供了产品主数据的操作视图。

    MDM Server provides an operational view of product master data to the enterprise .

  5. MDMServer能够在整个企业范围内维护一致、完整且精确的主数据。

    The MDM Server enables consistent , complete and accurate master data across the enterprise .

  6. 改进主数据质量并更高效地管理主数据,从而优化业务过程,这就是MasterDataManagement(MDM)。

    Improving master data quality and managing it more efficiently to optimize business processes is known as Master Data Management ( MDM ) .

  7. 在Places应用程序中,有一个主数据表、一个详细地图、一个详细天气指示器。

    In the Places application , There is a master dataTable , a detailed map , and a detailed weather indicator .

  8. MDMServer维护来自多个领域的主数据,包括合作伙伴、客户和产品。

    MDM Server maintains master data for multiple domains , including party , account , and product .

  9. 他当前从事IBM主数据管理和信息平台技术上的体系结构模式和使用场景研究。

    He is driving architectural patterns and usage scenarios across IBM 's master data management and information platform technologies .

  10. 此模式描述构建MDMhub所需的主数据集成。

    This pattern describes the master data integration required for building an MDM hub .

  11. 事务实现风格,可以使用SOA技术在处理应用程序事务的过程中访问主数据服务。

    A Transaction implementation style that may use SOA techniques to access master data services as part of an application transaction .

  12. MDM支持在主数据的整个生命周期中管理主数据。

    MDM supports the management of master data throughout its lifecycle .

  13. MDMServer提供了很多功能,可以解决主数据架构的认证、授权和审计需求。

    MDM Server provides many capabilities to address a master data architecture 's authentication , authorization , and audit needs .

  14. 模式三:主数据管理(MDM)模式

    Pattern three : Master data management ( MDM ) pattern

  15. 简化并加速商业智能、主数据管理和面向服务架构(SOA)计划的数据和整合设计。

    Simplify and accelerate data and integration design for Business Intelligence , Master Data Management and Service Oriented Architecture ( SOA ) initiatives .

  16. MDMServer提供800多个开箱即用的业务服务,支持管理和维护主数据所需的各种操作。

    The MDM Server provides more than 800 business services supporting simple and complex operations to manage and maintain master data out-of-the-box .

  17. 当客户在实施SAP项目的时候,他们通常会被物料主数据中包含的信息所淹没。

    When customers implement SAP , they are often overwhelmed by the information contained in the Material Master file .

  18. MDMDataQualityManagementServices可以通过请求InformationIntegrityServices对MDM系统从业务系统接收到的主数据更新进行标准化、清理和匹配。

    MDM Data Quality Management Services can request Information Integrity Services to standardize , cleanse , and match master data updates received by the MDM System from a business system .

  19. 存在使用主数据的应用程序系统,而且在建立MDMhub之后仍然要使用它们。

    The application system using master data exists and is used after the MDM hub is built .

  20. MDM系统是企业中主数据的权威性数据源。

    The MDM system is the authoritative source of master data in an enterprise .

  21. MDMServer使用业务服务将来自不同领域的数据集成在一起,这些业务服务与使用主数据的所有应用程序和业务流程相交互。

    MDM Server integrates data from different domains using business services that interact with all applications and business processes that consume master data .

  22. 例如,通过对产品主数据领域应用MDM,优化NewProductIntroduction(NPI)业务过程。

    An example would be the optimization of the New Product Introduction ( NPI ) business process by applying MDM for the product master data domain .

  23. 通过主数据管理工具(MasterDataManagement,简称MDM)接收由相关业务系统产生的各类主数据,以进行排产业务操作。

    Through the main Data Management tools ( Master Data Management , abbreviation MDM ) received from relevant business system to produce all kinds of Master Data , for production scheduling operation .

  24. 共存风格:这种风格把所有主数据属性完全保存在MDM系统中。

    Coexistence style : This style fully materializes all master data attributes in the MDM System .

  25. MDM解决方案不仅仅是在企业内维护主数据的中心存储库。

    An MDM solution is more than maintaining a central repository of master data within the enterprise .

  26. 协作性风格的MDM支持定义、创建和同步主数据。

    The collaborative style of MDM supports the definition , creation , and synchronization of master data .

  27. 在事务性系统和中心MDM系统都要修改主数据的情况下,常常遇到。

    Is a pattern often encountered when transactional systems and the central MDM systems change master data .

  28. 这种主数据hub风格能够跨系统协调数据,能够作为中心引用系统。

    This master data hub style allows for data harmonization across systems as well as being able to serve as a central reference system .

  29. MDM服务引用ContentManagementServices所管理的内容,通过请求这些服务访问与主数据(比如客户、产品或账户)相关的非结构化内容。

    MDM Services would refer to content managed by Content Management Services and request these services to access unstructured content associated with master data , such as a customer , product , or account .

  30. 详细介绍主数据管理(MDM)超出了本文的范围。

    A detailed introduction of master data management ( MDM ) is beyond the scope of this article .