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zhǔ zhě
  • responsible person
  • host
主者 [zhǔ zhě]
  • (1) [host] 主人

  • 主者故不受。--明. 宗臣《报刘一丈书》

  • (2) 又

  • 幸主者出。

  • (3) 又

  • 主者又不即出见。

  1. 当Stackelberg对策具有多主者多从者时,传统的Stackelberg模型求解算法从方法上将面临困难,因而文章着重研究了多主多从Stackelberg对策的算法。

    When Stackelberg game has multiple leaders-followers , the traditional methods will be difficult to deal with the situation , so the algorithm of Stackelberg game with multiple leaders-followers is studied in the paper .

  2. 而在现实生活中,男主扮演者、艾美奖得主BryanCranston却称自己与太太RobinDearden常去做婚姻咨询。

    In real life , Bryan Cranston , the Emmy Award-winning actor who plays Walter , told Rolling Stone that couple 's therapy is something he and wife Robin Dearden attend regularly .

  3. 要表现得自信,让主试者感觉你有能力。

    Appear confident and show the interviewers that you 're competent .

  4. 不仅如此,出租主宅者也越来越多。

    Increasingly , people are renting their main homes , too .

  5. 主控者不会喜欢你刚说的。

    And Control wouldn 't like what you 're saying .

  6. 真正的即兴来自主奏者手中的妙处。

    True improvisation is a thing of beauty in the hands of the masters .

  7. 异常信号是由撒马利亚人特工手机发出的,这个特工潜伏在主控者的特工之中。

    The anomalous phone belongs to a Samaritan agent who 's embedded with Control 's operatives .

  8. 发展性评价的有效实施要求其主评者教师具有相应的评价素养。

    In order to implement the development assessment effectively , teachers should have corresponding assessment literacy .

  9. 提供工作机会以前,主试者会考虑到申请人过去的工作经验。

    Before offering the job , the interviewer took the applicant 's past work experience into consideration .

  10. 在现在平常的美术教育领域中,男性价值观、男性凝视以及男性权力,仍是各类课程的主控者。

    In the ordinary art educational domain , most courses are dominated by virilism and paternal power .

  11. 结果:以躯体症状为第一主述者占98.65%,其中头痛、头晕者占43.24%。

    Results : The rate of the first complain was 98.65 % for somatic symptoms , 43.24 % for headache and dizziness .

  12. 主礼者或任何人士,在主礼或协助礼仪的时候,不论任何时侯都不可以让双手在身旁前后摇动或悬摆。

    At no time should the celebrant or any other person officiating or assisting allow hands to swing at the sides or dangle .

  13. 同时也可以作为面试者的在设计面试题目和进行面试提问时的一个参考,尤其是对缺乏人才选拔经验的主试者会有一定的借鉴意义。

    Practically , the major findings of this study may serve as reference for the interviewers in designing interview questions and aid the interviewers , especially those who lack personnel selection experience , when holding job interviews .

  14. 原作男主扮演者哈里森?福特回归续集,在三十年后继续饰演追捕杀手机器人的警察迪卡德,但是他身边多了一个由瑞恩?高斯林饰演的年轻警察。哈里森?

    Harrison Ford is back as Deckard , a cop who hunted down killer robots , in this sequel , set 30 years later - and now he 's joined by a younger police officer played by Ryan Gosling .

  15. 集装箱物主第三者责任保险

    Container owner 's third party liability insurance

  16. 对农村地区、中小企业主以及购房者发放的联邦贷款也将冻结。

    Federal loans for rural communities , small business owners , and new home buyers will be frozen .

  17. 我未见城内有殿,因主神全能者和羔羊为城的殿。

    And I saw no temple in the city , for its temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb .

  18. 在模型中,企业主和管理者都是风险中性的,企业主是委托人,管理者是代理人。

    In the model , both owner and manager are risk-neutral , and the owner is the principal and the manager is the agent .

  19. 阿撒夫诗歌。上主,全能者天主,出令传召下土,由太阳的出处直到太阳的落处。

    The God of gods , the Lord has spoken , he summons the earth from the rising of the sun to its setting .

  20. 说起导师制,新一代企业主和创业者,以及创业机构的领导人,都犯了一个重大的错误。

    When it comes to mentoring the next generation of business owners and startup founders , leaders of entrepreneurship organizations have made a huge mistake .

  21. 叫你们想起圣先知们以前说过的话,以及你们的宗徒们传授的主和救世者的诫命。

    That you may be mindful of those words which I told you before from the holy prophets , and of your apostles , of the precepts of the Lord and Saviour .

  22. 从美国、英国到加拿大、南非、加勒比、印度、孟加拉国和新西兰,在过去的帝国主义列强及其殖民地,“黑人的命也是命”抗议者污损并拉倒了奴隶主、邦联者和帝国主义者的雕像。

    Across former imperial powers and their former colonial possessions , from the US and the UK to Canada , South Africa , the Caribbean , India , Bangladesh and New Zealand , Black Lives Matter protesters defaced and hauled down statues of slaveholders , Confederates and imperialists .

  23. 影片票房口碑都不错,但由于拍得太逼真了,很多人天真地以为女主的扮演者希瑟·多纳约真的下落不明或者已遭不测,纷纷送来吊唁卡,把希瑟的母亲吓得半死。

    The movie ended up being a huge success , though maybe a little too realistic for some . Actress Heather Donahue 's mother was dumbstruck when she started receiving sympathy cards after the release of the movie . They were from people who genuinely believed that Heather had disappeared or was dead .

  24. T波与QRS主波方向相反者110例,占80.29%;

    The direction of T wave and QRS main wave was opposite in 110 cases ( 80.29 % );

  25. 那些拥有结构的主或次音调者,将擅长于重排自己或他人的生命。

    Those with a main or sub tone of structure shall be gifted at reordering their life or the lives of others .

  26. 我又听见祭坛中有声音说,是的,主神,全能者阿,你的判断义哉,诚哉。

    And I heard another out of the altar say , Even so , Lord God Almighty , true and righteous are thy judgments .

  27. 希望这些资料可以帮助那些愿意在朝圣之前或期间了解更多有关默主哥耶的朝圣者。

    Hope this information can be helpful to those who would like to find out more about Medjugorje , before or during their pilgrimage .

  28. 祂的神国万世无疆。我信圣神,祂是主及赋与生命者,由圣父圣子所共发。

    We believe in the Holy Spirit , the Lord , the giver of life , who proceeds from the Father and the Son .

  29. 由于床温和主汽压力二者之间存在着强耦合,所以提出了一种神经网络在线解耦控制算法。

    As bed temperature and main vapor pressure are tightening couple between them , so the article gives a neural networks on-line decoupling control algorithm .

  30. 他曾蒙圣神启示:自己在未看见上主的受傅者以前,决见不到死亡。

    And he had received an answer from the Holy Ghost , that he should not see death , before he had seen the Christ of the Lord .