- 名Mantle;curtain;screen

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(遮挡用的帘子) curtain; screen:
curtain hangings; heavy curtain;
cotton curtain
The moon a shell , curtain , nuclear three parts .
The Power Model of Labor Force Flowage in Core and Curtain Areas
P wave velocity of the top of the upper mantle averages to 8.17 km / s.
Co_2 / ~ 3he ratio of mantle-derived co_2 gas pools and its formation mechanism in East China
Those He and CO 2 show not only mantle-derived characteristics but also magmatic origin .
In this paper , the crust and the upper mantle velocity structure beneath northern China has been studied by the use of near-by earthquake P wave information .
Therefore , degassing of the undegassed mantle is the main source of CO 2 in petroliferous basins .
A preliminary study on the model for mixing of volcanic-mantle-derived and organic co_2-northern margin basins of South China Sea as a case
Pb Isotopic Composition of Granitoids from the Altay Orogen ( China ): Evidence for Mantle-derived Origin and Continental Growth
Auxiliary agent of ore-forming elements was mainly CO2 , and mineralizing agent was Cl - , and all of them were came from the crust-mantle .
The waveforms and travel times of long period P phase in the upper mantle range 15 ° - 30 ° have been used to derive upper mantle P velocity structure SC of the Southern China .
Interfaces in the part consisting of crust and upper mantle in Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Anhui area , which accord with interfaces of known data , were found using mathematical simulation method of N-layered variable density model .
The size of Te is related to the thermal structure ( the thermal age ) of the lithosphere and crust mantle coupling .
Effect of Crust-Mantle Mixing Environments on Rb-Sr Isochron Age and Its Geological Significance
It is indicated that the mineralizer mainly comes from mantle degassing related to the regional deep faults , and part of carbon comes from organic matter in the crust .
Subvolcanic rocks of the mantle type related to Cu , Pb and Zn multi-metal mineralization of the pyrite type belong to the series of ore-bearing volcanic rocks of the marine facies .
Using teleseismic PS converted waveform to get Receiver Function is one of efficient methods which can study velocity discontinuity of the crust and mantle structure under seismic station .
The variation of Sr isotope in paleo-ocean is regarded as the result of the evolution of crust and mantle and of the crust-mantle interaction in different geological times .
The crust of Tengchong volcano-geothermal area is characterized by low P-wave and S-wave velocity , low resistivity , high heat-flow value and low Q value . There is also a feature of low P-wave velocity in the upper mantle .
Mantle fluids are apparently abundant in CO 2 , sulfides , LILE and REE , and they cause mantle metasomatism and partial melt .
Removal of lithospheric mantle in the North China craton : Re-Os isotopic evidence for coupled crust-mantle growth
In spite of its profound implications on the upper mantle rheology and seismic verification of low-threshold nuclear test ban treaties , PnQ , the quality factor for Pn wave , remains an elusive parameter to quantify .
There exists a high & conductivhy layer in the east side of Liao River depression area .
Piston-Cylinder Apparatus for High Pressure and Temperature Experiments and Its Application in Crust-Mantle Dynamics Research
The effect of different crust-mantle mixing environments on Rb-Sr isochron ages is discussed in terms of a two-component mixing model .
Upper-mantle amphiboles from China are commonly characterized by high Al ( > 2.0 ) and distinguished from one another in TiO_2 and Cr_2O_3 . They are divided into two types ( pargasite and kaersutite ) .
This paper discusses hydrothermal genesis of the Huanglong travertine based on gas competent , dynamic change in CO_2 and geological features of springs , and believes there is no geological structure related to the extrusion of mantle-derived gas .
The OH concentration of diopside 's high frequency OH band is 146 × 10 - 6 . The compositional speciality ( containing structural OH ) of diopside simply reflects that it was formed in the mantle environment of high temperature and high pressure .
The magma origin depth is about 30km , which is equal to the lower crust or crust mantle transition zone .
Nd , Sr , and Pb isotopic data indicate that large amounts of mantle-derived granitoids and minor amounts of mafic-ultramafic complexes emplaced in the upper crust during late Carboniferous and Permian times ( 250 to 330 Ma ) .