- 【地】mantle-derived

The relationship between lamprophyres and some hydrothermal deposits : implications for a differentiation model of mantle-derived C-H-O fluids
Co_2 / ~ 3he ratio of mantle-derived co_2 gas pools and its formation mechanism in East China
Summarization on the researches of the releasing process of the mantle originated CO 2 through deep faults
Those He and CO 2 show not only mantle-derived characteristics but also magmatic origin .
Its mantle-derived CO2 and H2 contribute compound mechanism for hydrocarbon generation ;
Fault and Magmatic Activity as Control of Mantle Source CO_2 Gas Accumulation : A Case Study of Jiyang Depression
Co_2 / ~ 3he ratio of volcanic thermal spring gas and the releasing and reservoir formation mechanisms of mantle gas
A PRELIMINARY APPROACH TO CRUST _ MANTLE METALLOGENY Mode of Occurrence of H _ ( 2 ) in Mantle - derived Minerals
Therefore , degassing of the undegassed mantle is the main source of CO 2 in petroliferous basins .
A preliminary study on the model for mixing of volcanic-mantle-derived and organic co_2-northern margin basins of South China Sea as a case
Pb Isotopic Composition of Granitoids from the Altay Orogen ( China ): Evidence for Mantle-derived Origin and Continental Growth
Research on mantle derived H 2 and hydrocarbon for the theoretical bases and exploration of the abiogenetic natural gases .
Cu , Mo , Fe deposits were formed from magma of mantle origin , while W , Sn , U deposits mainly from magma of crustal origin .
The eclogites in northern Jiangsu have at least three types : high pressure crustal type ( H_type ), ultrahigh pressure crustal type ( U_type ) and mantle type ( M_type ) .
The influences of the CO2-rich mantle-derived fluids on oil-gas reservoir formation in the Gaoqing-Pingnan fault are : ( 1 ) to form directly inorganic CO2 reservoirs ;
And in the process of gas pools forming , some mantle CO_2 lost by converted to CH4 or carbonate , some crust CO_2 added into the gas pools ;
It is indicated that the mineralizer mainly comes from mantle degassing related to the regional deep faults , and part of carbon comes from organic matter in the crust .
In the Northern Qinling Mountains there are three igneous rock series : A , B and C series , corresponding to the mantle-derived , the mantle-derived magma contaminated by crust materials , and the crust-mantle mixing genesis types .
The , calculation of Sr isotope component shows that the crust materials decrease continuously and mantle materials increase continuously from west to east with volcanism being younger .
In the inner belt , there are mantle derived basic to intermediate acid intrusive rocks resulting from the evolution of alkaline basaltic magmas , in which there occur skarn Cu , Fe , S and Au deposits .
This paper discusses hydrothermal genesis of the Huanglong travertine based on gas competent , dynamic change in CO_2 and geological features of springs , and believes there is no geological structure related to the extrusion of mantle-derived gas .
The OH concentration of diopside 's high frequency OH band is 146 × 10 - 6 . The compositional speciality ( containing structural OH ) of diopside simply reflects that it was formed in the mantle environment of high temperature and high pressure .
Nd , Sr , and Pb isotopic data indicate that large amounts of mantle-derived granitoids and minor amounts of mafic-ultramafic complexes emplaced in the upper crust during late Carboniferous and Permian times ( 250 to 330 Ma ) .
Pb - Sr - Nd isotopic systematics in mantle derived rocks
By the research of forming conditions of CO_2 gas reservoir , we conclusioned that the cause of formation of pure CO_2 gas reservoir is magma-mantle and carbonate inorganic origin , the CO_2 gas in oil and gas reservoir is organic origin .
CO2 , N2 and other inorganic gases are derived from the mantle source gas , therefore , the cause of the natural gas in the area has a " crust - mantle " dual characteristics of coal - mantle mixture .
A chemical zoning of subcontinental mantle beneath eastern China ( Zhou and Zhu , 1992 ) has shown the EMI affinity of sub - cratonic mantle based on a chemical inversion study of the Cenozoic mantle - derived rocks .
The origin and evolution of an active continental rift is an ideal ore-forming process . As to its endogenic mineral resources , it 's characterized by mineralization of mantle - originated ore-forming sulphophile elements ( Cu , Ni , Cr , and Pt ) at early stage .
The two regional strike slip fracture systems control the Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic patterns in the study area , and can be used to deepen the structural 3-D interpretation of the structural patterns , volcanic activity and distribution of reservoirs of CO2 derived from the mantle .
The igneous zircons have δ ~ ( 18 ) O values of 5.11 to 5.55 ‰, indicating that TTG magma was generated by partial melting of normal mantle-derived basaltic rocks .