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yuán dì
  • the first emperor of a dynasty
  1. 这种观念体系是在与现实政治的结合中不断发展的,而在儒学与现实政治的结合过程中,汉元帝起到了十分重要的作用。

    The thought system was developed when it combined with politics .

  2. 传说汉元帝回到内宫,越想越懊恼。

    Legend emperor Hanyuan return naigu , more and more convinced upset .

  3. 呼韩邪单于和王昭君向汉元帝谢恩的时候,汉元帝看到昭君又美丽又大方,多少有点舍不得。

    Grateful to the emperor Hanyuan and Wang Zhaojun huhanye Chanyu when Emperor Hanyuan see lady beautiful person , somewhat reluctant .

  4. 公元前33年,呼韩邪单于到长安,汉元帝将宫人王昭君嫁与呼韩邪单于。

    In 33 B. C. , Khan Huhanye paid a visit to Chang'an . Emperor Yuan married Wang Zhaojun , a beauty at that time , to him .

  5. 汉元帝多途径、大量选用经学之士,使当时从中央到地方的官吏队伍结构发生了重大变化,大量的经学之士进入了官吏队伍。

    Because Emperor Hanyuan appointed a lot of Confucian scholars , the structure of the central and local government bureaucracy had been changed greatly . A great deal of Confucian scholars entered the government bureaucracy .

  6. 密皇后杜氏与昭哀皇后姚氏均受明元帝的宠遇,又都于明元帝去世前三年的泰常五年死去,于是宫中再无皇后。

    Mi Empress Du and Zhaoai Empress Yao , who were doted on by Ming Yuan Emperor , passed away at the fifth year of Taichang Period , which was three years before Ming Yuan Emperors death .

  7. 公元前48年,元帝继位后,社会矛盾进一步激化,终于使西汉王朝一蹶不振。

    In 48 B. C. , when Emperor Yuandi came to the throne , the social conflicts intensified further , and the country couldn * t recover after that , which marked the beginning of the decline of the Western Han .

  8. 明元帝时,皇帝离京出征时开始置留台,为统筹留台而发展为太子一人监国的制度。

    In the time of Ming Yuan emperor , Liu Tai system was set up in the consideration of the emperor was out of capital , and the system of crown prince contemporary governing nation was developed for managing the Liu Tai .

  9. 晋元帝司马睿,司马懿曾孙,袭父封为琅蚜王,都督扬州江南诸军事,由下邳移镇建邺(后又改名建康,今江苏省南京市)。

    Sima Rui , the great grandson of Sima Yi , granted as the King of Langya from his father , was in charge of the defense in south of Yangzhou ( now Jiangsu province ) and moved his headquarters from Xiapi to Jianye ( later called Jiankang , now Nanjing City ) .