
  • 网络Major;Major Subjects;Field of Study
  1. 能否告诉我你在主修专业上所修的课程吗?

    Tell me about the courses of your major subject in university .

  2. 我以世界历史为我的主修专业。

    I take world history as my major .

  3. Instead的MBA是一门综合管理课程,不设主修专业。

    Insead 's M.B.A.is a general management program that doesn 't offer different majors .

  4. 对运动系小球主修专业学生培养新模式的探讨

    Discussion on the New Cultivating Model of " Small Ball " Major of Sports Department

  5. 本科新生的职业/主修专业认同:教育模式比较的角度

    Career / Major Identity of College Freshmen : From the Comparative Angle of Education Patterns

  6. 我毕业于北京大学,主修专业是会计与统计。

    I graduated and obtained a diploma from Peking University with a major in accounting and statistics .

  7. 要是你想在学校得到一学位证书,也得马上决定主修专业。

    He Jicheng issued the degree certificates for the graduates and set the tassels straight for them .

  8. 除八科核心科目外,学生须完成国际贸易方向的五个主修专业。

    In addition to the eight core courses , students should take five courses of International Business concentration area .

  9. 我是毕业于山东工商学院,拥有经济学和管理学的双学位,我的主修专业是金融,辅修专业是会计。

    I was graduated from Shandong Institute of business and technology , with a dual degree in economics and management , and my Major is finance subsidiary majors are accounting .

  10. 我叫齐好运,在天津大学学习,明年7月份毕业,主修专业是国际贸易,辅修专业是计算机。

    I am Qi haoyun , a student studying at Tianjin university . I 'll be graduating from the university next july . I major in international trade with a minor in computer science .

  11. 我们不仅仅是我们的工作,教育的全部也不仅仅是一门主修专业。教育也不仅仅是上大学,甚至也不仅是从幼儿园到研究生院的正规学校教育。

    We are more than our jobs , and education is more than a major . Education is more than college , more even than the totality of your formal schooling , from kindergarten through graduate school .

  12. 对于任何一个想成为幽灵猎人或者魔鬼克星的人来说,你可能会考虑亚利桑那大学,它是将超自然现象研究作为主修专业的大学之一。

    For anyone out there wishing to become a Ghost Hunter , or better yet , a Ghostbuster , you might want to consider a school like the University of Arizona , which is one of several that offer Paranormal Studies as a major 。

  13. 他在加利福尼亚州的克莱尔蒙特男子学院主修金融专业。

    He majored in finance at Claremont Men 's College in California .

  14. 班纳森如今62岁,当年在纽约城市大学(CityUniversityofNewYork)的皇后学院(QueensCollege)主修戏剧专业。

    Benenson , 62 , majored in theater at Queens College , part of the City University of New York .

  15. 他主修金融专业,一年前毕业于北京一所商学院,目前在中国交通银行(theBankofCommunicationsinChina)&一家大型国有银行工作。

    He graduated from business school a year ago in Beijing , a finance major who now works for the Bank of Communications in China , a large state-owned bank .

  16. 意味着我不能主修这个专业了。

    Which would mean giving it up as my major .

  17. 越来越多的大学生选择主修计算机专业。

    A rising number of college students are choosing to major in computer science .

  18. 本科学历,主修机械专业。

    Bachelor degree , majoring in Mechanical field .

  19. 现在请你告诉我关于你上大学时主修的专业。

    Now , please tell me about your major while you were in college .

  20. 我是湖南科技学院外语系的一名2007届毕业生,主修英语专业。

    I am an English graduate of2007 in Hunan University of Science and Engineering .

  21. 你为什么主修市场专业?

    Why did you major in marketing than ?

  22. 我的两个女儿,她们在国内上大学,全都主修英语专业。

    I have two daughters who both majored in English while attending college in China .

  23. 你大学时主修什么专业?

    What subject did you majorat university ?

  24. 今年七月将从北京大学毕业,我主修的专业是会计学。

    I will graduate from eking University this July . I have majored in accounting .

  25. 我女儿主修音乐专业。

    My daughter majors in music .

  26. 许多主修该专业的学生将其视为医学科学的入门课程。

    Some students obtain a major degree in this field as an introduction to medical science .

  27. 我于2000年毕业于南昌财经学院,主修保险专业。

    I graduated from Nanchang College of Finance and Economics in 2000 . my major was insurance .

  28. 我主修商业专业。

    I majored in commerce .

  29. 我曾经就读与北京林业大学,主修计算机专业。

    I was once an undergraduate at Beijing Forestry University , majoring in computer science and technology .

  30. 问题24:在大学的前两年,说话者主修的专业是什么?

    Question 24 : What does the speaker major in during the first two years of college ?