
  • 网络Job designing
  1. 人力资源开发战略中重点论述了BGP企业职业设计、企业人才培训策略及业绩评估策略。

    In human Resource Strategy Enterprise Profession Design and Training Strategy have been applied .

  2. 每分职业设计必须说明你的优势和劣势。

    Every career plan must account for your strengths and weaknesses .

  3. 出国留学对医院科技人员职业设计的影响

    Influence of Study Abroad on Professional Redesign in Skilled Personnel

  4. 浅析大学生职业设计问题

    A Brief Analysis of University Students ' Vocation Design

  5. 浅谈高校就业指导工作中的职业设计问题

    A brief talk on career planning of college graduates

  6. 大学生职业设计是就业的充分准备过程。

    University students ' vocation design is the process of good preparation for employment .

  7. 在关于魔兽世界今后的职业设计问题上我们起了分歧。

    Our reasoning behind that is we had a conflicting design vision going on with World of Warcraft .

  8. 当然,让宠物分享所有属性加成仍是我们‘大灾变’职业设计团队最为主要的目标。

    Getting everyone to scale with every stat better is a major goal for the class team for Cataclysm .

  9. 在现实的高校就业指导工作中,职业设计教育和工作都存在不同程度的缺陷。

    However , in , practice there do exist certain defects to some extent in the supervision of guidance to career-planning .

  10. 造成这些情况的原因很多,如企业忽视员工的培训、激励、员工职业设计及组织发展等等。

    All these are caused by the reasons such as the ignorance of training , rewarding , professional design of employee and the development of organization .

  11. 我们的职业设计团队里面有一个很牛的萨满,可以说是世界顶尖,不过有没有对我们来说并没有太大的区别。

    We have an amazing shaman on the team , arguably one of the best in the world , but it wouldn 't matter if we didn 't.

  12. 同时,从工资分配、管理体制、职业设计与人才培养等方面论述了地矿事业单位人力资源管理方面存在的问题;

    And then it goes on to look at some problems from the following aspects : pay distribution , management system , job design and talents training .

  13. 职业设计是就业的充分准备过程,在高校就业指导工作中和学生思想政治教育中均占有重要地位。

    Career-planning is a process of a thorough preparation for employment . Meanwhile , it plays an important role in the guidance to employment-seeking and the ideological education for college graduates .

  14. 职业设计能够解决毕业生择业和就业的定向问题,职业设计是开展思想政治教育的独特途径。

    By means of vocation design the orientation problem of graduates ' job selecting and employment can be settled , so it is the distinctive way of conducting ideological and political education .

  15. 职业设计包括对择业的偏好、意向、期望等观念的研究,也涉及就业准备和对就业有影响的因素的操作分析。

    The design includes : the study of particular liking , intention , expectation and other concepts in job selecting , as well as the operational analysis of the factors affecting employment .

  16. 本文就职业设计与职业管理的重要意义、科学内涵以及实现职业设计与职业管理科学化的途径作了简要论述。

    This article makes a brief discussion on three things : the importance of occupation design management , the scientific connotation of occupation design management , the approach to make occupation design management scientifically .

  17. 本文在有关人力资源理论和教育理论的基础上,运用实证分析,从在职研究生职业设计的角度,探讨了有关在职研究生培养的问题。

    On the basis of relevant human resource theories and education theories , this paper uses demonstration analysis , and has probed into the on-the-job graduate training issue being concerned about career designing for the on-the-job graduate .

  18. 并对各因子特点进行分析,提出了相应的改革建议,为CUBA运动员的职业生涯设计提供理论参考,促进我国高校篮球运动可持续发展。

    With analyzing the factor traits , it tabled the relevant reform proposals for CUBA athletes ' career design to promote the sustainable development of our college basketball .

  19. 最后结合企业实际,从招聘、培训、薪酬分配体系、人性化管理和职业生涯设计等多方面入手,有针对性地提出了解决SH公司核心员工流失问题的控制对策。

    Finally , some countermeasures against key employees ' turnover are put forth for SH Group base on the Recruitment , Training , Pay distribution system , Humanity management and Career design etc.

  20. 大学生的职业生涯设计浅议大学教师的素养

    College Students ' Career Design On the Quality of University Teachers

  21. 纳士杯中国职业服装设计大赛在京揭幕

    Nashi Cup Contest for Professional Costume Design cut ribbons in Beijing

  22. 职校职业生涯设计教育的内容

    Discussion on Contents of Taking Career Design Education in Vocational Schools

  23. 科技工作者职业生涯设计初探

    Tentative Study On Designing Scientific and Technical Workers ' Occupational Career

  24. 高等职业家具设计专业实训模式探讨

    Practical Training Mode of Furniture Design Specialty in Advanced Vocational School

  25. 旅游职业形象设计课程实践教学探讨

    The traveling professional image project curriculum practices the teaching discussion

  26. 简论大学生职业生涯设计

    Discussion on the Design of University Student 's Vocational Career

  27. 现代职业套装设计风格与发展趋势分析

    Analysis of modern office suit design styles and development tendency

  28. 然而该运动并不是专为职业运动员设计的。

    However , it was not intended for serious athletes .

  29. 职业院校设计艺术类专业教学探讨

    Exploration on the Teaching of Art-design Specialty in Vocational Schools

  30. 英国建筑教育&谢菲尔德大学建筑学职业文凭设计工作室简析

    Architectural Education in uk : diploma studios at the University of Sheffield