
  • Vocational College;Career Colleges;Professional Schools;training college
  1. 为了收到联邦救助,职业学院必须使学生做好准备,能够在一个公认的行业得到“有利可图的职业”。

    To receive federal aid , career colleges must prepare students for what the law calls " gainful employment " in a recognized occupation .

  2. 教育部正在针对一些协商中的规定征集公众评论。其中一些规则将要求职业学院公布毕业率和就业率。

    The department is now collecting public comments on a number of negotiated rules . Some would require career colleges to release their graduation and job placement rates .

  3. CTE中最为成功的模式,就是“职业学院”。

    The most successful model , however , may be " career academies " .

  4. 接着,对山东W职业学院顶岗实习现状进行了调查,从学校、学生、企业三方对顶岗实习的现状进行了实证研究,并讨论了顶岗实习具体的培训模式及其存在的问题。

    And then , it conducts a survey of internship in Shandong W vocational college and does an empirical study on internship from two aspects of students and enterprises . It finds a few problems in the internship .

  5. 利用CALIS系统统一检索的方式是适合安徽警官职业学院图书馆的一种数字资源整合方式。

    As to Anhui Vocational College of Police Officers , the CALIS online retrieval system is a better way to the digital resource integration .

  6. 方法以福建省某医学护理职业学院263名二年级大学生为对象,用症状自评量表(SCL-90)和应对方式问卷(CSQ),分别评定其心理健康水平、应对方式及其相关性。

    Methods A total of 263 vocational medical nursing students were taken as objects . SCL-90 and CSQ were adopted to estimate their psychological health and coping styles .

  7. 高等艺术职业学院体现了高等艺术职业教育的一般特征。

    College art education has the general characteristics of vocational education .

  8. 机遇面前的战略选择与实施&天津滨海职业学院以资源整合获取成长优势之路

    The Strategic Choice and Implementation in Front of the Opportunity

  9. 打造高职院校科学发展的中流砥柱&以湖南民族职业学院为例

    Creating an Important Pillar in Scientific Development of Vocational Colleges

  10. 你能告诉我到山东纺织职业学院怎么走吗?

    Can you tell me the way to ShanDong Textile Vocational College ?

  11. 潍坊职业学院办公自动化系统的设计与实现

    Weifang Vocational College Office Automation System Design and Implementation

  12. 关于我国司法警官职业学院专业设置的思考

    Thoughts on the Settings of Specialty in China 's Judicial Police Vocational College

  13. 面向职业学院基础课程的在线考试系统

    The Basis of Career-oriented College Courses Online Examination System

  14. 山东金融职业学院图书管理系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of the Library Management System for Shandong Financial College

  15. 烟台职业学院师资队伍建设问题的研究

    The Study on the Construction of the Ranks of Teachers in Yantai Professional College

  16. 这是我在齐齐哈尔职业学院上学的第四个第四学期!

    This is my Qiqihar Vocational College in the school 's fourth fourth semester !

  17. 为了山西旅游的明天&山西旅游职业学院成立专访


  18. 高等旅游职业学院表演艺术专业课程设置探析

    Probe into the Curriculum Reform of Performing Arts Major in Vocational Colleges of Tourism

  19. 天津滨海职业学院依据所处地区特点,为经济发展和学生个人发展服务。

    Tianjin Binhai Vocational Institute serves the economic development and the development of students .

  20. 开放·自由·多元&福建艺术职业学院规划与建筑方案

    Open , Free and Diversiform : Planning and Architectural Scheme of Fujian Vocational Art College

  21. 江西财经职业学院

    Jiangxi Vocational College of Finance and Economics

  22. 某职业学院大学新生的心理问题与分析

    The Psychological Problem of Freshmen in College

  23. 现供职于威海职业学院。

    Presently serves in Weihai Vocational College .

  24. 四川科技职业学院

    Sichuan Science & Technology Vocational College

  25. 黑龙江生态工程职业学院专业概况

    Heilongjiang Vocational Institute of Ecological Engineering

  26. 关于我校行政职业学院开设信息检索课的建议

    Proposal concerning Opening a New Course of Information Retrieval in Administration Vocational Training College of Our School

  27. 第三部分,天津城市职业学院人力资源会计制度设计。

    The third part is the design of human resource accounting system in Tianjin City Vocational College .

  28. 江西应用技术职业学院

    JiangXi College Of Applied Technology

  29. 成都艺术职业学院

    Chengdu Art Professional College

  30. 高等职业学院的发展是一个全社会十分关注的问题。

    The development of high vocational college education has been paid close attention to by the whole social .