
  1. 耳后动脉枕支的观察

    An observation of occipital branches of posterior auricular artery

  2. 耳后、枕部及颈后淋巴结肿大,耳后淋巴结肿大是风疹的另一个特点。

    Ears , the occipital and posterior cervical lymph nodes , ears after the lymph nodes is another characteristic of rubella .

  3. 结果舌骨上肌皮区的血供主要靠面动脉,另外有颈外动脉、耳后动脉和枕动脉;

    Results The result showed that the suprahyoid musculocutaneous region was mainly supplied by facial artery , and other arteries including the external cervical artery , the posterior auricular artery , and the occipital artary ;

  4. 结果:枕大神经和枕小神经重叠分布于枕部,耳大神经和枕小神经重叠分布于颞部和枕外侧。

    Results : Overlapping distribution in occipital area was formed by greater occipital nerve and lesser occipital nerve , and another overlapping distribution was in lateral occipital and temporal area by lesser occipital nerve and great auricular nerve .

  5. 而在其它部位的转移性鳞状细胞癌中在不影响根治的情况下也应尽可能多的保留功能,特别是耳大神经、枕小神经、锁骨上皮神经及副神经。

    More cervical functions should be reserved , such as the nerves of accessory , great auricular , lesser occipital , supraclavicular cutaneous , etc , which hadn 't any the influence of eradicated effect on metastasis squamous cell cancer .

  6. 躯体代表区由耳颞神经、耳大神经及枕小神经耳支支配。

    The areas related to the trunk were controlled by auriculotemporal nerve , great auricular nerve and auricular branch of lesser occipital nerve .

  7. 颞区神经包括耳颞神经、面神经颞支,乳突区神经包括耳大神经和枕小神经。

    The nerves of temporal region include auriculotemporal nerve and temporal branch of facial nerve . The innervation of mastoid region includes great auricular nerve and lesser occipital nerve . 3 .