
lǎo wēng
  • old man;father;greybeard;grey beard
老翁 [lǎo wēng]
  • (1) [grey beard;old man]∶老年男子

  • (2) [father]∶父亲

老翁[lǎo wēng]
  1. 一位老翁正在小溪中钓鱼。

    An old man was angling for fish in a brook .

  2. 但,这位老翁却不敢踏出森林。

    The old man ain 't dare step foot outta the forest , though .

  3. 有人发现一名老翁被打死了。

    An elderly man was found beaten to death .

  4. “我带你去Lluengo,”老翁说,“靠近海岸的Lil村,你知道那里吗?你知道,Lluengo那里的人都很友好。”“您一直住在这里?”我说。

    I take you to Lluengo , " the man say . ' Lil village near the coast , y'know it ? Nice people in Lluengo , y'know . " ' You always live here ? " I say . '

  5. 自从与那位老翁及他的家人见面已经过去了两周时间。

    Two weeks passed since meeting the man and his family .

  6. 那老翁在老年的残疾之下很吃力。

    The aged man is laboring under the handicaps of old age .

  7. 他是一个保养得很好的八十老翁。

    Eg. He is a very well-preserved man of eighty .

  8. 那个年逾古稀的老翁经常出国。

    Not infrequently does the septuagenarian go abroad .

  9. 这位老翁虽然骨瘦如柴但很是强壮。

    The old man was scrawny but strong .

  10. 被吉尼斯世界纪录确定为世界最年长老翁的美国人弗雷德·黑尔11月19日在美国锡拉库扎的家中去世,享年113岁。

    Fred Hale Sr. , documented as the world 's oldest man , died Friday .

  11. 近景老翁架车访友访友,旁边的亭台造型古朴,高压大方。

    Close-range cars either man either side of the rustic scenery modeling , high pressure generous .

  12. 一个保养得很好的八十老翁

    A very well-preserved man of eighty

  13. 有时,他看起来就是一个苍老的8旬老翁,特别是当他努力听清议员们质问的时候。

    At times , especially when struggling to hear questions , he looked all of his 80 years .

  14. 这位老翁是哈雅纳邦的一名雇农,这是他的第一个孩子。

    The elderly man , a landless farmer in Haryana state , is a proud father of his first child .

  15. 在意大利未来几周举行的下一届选举中,这位八旬老翁有机会再次掌权。

    The octogenarian is in with another chance of power in Italy 's next election a few weeks from now .

  16. 太行,王屋二山的北面,住了一个九十岁的老翁,名叫愚公。二山占地广阔,挡住去路,使他和家人往来极为不便。

    Yugong was a ninety-year-old man who lived at the north of two high mountains , Mount Taixing and Mount Wangwu .

  17. 那老翁在老年的残疾之下很吃力。未成年残疾人一般福利区域理事会

    The aged man is laboring under the handicaps of old age . Regional Council for the General Welfare of Disabled Minors

  18. 这些人中有念过花甲的老翁,有羽翼未丰的少年,处在各自人生不同的阶段上。

    These people do not have to be young or old , they are just in a stage of their lives .

  19. 如果叫他猜,他一定估计这是一个患有慢性痼疾的六十老翁的躯体。

    At a guess he would have said that it was the body of a man of sixty , suffering from some malignant disease .

  20. 在曾经是个可以俯瞰河流的城堡的旧址上只有一座破烂的大门,想无齿的老翁一样张开嘴。

    Where a fort had once overlooked the river now stood a broken gate , gaping open like an old man 's toothless mouth .

  21. 这些人也要先变成老翁老妪然后死去,这不是命运的秩序么?

    Was it not in the order of destiny that these persons too should first become old women and old men and then die ?

  22. 一位老翁划着船把他送到了对岸,也就是我们现在站的这个地方。

    Then an old man rowed a boat over and sent him to the other bank , which is exactly where we are standing now .

  23. 该系列包括了老翁的凋塑;这些瘦骨嶙峋的老人给观众带来一丝丝的恐惧及不安。

    The series consists of sculptures of human figures , characterised by their shocking skeletal figures that cause a feeling of slight fear and dismay in its audiences .

  24. 拍卖槌准备榜完成销售,当一名老翁在破旧衣服来到了他的衣袖和唤醒。

    The auctioneer was ready to bang the gavel to complete the sale , when an elderly man in shabby clothes came up and tugged on his sleeve .

  25. 创伤外科医师裘莉‧伟恩在移除这把剪刀后,描述她与其他医师是如何以金属网重建眼窝,并且保住这位八旬老翁的灵魂之窗。

    Trauma surgeon Julie Wynne described how , after removing the shears , she and other doctors rebuilt the socket with metal mesh and saved the octogenarian 's eye .

  26. 美国一位八十六岁老翁,意外被修枝剪刺穿其眼窝并深入颅骨,复原状况却是神乎其神地好。

    An86-year-old American has made a stunning recovery after a gardening accident left him with a pair of pruning shears impaled through an eye socket deep into his skull .

  27. 一个孤单的老翁是不是比一个孤单的老妪更为难?这是生命的分工,男人你不必谦让。

    Does a lonely old man live harder than a lonely old woman ? These are life 's differences , and man , you don 't need to be humble .

  28. 当我醒来时,我发现自己躺在地上,四张脸正盯着我——一位老翁、一位年轻女士和两个男孩。

    When I woke up , I found myself lying on the ground , four faces staring down at me - an old man , a young lady and two boys .

  29. 一位男子十月十八日尝试以双脚寻找一副掉在澄清湖底的假牙。该副假牙由一位吃芭乐的八旬老翁不慎丢进湖底。

    A man tries to find false teeth at the bottom of Cheng Ching Lake in Greater Kaohsiung on Oct.18 after an octogenarian accidentally threw them into the lake along with some guava seeds .

  30. “不是一直,”他说,“目前我住在这里。你是感到我们住在丛林里很可怜,是吗?”老翁说。

    Not always , " he say . ' F'now , I stay here . Y'pity we for livin in bush , eh ? " the old man say . ' I ain 't pity .