
  • 网络lao;laotian
  1. 老挝人,无论其年龄大小,都是我见到过的最可爱的人。

    Laotian people , whatever their age , are some of the loveliest I have ever encountered .

  2. 老挝人的善良,忠厚一直在感染着我。

    The kindness and loyalty of Laos people always inspires me .

  3. 五分之四的老挝人是农民。

    Four-fifths of Laotians are farmers .

  4. 对其他老挝人来说,也是恶梦之夜吗?

    What other Laotians are having a bad night ?

  5. 有关或属于老挝人的。

    Of or relating to the Lao people .

  6. 位于湄公河流域的老挝人各子国的起源,仅有一些模糊的传说。

    The origin of the Laos states on the Mekong is obscure and legendary .

  7. 老挝人星期六前往投票站选举选区的国会议员。

    On paper it is a body of lawmakers chosen by and for the people .

  8. 老挝人自己开的厂反而缺乏木材,当地人总是要为生计为难。

    Their own factories can 't get the timber and the local people have their livelihoods disrupted .

  9. 在缅甸称为掸,在中国称为傣族,泰国称为泰,在印度称为泰-阿宏,泰和老挝人都包括在泰族群中。

    They are known as Shan in Myanmar , Dai in China , Thai Yai in Thailand and Tai Ahoms in India .

  10. 在这家公司走走,我们看到的都是年轻的深肤色面孔越南人、柬埔寨人、老挝人和墨西哥人还有最先进的技术。

    Walking through this company we see only young , dark faces Vietnamese , Cambodians , Laotians , Mexicans and the most advanced technology .

  11. 只是老挝人似乎太习惯了悠闲的生活,很难跟上现代商业社会的节奏。

    But Laos people seem to be used to the leisure life , it is difficult for them to go step with the modern society .

  12. 到处都可以看见堆成小山般的辣椒和酸橙,这两样都是老挝人做主菜腊普(一种用肉糜或鱼做成的香辣色拉)的主要食材。

    Everywhere you look there are mini-mountains of chillies and limes , both key ingredients in the national dish of laap , a spicy minced meat or fish salad .

  13. 在机场收建设费的服务人员可以不关收银柜就去接电话,老挝人停车吃饭甚至都不锁车。

    Service persons for collection construction fees in the airport can answer a phone even when the cash cabinet is open ; Laos people stop their cars for dinner even with their cars unlocked .

  14. 今天,老挝人看起来都满足于他们所拥有的一切,即使老挝是世界上最穷的国家之一,大多数老挝人不太关心钻营敛财之道,也不关心现代化的种种发展。

    Laotians today seem happy with what little they have - theirs is one of the poorest countries in the world - and largely unconcerned by the mucky business of making money , as well as many other aspects of modernity .

  15. 老挝领土正被人用来向南越进行渗透。

    Laotian territory is being used to infiltrate South Viet-Nam .

  16. 在泰国和老挝,触摸任何人的头部,甚至小孩子,都是禁忌。

    In Thailand and Laos , it is taboo to touch anyones head , even children .

  17. 在老挝没有地面部队,只要屠杀是遥控进行的,就可以枪杀老挝人。

    No ground troops are in Laos , so it 's all right to kill Laotians as long as it 's done by remote control .

  18. 系统的电脑运行软件也正处于用老挝语“本地化”的最后阶段,从事这一项工作的是一群移居美国的老挝人。村民们用这个新网络可做的一件事情就是决定要不要走向市场。

    One thing that the new network will allow villagers to do is decide whether it is worth going to market .