
  • 网络Lao Fengxiang;Old Phoenix
  1. 老凤祥是中国品牌的老字号,1848年于上海建立,现在在全国有超过2000家店铺。

    The brand is among the oldest in China , started in 1848 in Shanghai and now with more than 2000 stores throughout the country .

  2. 去年,老凤祥在美国开了第一家店,位于国际精品设计师店与五星级饭店林立的第五大道。

    Last year , Lao Feng Xiang opened its first store in the United States - on Fifth Avenue in the midst of international designer boutiques and five-star hotels .

  3. 当周大福的生意主要专注在亚洲市场,源自上海的“老凤祥”金饰则希望西方人也会喜欢这种亚洲风格。

    While Chow Tai Fook 's business is focused on Asia , the Shanghai-based gold company Lao Feng Xiang is betting that Westerners can learn to love the Asian style .

  4. 老凤祥在海外的客群主要还是华人移民跟中国游客,不过“我们增加了新的金饰种类,把24K金和玉、彩色宝石或钻石融合起来,以吸引更多客群,”王先生说。

    Its overseas customer base still is largely composed of expatriate Chinese and tourists from mainland China . But " we are adding a new merchandise mix to include 24-karat gold set with jade , colored stones and diamonds to create a broader appeal , " Mr. Wang said .