
fān yì chéng xù
  • translator;translator program;interpreter;interpreter programming
翻译程序[fān yì chéng xù]
  1. 动态翻译程序允许在运行时将用于目标(来宾)CPU的指令转换为用于主机CPU,从而实现仿真。

    The dynamic translator allows runtime conversion of instructions for a target ( guest ) CPU to the host CPU to provide emulation .

  2. 免费和开源的Calibre应用程序可充当所有这些不同的格式的一个便利的翻译程序。

    The free and open source Calibre application provides a convenient translator for all of these different formats .

  3. 采用C++语言开发了翻译程序,实现了NC代码的解释过程。

    The software is developed with C + + language , then NC code interpretation is realized .

  4. 我们通常把PL嵌在编写翻译程序的系统中。

    PL is usually imbedded is a translator writing system .

  5. 但是从技术角度看,QEMU的有趣之处在于其快速、可移植的动态翻译程序。

    But what makes QEMU interesting from a technical perspective is its fast and portable dynamic translator .

  6. QEMU的动态翻译程序还缓存了翻译后的代码块,使翻译程序的内存开销最小化。

    QEMU 's dynamic translator also caches blocks of translated code to minimize the translator 's overhead .

  7. 本文主要讲述如何构造形式化描述语言RSL的翻译程序。

    This paper discusses the construction of an RSL translator .

  8. 本节将介绍QEMU的两种操作模式,以及QEMU动态翻译程序的一些有趣特点。

    This section describes the two QEMU modes of operation and also some of the interesting aspects of the QEMU dynamic translator .

  9. 作为附录,给出了用MS-PASCAL实现的该语法制导翻译程序的全部源程序。

    Also , the source code of the translator in MS-PASCAL is presented in appendix .

  10. 要了解QEMU及其动态翻译程序的更多内部细节,请参阅参考资料一节中FabriceBellard(QEMU的作者)所撰写的有趣文章。

    To learn more about the internal details of QEMU and its dynamic translator , check out the Resources section for an interesting paper by Fabrice Bellard ( the author of QEMU ) .

  11. 本地编译程序和翻译程序.详细描述和分析了它们的体系结构和工作原理。

    Their architectures and working principles are described and analyzed in detail .

  12. 许多编程语言也容许叫做宏的小型翻译程序。

    Many programming languages also permit minitranslation programs called macros .

  13. 然后构建核心翻译程序。

    The core translator is then built .

  14. 会话式翻译程序写系统对话时间控制程序块

    Conversational translator writing system session control block

  15. 翻译程序中的美学思维研究

    Investigation on Aesthetic Thought in Translation Procedures

  16. 通信协议翻译程序的软件自动生成

    Software autogeneration of communication protocols translator

  17. 翻译程序是一个把源程序翻译成结果程序的程序。

    A translator is a program which translates a source program into an equivalent object program .

  18. 会话式翻译程序写系统

    Conversational translator writing system

  19. 扩充的广义代数翻译程序

    Generalized algebraic translator extended

  20. 业务及工程充实公式翻译程序

    Business and engineering enriched

  21. 代数编译程序和翻译程序

    Algebraic compiler and translator

  22. 计算机语言翻译程序识别符

    Computer language translator identifier

  23. 他们可以将一篇文章输入机器翻译程序,马上了解其大意。

    They can run a text through a machine translation program and get an immediate idea of what it is about .

  24. 通常由语言翻译程序所准备的打印输出,它列出源语言语句和程序的内容。

    A printout , usually prepared by a language translator , which lists the source language statements and contents of a program .

  25. 近几年来,随着语用学的不断发展,语用学的研究方法已经被纳入对翻译程序、翻译过程和翻译作品的阐释中。

    In recent years , with the development of pragmatics , pragmatic approaches have been adopted in the explanation of translation procedure , process and product .

  26. 在计算机程序设计中,高级语言程序中的一种语句,用于通知翻译程序已到达源程序末端。

    In computer programming , a statement in a high level language program to inform the translator that the end of the source program has been attained .

  27. 这方面机器不能代替人,无论多好的翻译程序,翻译结果都必须由人来检查以保证质量。

    A machine can 't substitute for a human here ; it doesn 't matter how good a translation program is , the translation must be checked by a real person to ensure quality .

  28. 翻译应用程序会生成一个标准Java源文件,以及一个SQLJ序列化配置文件(sqljappSJProfile0.ser)。

    Translating the application generates a standard Java source file , plus an SQLJ serialized profile ( sqljapp_SJProfile0 . ser ) .

  29. 糟糕的设计会导致翻译应用程序后要做额外的工作。

    Bad designs can cause extra work after the application is translated .

  30. 浅淡翻译的程序

    On the Procedure of Translation