
fān yì kònɡ zhì
  • translation control;translational control
  1. TOR信号转导通路介导的翻译控制

    Translation Control Regulated by TOR Signaling Pathway

  2. 日本血吸虫翻译控制肿瘤蛋白(TCTP)基因真核表达质粒的构建及其序列分析

    Construction of eukaryotic expression plasmid and sequence analysis of TCTP gene of Schistosoma japonicum Chinese strain

  3. 目的研究日本血吸虫翻译控制肿瘤蛋白(TCTP)基因的生物学功能。

    Objective To study the biological function of Schistosoma japonicum translationally controlled tumor-associated protein ( SjTCTP ) .

  4. 华支睾吸虫翻译控制肿瘤蛋白(TCTP)基因的鉴定及其编码区序列克隆

    Identification and sequence cloning of a novel gene encoding translationally controlled tumor protein ( TCTP ) of Clonorchiasis sinensis

  5. 翻译控制肿瘤蛋白(Thetranslationallycontrolledtumorprotein,TCTP)最初发现于肿瘤组织,后来又从其他组织中相继分离出来。

    The translationally controlled tumor protein ( TCTP ) was firstly discovered in tumor tissues and separated in other tissues subsequently .

  6. 翻译控制肿瘤蛋白(TCTP)在包括细胞生长、细胞周期进行以及细胞癌变等多种细胞活动中占有重要地位,具有多种生物学功能。

    The translationally controlled tumor protein ( TCTP ) has attracted the attention of many researchers for its important role in various biological and cellular processes , such as cell growth , cell cycle progression and tumor reversion .

  7. 目的:miRNAs是一类高度保守的非编码RNA,通过抑制翻译,控制mRNA剪切,促进mRNA降解等手段调控成百个靶基因,在肿瘤的发生发展中都扮演着重要角色。

    Objective : MiRNAs are a group of highly conserved non-coding RNA and control hundreds of target genes by inhibiting translation , regulating mRNA splicing , promoting mRNA degradation and other measures . Therefore , they play an important role in tumor development .

  8. 计算机将信号翻译成控制信号,驱动安装在手臂上的小型马达。

    The computer translates them into signals that control small electric motors in her new arm and hand .

  9. 本网站可以提供与不在翻译中国控制之下的其他网站的链接。

    This Web Site may provide links to other web sites that are not under the control of FanE 『 TransChina 』 .

  10. 网守是IP电话的管理设备,具有地址翻译、呼叫控制接纳等功能,在多媒体通信中起着重要作用。

    Gatekeeper , the intelligence component in the IP net , lays an important role in the multimedia communication , which can accomplish address translation , call admission , call control services , etc.

  11. 翻译与信息控制

    Translation and information control

  12. 该系统的特点是以一个统一的翻译处理程序控制运行四个语言翻译系统。

    The characteristic of the system is that it is able to control and run four different MT systems with one united translating programme .

  13. 在这种情况下,建立新的系统的理论体系对规范翻译批评,控制译本质量有着重要意义。

    Thus , to establish a new and organic system will be of importance to the standardization of translation criticism and will be benefit to the effective quality control .

  14. 从对翻译话语的控制入手,求真意志一针见血地披露了本原的虚妄,将其归于权力和知识的共谋中;

    Exploring from the constraints imposed on the translation discourses , the will to truth sharply reveals the illusions of origin and ascribes it to the complicity between power and knowledge ;

  15. 程序自动生成过程参考编译器各阶段进行设计,包括对EXCEL表格填写内容的错误检查,优化生成XML形式的中间代码,以及设计一个程序生成器来读取中间代码并翻译生成C语言控制程序。

    The process of program self-generation is designed with reference to the steps of compiler , including the error check of EXCEL , the optimization and generation of XML as intermediate code and the design of program generator which generates C language control program from XML file .

  16. 泛素化是一种重要的蛋白质翻译后修饰,控制着细胞内大量的重要过程。

    Ubiquitination is an important posttranslational protein modification , regulating a host of critical cellular processes .

  17. 欧美在字幕翻译策略和质量控制方面的研究都较为广泛和深入。

    In Europe and America there has been an upsurge in studies of multimedia translation , translation strategies and quality control of subtitle translation .

  18. 译码单元由指令缓存器和指令译码器构成,针对12位的指令代码翻译成16位控制信号,传送给处理器内部各个部件,用以保证各部件正常工作。

    The encoding unit , composed of instruction buffer and command encoder , translates the 12-bit command code to 16-bit control signal , and ensures each part of the system to work steadily .

  19. 本研究对教材翻译实践、翻译质量控制、翻译策略的选择、译者实践能力提升都有重要的启示与借鉴意义。

    The research will hopefully provide some important implications for textbook translation , translation quality control , the choice of translation strategies and self-improvement of the translator .

  20. 专业规范则说明翻译规范在翻译过程中的控制和指引作用。

    As for professional norms , they illustrate the controlling and guiding functions of translation norms in the translation process .

  21. 西方国家开展理论研究较为广泛和深入,在翻译策略,翻译规范和质量控制方面都形成了一定的共识和规范。然而,国内对电影字幕翻译的研究,至今尚未有成体系的理论出现。

    Western countries develop a further and deeper research in terms of film subtitle translation and they get a consensus and norm on translation strategies and translation norm . But there is no systematic theory on subtitle translation in China till now .

  22. 然而,作为影视翻译的一种,我国的字幕翻译在翻译策略、翻译规范和质量控制等方面远远落后于西方国家。

    However , as one kind of AVT , the translation of subtitle lags much behind in terms of translation strategy , translation norm and translation quality etc to some extent compared with Europe .

  23. 西方由于其语言模式的特殊性,在字幕翻译方面的理论研究开展得比较广泛和深入,在翻译策略、翻译规范以及质量控制等方面都形成了一定的标准和共识。

    Researches on AVT have been carried out more extensively and intensively in the West due to their special language patterns , and have formed certain standards and consensus in translating strategies , norms and quality control .

  24. 以往相关研究主要集中在研究时空限制对字幕翻译的影响、与多媒体翻译相关联的字幕翻译、字幕翻译的策略、字幕翻译的质量控制以及字幕标准化等方面。

    The past research mainly focused on time and space constraints , its relevance to multimedia translation , strategies adopted , quality control and standardizations .