
  • 网络corps de ballet;group dancing
  1. 演员6至12人不等,现代演出以群舞形式为多。

    The dancers are6 to12 , and most modern performances are group dancing .

  2. 阿拉伯舞蹈东方舞是阿拉伯风情的女子群舞。

    Arabian dance Oriental Dance is women collective dance full of Arabian elegance .

  3. 长安汽车:在国际资本舞台跳群舞

    Changan Automoble : The dancing on International Capital Stage

  4. 有没有我能一边喝酒一边欣赏草群舞的地方?

    Are there any places where I can watch a hula-show while I am drinking ?

  5. 无论是揭示人物内心世界的独舞、双人舞和动人心魄的群舞,都很有光彩。一种单独一个人的舞蹈或舞蹈造型。

    A solo dance or dance figure .

  6. 在舞蹈编舞技法中的双人舞、三人舞、群舞技法的结合。

    In the dance choreography technique in the pas de deux , three dances , dance technique combined with .

  7. “喔,你是想演喜剧,还是杂耍剧,还是当群舞演员。”

    " Well , do you want to get in a comedy or on the vaudeville or in the chorus ?"

  8. 观察结果进一步证明微弱光线是影响蚊虫的群舞和叮刺活动的主要因素,这两高峰随微弱光线的来临而出现,又随微弱光线的消失而消失。

    Results of the observation prove that twilight is the principal factor influencing the swarm-ing and biting activity of the mosquitoes .

  9. 结论对中国当代群舞艺术创作做出了简略的历史评价和未来展望。

    The conclusion gives the evaluations about the achievements of ensemble dance in the history , also the expectation for the future .

  10. 其中既有群舞表演,也有独舞表演,歌曲的类型包括摇滚乐、嘻哈音乐、流行音乐、乡村音乐和经典的眼滚歌曲等等。

    The men perform both group and solo numbers to a track of rock , hip-hop , pop , country and classic rock songs .

  11. 今年九月,林隽永开始成为巴黎歌剧院芭蕾舞团的四人组演员——群舞演员中的初级成员。

    In September , Mr. Lam began work as a quadrille , on the first rung of the ladder in the corps de ballet .

  12. 就像在芝加哥一样,到了群舞队首次上场的那一刻,她怯场了,但后来她就恢复了平静。

    As in Chicago , she was seized with stage fright as the very first entrance of the ballet approached , but later she recovered .

  13. 第三章主要围绕笔者实践中创作的民族民间舞蹈作品,以线条构图和复杂图案构图为线索,梳理对于独舞、双人舞、群舞的调度应用。

    The third chapter the author practice in creation of ethnic folk dance works , to line of composition and complex pattern composition two to describe .

  14. 一小群人排队给客人送行。第二天,嘉莉准时去报到,被安排在群舞队里。

    A small crowd is lined up to see the guests off . On the morrow Carrie reported promptly and was given a place in the line .

  15. 她发现当群舞演员并不是什么很好的事,而且她还知道了她的薪水是每周12块钱。

    She found it was not such a wonderful thing to be in the chorus , and she also learned that her salary would be twelve dollars a week .

  16. 我的演出经常是群舞和充满热情的展示,但也可能参加唱歌,演戏,传统的滑稽表演和喜剧表演。

    My shows usually incorporate dance and fire retention displays , but may also involve singing , acting , traditional burlesque , and comedy . The singer gave an erratic performance .

  17. 剧中大量运用芭蕾特有的足间旋转的形式来刻画人物的内心,而通过群舞来展现普通百姓迫切改变自身命运的决心!

    The application of ballet peculiar sufficient a rotating forms to portray the heart , and through the yi to show ordinary people urgent change the fate of its own determination !

  18. 第二届全国中小学艺术展演中,校管弦乐合奏《山丹丹开花红艳艳》、校园剧《心愿》、群舞《绿色回响》等获得两个一等奖和一个二等奖。

    In the Second National Arts Performances Exhibition for the primary and secondary students , the orchestral ensemble " red flowers blooming all over the mountain ", the school opera " wish " and the dancing " Green Echo " were awarded two first prizes and second prize , respectively .