
qún tǐ
  • group;population;commune;colony;bunch;fraternity
群体 [qún tǐ]
  • (1) [colony]∶由许多同种生物的个体组成的整体

  • (2) [group]∶同类人或事物组成的整体

  • 英雄群体

群体[qún tǐ]
  1. 红色(英文)草原红牛群体中微卫星DNA多态性的研究

    Polymorphism of Microsatellite DNA in Grassland Red Cattle Population

  2. R~n(n≥3)上群体遗传学中的选择迁移模型

    In R ~ n ( n ≥ 3 ) a Selection-Migration Model in Population Genetics

  3. 在政治上,他总是为弱势群体奋斗。

    In politics , he was a champion of the underdog .

  4. 这个报告评估了艾滋病对同性恋群体的影响。

    The report assesses the impact of AIDS on the gay community .

  5. 这些信念在某些社会群体中仍很盛行。

    Those beliefs still prevail among certain social groups .

  6. 尊严和自豪已深深扎根于这个群体之中。

    Dignity and pride run deep in this community .

  7. 制订特殊课程,以满足特定群体的需要。

    Special programmes of study are tailored to the needs of specific groups .

  8. 这些动物按母系群体生活。

    The animals live in matriarchal groups .

  9. 社会若要成为一个统一的群体,它的成员就必须有共同的价值观。

    If society is to exist as a unity , its members must have shared values .

  10. 在该国不同的地区发生了群体暴力事件。

    Communal violence broke out in different parts of the country .

  11. 在这一群体里,这种疾病在不同的动物身上有着不同的表现。

    Different animals in the colony had different manifestations of the disease

  12. 这笔钱将用于由更广泛的社会群体所选出的项目。

    The money goes to projects chosen by the wider community .

  13. 这张图就会显示出这些群体之间的关联。

    The chart can then display the links connecting these groups .

  14. 较年长的美国人是这个国家最忠实的选民群体之一。

    Older Americans are among this country 's most faithful voters .

  15. 老年人是社会中尤为明显的弱势群体。

    Old people are particularly vulnerable members of our society .

  16. 在法国,农场主是强有力的政党支持群体。

    In France , farmers are a powerful political constituency .

  17. 我们社会的团结遭到了一小撮滋扰生事、不安分守己的群体的威胁。

    The unity of our society is threatened by troublesome and restless minorities

  18. 这场危机的根源是这两个群体之间积怨已深的敌对情绪。

    The crisis is rooted in deep rivalries between the two groups .

  19. 在老年群体中女性占大多数,因为男性的寿命往往较短。

    In older age groups women predominate because men tend to die younger

  20. 无生活依靠的单身母亲是福利救济申领者中人数增长最快的群体之一。

    Unsupported mothers are one of the fastest-growing groups of welfare claimants .

  21. 这些学生是从成长背景具代表性的候选群体中选取出来的。

    The students are drawn from a cross-section of backgrounds .

  22. 他为弱势群体奔走呼号,赢得了全国的尊敬。

    His doughty campaigns for the underprivileged have earned him national respect .

  23. 检验一个社会是否文明的办法就是看它怎样对待其少数群体。

    The test of any civilised society is how it treats its minorities .

  24. 必须重新考虑政府对待这一弱势群体的政策。

    There must be a rethink of government policy towards this vulnerable group .

  25. 我们长期受苦受难的采矿群体应该得到比这更好的待遇。

    Our long-suffering mining communities deserve better than this .

  26. 全世界各国政府都为中高收入群体提供过住房补贴。

    Around the world , governments have subsidized the housing of middle and upper-income groups

  27. 最需要这种指导的社会群体是青年男性。

    The section of society most needful of such guidance is the young male .

  28. 黑人群体大声疾呼,要求维护有色人种的权利。

    Black communities spoke up to defend the rights of all people of color .

  29. 亟须更多来自少数民族群体的治安官。

    There is a crying need for more magistrates from the ethnic minority communities .

  30. 种族主义的抬头让锡克教徒很担忧,因为他们是力量非常薄弱的少数群体。

    The rise of racism concerns Sikhs because they are such a visible minority .