
  • Medusa;GORGON;Gorgon Medusa
  1. 明亮的X射线其实是美杜莎头发左侧的一个黑洞形成的。

    The bright X-ray source found towards the left side of Medusa 's hair is a black hole .

  2. 它是美杜莎的头,能把他们变成石头。

    It 's the Medusa 's head , that turns them to stone .

  3. 在古希腊神话中,美杜莎可以用目光将看到她的人变成石头。

    In ancient Greek mythology , Medusa 's gaze turns onlookers to stone .

  4. 贾斯珀希望这个石头的蛇发女怪美杜莎会把汽车和汽车主人们都变成石头。

    Jasper hopes the stone Medusa will turn cars and their owners to stone .

  5. 他告诉我那是蛇发女怪美杜莎。

    What it was and he told me that it was Medusa , the Gorgon .

  6. 避免看到美杜莎。

    Avoid looking at Medusa .

  7. 我问他这是什么,他告诉我这是蛇发女怪美杜莎。

    I asked him what it was and he told me that it was Medusa , the Gorgon .

  8. 美杜莎是希腊神话中被海神看中的一个不幸女人。

    Medusa was the unfortunate woman in the Greek myth who was loved by the God of the sea .

  9. 蛇发女怪美杜莎,她那颗能把活人变成顽石的头颅,允许你只要在镜中看就行。

    The head of Medusa that turns living men to stone , you have been allowed to look at in a mirror merely .

  10. 此豪宅门口悬挂黄金美杜莎头像,内有镶嵌着24克拉黄金瓷砖的游泳池,很显然,这座豪宅吸引了很多出名的潜在购买者。

    With golden Medusa heads on the gates and a swimming pool inlaid with 24-karat gold tiles , the property has apparently attracted several famous potential buyers .

  11. 另外两个习惯“保持谨慎”和“避免看到美杜莎”可帮助您构建松散耦合的模块。

    Two of the other habits " Be modest " and " Avoid looking at Medusa " help you work toward building modules that are loosely coupled .

  12. 他们来到冥界,找到了地狱三女巫。这三个女巫告诉珀尔修斯,蛇发女怪美杜莎的头颅可以杀死挪威海怪。

    They come to Garden of Stygia and find the three Stygian Witches , who tell Perseus that the head of the Gorgon Medusa could kill the Kraken .

  13. 坐落在美杜莎星云中间的水母星云(英文直译为“长发星云”)在希腊神话中是毒蛇来的是由星系碰撞形成的波浪尾巴。

    Located above the center of the Medusa galaxy , the'hair ' - made of snakes in the Greek myth-is a tidal tail formed by a collision between galaxies .

  14. 现代性是一个极具动态性的概念,其流变与内涵十分地复杂,就像希腊神话中的美杜莎一样,总是呈现出多重面孔。

    " Modernity " is a very dynamic concept ,( the changes and connotations are very complex ) like the Medusa in Greek myth , always showing a multiple faces .

  15. 美杜莎,一条8岁的巨蟒,测量为25英尺2英寸长,刚被评为吉尼斯世界纪录有史以来人工饲养的最长的蛇,以350磅的重量轰的一声出现在2013年版的记录册上。

    Medusa , an 8-year-old giant of a python , measures 25 feet and 2 inches inlength , and has just been named the longest snake ever in captivity by theGuinness World Records , landing with a 350-lb. thud in the 2013 edition of therecord books .